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The Tscheppaschlucht is a gorge or canyon on the Loibl river. It has some spectacular views of the gorge proper as well as the water sprays. Not a good place to take children or people with mobility difficulties. There are bus tours running out of Klagenfurt or you can travel to the area your self and after walking through there are dedicated buses which take you back to the car park (in season)
I'm living near the Tscheppaschlucht and have walked through this gorge many times. To me, it is probably one of the most butiful spots in Carinthia. Don't finish your hike right at the end of the gorge but continue either into Bodental or Loibltal. The paths are neither long nor challenging, but they'll lead you to some inns were you can enjoy local cuisin, instead of waiting next to a busy road right at the end of the gorge.
This is a must when in the area! Buy Kärtnen Card first - then it is even more worth the money. Dont underestimate the path. Need some experience. Absolutly nice are the viewpoints, bridges and waterfalls. And your are picked up and brought back to the parking lot by shuttle bus. Avoid taking young kids or dogs - you might lose them!
Very nice mix of hiking and climbing. Their adventure park is fun and there are different levels according to different competences, making it very nice for a variety of people. It's also very cheap :)
Go to Tscheppaschlucht when there is bad weather. you will enjoy the pahs with no-one disturbing you. Overcrowded when good weather. Pure solitude when raining
This is walk in nature - forest, waterfalls, peace. Great for verybody who has the ability to walk from one end to the other - if I remember correctly it takes cca 2 hours with a normal walking pace.
First of all, we didn't find it without help (after you left the town where it is located according the website, just follow the road untill you see the big parking place). The parking fee is 2euro/day - you pay when you leave. A small buffet can be found at parking place. You have to walk about 5-10 minutes to arrive the entry of Tscheppaschlucht (here is a Wc, and buffet). The ticket was 7,5 euro/adult, which included a bus ride, so keep the ticket! Good shoes are necessary. Mostly not hard, but there are some little difficult part (for small children or for older people), you have to go up and down too. There is some point, where you can go out of the area, and get a bus, to go back to parking place (we waited about 20 minutes to the bus), we came out at the first bus stop possibility, since we were with small children, and we realised, this is harder and longer with them, than what we expected. So better to check the map before start (you can stop and turn back in time (on foot), if you know the trip takes you just more and more far from the parking place. It was nice, if you are around, good to visit, but I recommend not to come to the area just because of this.
Die schönste Schlucht weit und breit. Vor dem Tschappaschluchteingang muss man zuerst durch einen Waldseilpark, der sensationell ist. Der Besuch der Tschappaschlucht ist ein MUSS, den man nie mehr vergisst!
Wenn man Kärnten besucht muß man auch unbedingt die Tscheppaschlucht besuchen, man beginnt am Parkplatz (kostet pro Pkw am Tag 2 Euro) man geht dann ca.20min bis zur Kasse (7Euro Eintritt) neben einen schönen Gebirgsfluss entlang, Aufstieg führt durch die Schlucht wo man auf Brücken und Leitern entlanggeht, vorbei an einem schönen Wasserfall, oben angekommen kann man sich in Windisch Bleiberg stärken und mit den bereitgestellten Bussen wieder zurück am Parkplatz fahren, Unbedingt auch im Bodental das "Meerauge" ansehen und am Beginn kurz nach dem Parkplatz sich die Zeit nehmen für den Waldseilpark :)Das wäre nur eine Kurzfassung von dem was man alles erleben kann, dann wünsche ich euch viel Spaß :) Lg
Abbiamo fatto Una bella camminata..percorsi stupendi.un posto bellissimo.peccato soltanto che siamo arrivati alle due e non abbiamo fatto in tempo fare tutti percorsi
Super Landschaft, man sollte etwas Kondition habe, bedingt geeignet für Hunde und Kleinkinder. Man sollte unbedingt bis zum Schluss gehen, zurück kann man bequem mit den Bus fahren. Landschaftlich ein Traum sehr viele Wasserfälle ein echtes Naturschauspiel.
Wenn man recht gut zu Fuß ist, ein absolutes Highlight. Für kleine Kinder jedoch nur begrenzt geeignet, da teilweise steil und mit vielen Stiegen.Wenn man genug Kondition hat, sollte man bis ins Bodental weiterwandern, ca. 60 Minuten mehr. Lohnt sich aber in jedem Fall. Bus fährt auch von dort zurück.
Ho fatto il tragitto a piedi dalla base fino al gasthof Deuscher Peter passando per la bellissima cascata. A passo svelto ho impiegato 1h30m. Il percorso è lungo un sentiero molto bello con passerelle e scalette in legno. In metallo solo in prossimità della cascata. All'arrivo è possibile tornare alla base con un servizio di autobus. Percorso adatto a tutti incluso i bambini, consigliate scarpe alte a protezione della caviglia (ma questo consiglio vale per tutti i percorsi dove il fondo è accidentato). Alla partenza del percorso c'è un parco di passerelle, funi, piattaforme, ecc tra gli alberi che si può percorerre con l'attrezzatura (imbragatura e casco) inclusa nel prezzo. Io personalmente non ho provato questa attrazione. Solo la camminata.
C'est un véritable régale que de se promener le long de la Loiblbach, tantôt torrent, tantôt une succession de cascades étroites. Le sentier qui la longe est vraiment magnifique. Plusieurs parcours sont possibles selon le temps dont vous disposé, ou de votre fatigue ou celle de vos enfants. La balade est payante, mais cela donne droit au retour en bus sur présentation du billet jusqu'au parking (qui est aussi le point de départ de la balade) situé après Ferlach.
Splendido percorso che costeggia il fiume fino ad arrivare alla cascata, bellissima...si ma per arrivarci alla cascata.....!!! per chi soffre di vertigini come me ci sono dei punti che...come dire, ti mettono un po A DURA prova....ma ne vale comunque la pena. Passeggiare (a volte arrancare arrampicandosi su "scalinate" a strapiombo) nella boscaglia costeggiando cascate e cascatelle e ponticelli per 4 orette un esperienza meravigliosa anche se un po faticosa se siete allenati quanto una polpetta come me! Acqua e roccia che si fondono in un emozionate escursione!