4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Kind of a strange location, in the backstreets of an ordinary provisional town. But it's a really great place to spend a chunk of time. Loads of hands on stuff. Discovered what I knew already... that my daughter can scream at higher decibels than the rest of the family. But more importantly loads of stuff I didn't. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time and have some sustenance for on the way round!
We were delighted to discover that there are excellent descriptive panels in English as well as German. This is a great destination for children, particularly in the age range 7-12 but there is something for everyone here. It is both educational and fun. It got very crowded on the rainy day we visited. Not surprising as it was so good!
Note! This review is about the restaurant in Inatura, not the museum itself. My son (6) & I actually had a great time at the museum. However, things turned sour when we had a bite to eat at the restaurant. Dorbirn is right across the border from Switzerland. We live in Switzerland and assumed that as most good restaurants do, they take credit cards. We were wrong. I did not have enough Euros, so I had to pay in Swiss francs. The exchange rate they gave was absolutely THIEVERY! Today's interbank rate CHF/EUR is 1.213. They charged 1.54I had to pay CHF 11 extra. I can understand some nominal inconvenience charge, but this was more like revenge. And furthermore, just 8 - 10 paces away is the ticket desk for the museum. THEY accept credit cards. The technology is already in the same room. What excuse can a modern-looking retail business in the year 2014 have for NOT taking credit cards?Never again.
This is a beautifully thought through museum that is designed to delight and exercise your mind. You kids will love it but I myself felt quite mesmerised by all on display
its a absolut fine place to spend some time in dornbirn and to see lot of things about nature in this areaalso is the place mid in town absolut brillant
Great museum in an old industrial building. Tickets valid for whole day so you can come and go as you please. Cafeteria available with average food. Toilets at several points throughout the museum.You go upstairs and progress through various stages of the museum, finally coming down through the levels. This museum was funded by the town of Dornbirn and the area around it. It is a combination of life-size stuffed animals (lovely to stroke, provided you don't think about the ethics of stuffed beasts) and various natural history exhibits and many "experiments" for kids to try out or computers on which they can research stuff/play.It is difficult to convey how interesting this place is. It was not well signposted but the sat nav got it easily. It's just a few miles into Austria from Lake Constance.The stuffed animals are dotted thoughout the museum but the other stuff is collected into zones. You have experiements with magnets, with solar panels, with light, with fiber optics etc. A few devices didn't work but most did and the place got better, the more you went on. (Take a small torch or use the light on your mobile phone for the fiber optics thing..the one there was empty). The museum conentrates on teaching how to respect and conserve the environment (using the Austrian countryside as an example). You can watch films about the north pole (or was is the south one?), look at an amazing collection of crystals, see an enormous ant farm, climb up a wall, calculate your CO² emissions on a computer (switch the screen on for it to wake up). It is all very hands on with very few (ok, I saw none) signs saying "do not...." I would say that kids from around 4 to 16 and over will love it. Our youngest is 4 and our elsest 10 and they both loved it.Takes around 2.5 hours to get through but you could easily extend that by spending longer at some places. Adults will not feel bored and those who get tired will find plenty of places to sit and rest. There are water taps with drinking water so take your own bottle and some snacks to keep you going. Entrance fee is reaosnable..20 Euros for 2 adults and 2 kids (10 and 4). We even got a voucher for a half price ticket, valid for one year. Would highly recommend this place for any type of visit..families, schools, birthdays etc.Oh yeah, there are lockers and hangers to leave your coats, valuables etc. if you don't want to carry them all the time. There is also a nice garden outside but it was snowing so we didn't go there.
Das Inatura in der Nähe der Dornbirner Innenstadt überzeugt vor allem durch sein interaktives Konzept. Durch verschiedenste gut verständlich erklärte Versuchsaufbauten können Kinder natürliche Phänomene im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes hautnah ausprobieren. Die zahlreichen Tierpräparate sind Geschmacksache, letztlich kann ich das Museum aber durchaus empfehlen. Der etwas hohe Preis von 10,50 Euro lohnt sich.
Molto interessante, specialmente se visitato con bambini sopra 8 anni di eta .Due ore ben spese con la famiglia.
Jederzeit wieder. Es hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Es werden alle Sinne angesprochen. Die Sonderausstellung "Körper" ist sehr anschaulich umgesetzt.
Das Inatura ist ein Erlebnismuseum das für alle Altersgruppen interessant ist. Alles was in der Natur heimisch ist hat seinen Platz. Der Lebensraum der heimischen Pflanzen- und Tierwelt ist sehr ansprechend dargestellt. Informativ und begreifbar werden viele Dinge gut verständlich erklärt. Physik wird hier erlebbar gemacht. Besonders hat uns die Simulation der Lawine gefallen. Langweilig wird es hier nicht, man sollte für den Versuch genügend Zeit einplanen.
Eigentlich verdient es den Namen Museum nur bedingt,alles in die Jahre gekommen.Ein Museum vielleicht für Kids und total verregnete Tage.
Die Inatura soll, unter anderem, Interesse und Zuneigung für die Tierwelt wecken.Parallel dazu gibts im Inatura-Restaurant Tiere zu essen. Das ist voll daneben! Früher gabs auch im Gut Aiderbichl auch Tiere zu essen, das haben sie aufgehört. Ich hoffe dieses Bewusstsein verbreitet sich bald in alle Institutionen, die Tiere als fühlende Wesen sehen.
Inatura ist der ideale Platz schoene Stunden mit Deinen Kindern zu verbringen. Keine Langeweile, es ist nicht nur intressant fuer Kinder. Sehr lehrhaft und doch spielerisch fuer die Erwachsenen und die Kinder. Papa kann auch ein Bierchen geniessen waehrend der Rest sich herum tummelt.Das ist kein Museum im normalen Sinn. Es regt an mitzumachen.
Das Inature ist ein hübsch gemachtes Museum mit Ausstellungen über die Tierwelt (ideal für Mädchen bis 12 Jahre) und eine Ansammlung technischer Skurrilitäten (ideal für Jungs). Es wäre schön, gäbe es Audioguides, die zum Beispiel die Technik erklären würden. Bei schlechtem Wetter ein ideales Familienausflugsziel. Die Preise sind sehr fair.
Sehr interessante Ausstellung, nicht nur für Kinder sondern auch für Erwachsene! Die Ausstellung über den menschlichen Körper ist besonders empfehlenswert!