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On the way from Graz to Sankt Johann im Pongau we stopped in late afternoon in Klagenfurt. After wandering the city center for a while we found the Gasthasu im Landshaushof betweene the the lunch and dinner rushes. Virtually empty we sat down and had the goulash which was out of this world. Followed by espresso, we were then ready to resume our drive. when in Klagenfurt, this restaurant is a must.
The Landhaus was partly closed but still worth a look at a very low price. 2 euros. The ceilings are very Italian in style and the Trompe-l'œil on the ceiling is fun to track across the room
The location is beautiful, the food was delicious and the waiter was very friendly. Definitely one of our favorite restaurants in Austria.
This is an excellent eating place in the city centre. The Carinthian specialities such as the tongue in a broth are highly to be recommended. Inside, the appointments are stylish and the waiting staff helpful and pleasant. This would be very high up on my list of Klagenfurt favourites. One small gripe: why are the toilets here and in so many European restaurants down a long flight of steep stairs. Awkward for the elderly to say the least!
Sunday night in Klagenfurt can be difficult to find any restaurant but stumbled upon Gasthaus in Landhaushof and wasn't disappointed. Had the goulash soup, thick, flavoursome and piping hot. Followed up by the Perch on a bed of new season Spargel. Fish cooked to perfection and asparagus as they should taste. With a bottle of Gruner Vetliner, perfect. Attentive service and for this Australian with a little German language knowledge, just great.
This restaurant in the center of Klagenfurt has been of my favorites ever since my first visit back in 2007. Good value for money. Nice choice of dishes, wines and beers.
Recommended by our hotel to try authentic local cuisine. He wasn't wrong. Had the Emporers meal. A mix of three meats, beef, ox tongue and silverside served in a broth. The way the Emporers devoured this delight was to eat the meats and then finish off the broth. Very tasty. Great atmosphere and helpful and obliging wait staff.
Well situated and convenient. Late night sat inside and sunday brunch sat outside. Both good meals
Do not forget to visit the Wappensaal - the coat of arms hall with more than 600 coat of arms. Be aware that it can be closed, call before visiting
В центр города Клагенфурта взметнулись ввысь две светлые башни Ландхауса. Кажется, что они олицетворяют собой все самое лучшее каринтийской земли. Здание Ландхауса прекрасно смотрится в любое время года. К сожалению, зимой закрыты для посещения залы со знаменитыми росписями. Но, несмотря на это, в архитектуре здания чувствуется мощь и объединяющая сила древних родов Каринтии.
Si tratta del palazzo del governo regionale carinziano. Merita una visita soprattutto per la grande sala degli stemmi, sicuramente particolare con i suoi 665 stemmi dipinti e rappresentanti le famiglie di feudatari ed ecclesiastici che avevano diritto di voto nel parlamento carinziano. Ingresso 3 euro. Tempo per la visita 30 min.circa.
Oltre all'edificio, non si può non venire ad assaggiare le prelibatezze che offre questo locale.Noi abbiamo provato tutte le portate di stagione fuori menù ed anche alcuni piatti classici, veramente buonissimi!Staff gentile, piatti presentati bene, molto abbondanti e ottima birra!
Wenn Sie auf dem Platz vor dem Klagenfurter Landhaus stehen, blicken Sie auf einen Bau aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, mit dessen Bau 1574 begonnen wurde, nachdem die alte landesfürstliche Burg schon im Jahre 1535 einem Brand zum Opfer gefallen war. Als Baumeister fungierte ein Hans Freymann aus Bleiburg, der vor allem einem älteren, quadratischen Gebäude an der heutigen Nordwestecke des Landhauses einen hakenförmigen Trakt anfügte, der über dem Untergeschoss den heutigen Großen Wappensaal und die Landstube, den heutigen Sitzungssaal, umfasste. Der geschichtsträchtige Bau beeindruckt vor allem durch seine Fassade und sehr schöne Fresken und war zu jeder Zeit eines der Zentren für die Entwicklung der so wechselhaften Kärntner Landesgeschichte, die bis in die Gegenwart immer wieder vor allem für bedingungsllose Heimatliebe und Heimattreue stand.
Само расположение местного парламента между двух высоких колоколен,официальный вход по внешней лестнице на 2-ой этаж (почти как вход в Фонтенбло)-с самого начала настраивают на приподнятый стиль.Здание изнутри с претензиями и прекрасно декорированными залами.Особенно впечатляет Гербовый зал.Посидели мы и в креслах депутатов местного парламента,послушали рассказ о непростой исторической судьбе этого края.
Schöne Fresken im zentral gelegenen Landhaus. Lernt man schnell und viel über die aktuelle und vergangene Kärntner Geschichte