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This uniquely-designed cathedral was constructed in the early 17th century...




萨尔茨堡主座大教堂(Salzburg Cathedral):始建于774年,后经1614、1955年两次修葺,博物馆中有丰富藏品。萨尔茨堡主座大教堂建筑群含广场、教堂等,内有6000把规模的管风琴,曾举行过卡拉扬的葬礼。在正墙面上有4座巨大的雕像:手持钥匙和宝剑的圣徒彼得和保罗,手持盐瓶和教堂模型的州守护神圣徒鲁佩特和维吉尔。作为墙饰的2个印有花纹的盾代表了萨尔茨堡主座大教堂的两名主要建造者马库斯.西提库斯和巴黎斯.罗德龙。刻在门栅栏上的年代标志记录了“774”,“1628”,“1959”三个年代。它们使人们想起在这三年里的三次修葺。萨尔茨堡主座大教堂(德语:Salzburger Dom)是萨尔茨堡规模最大的教堂,是一座17世纪的巴克洛建筑。萨尔茨堡大教堂以其雄伟的立面和巨大的圆形屋顶体现了阿尔卑斯山一侧早期巴洛克风格雄伟的特征。大教堂广场构成了大教堂的前庭。在广场的中央矗立着1766-1771沃尔夫冈与约翰.巴布提斯特.哈根瑙尔为希基斯蒙.施拉腾巴赫伯爵大主教建造的圣母柱。它的历史见证了萨尔茨堡教主的至高无上的权力与独立性。 --百度百科现在的萨尔茨堡主座大教堂依旧保持着当时的外形,内部构造亦未遭损毁,可以说这处古迹是保存得较完好的。走进萨尔茨堡主座大教堂里面,用大理石和绘画装饰的教堂内部令人眼花缭乱,半球形的顶部镶嵌着十字架。其管风琴的规模堪称欧洲第一,共用了6000把管风琴。 从萨尔茨堡主座大教堂入口处上右侧台阶,还有一个展览着大教堂珠宝的大教堂博物馆(Dommuseum)需要购票进入。




为什么我觉得有特色呢~因为一般的教堂几乎只要有门就可以进出 这间教堂有三个门 只有中间的可以进出 而且在门中间有个小小的柜台坐了个修士 你进去时看到他的背 出来时会直接面对他的脸 他手上有个铁盒子是希望你可以乐捐.....我偷偷观察了一下...出去没有捐钱时那个修士的脸色很难看~所以我有点害怕的给了1欧...这时他亲切的问我:哪里来的啊?我说:台湾.... 他就拿出一张小卡片上面是来自上帝的祝福文....是繁体中文ㄝ!!还用中文跟我说谢谢!! 大家如果有机会去萨尔斯堡的话一定要进去参观这个美丽的教堂!




For a business traveler like me. Cathedrals are very important to brush up your spiritual side. Salzburg city cathedral is ages old and still holds the ground beautifully. A scenic place to be in and to find serious spiritualistic experience.


Rebuilt twice after its original construction, this cathedral is dedicated to Saints Rupert and Virgil. As usual for cathedrals, it is full of carvings, paintings, and stained glass.It is absolutely lovely; a place for just resting, or contemplation and reflection, amid a busy city full of bustling citizens and tourists alike. Well worth a visit.


Arriving early, we had the cathedral to ourselves for some time. With the sun streaming through the stained glass, it was beautiful, The artwork is stunning. Later, during our tour of the Cathefral Quarter which includes the Residenz and the Cathedral Museum, we saw the cathedral from the Organ Loft which was a different perspective


We visited Salzburg in feb 2015 and we walked around the old town, being told to see the cathedral, we made our way there , and we were floored at the beauty of the paintings on the ceilings and wall's a must see .free to entre donation on the way out well worth it.


This is one church you don't wanna miss. It is large and beautiful. Take about 1-2 hours to view. Donations are accepted. Go down into the catacombs. You will enjoy it. The towers are awesome. The second tower requires you to climb a couple hundred steps. If you are not in shape don't try it.


the cathedral with its 5 organs is beautifully decorated and full of history and splendour. plenty of photo opportunities.


As all churches in Europe even this one lives up to expectations. Beautiful frescos and carvings. Awesome statues . A definite visit!!


Attended the Sunday high mass. Like no other I've been to. The cathedral is vast and stunningly decorated. Words cannot describe it. A choral group (select chorus) from Ardsley New York sang the mass making the mass extra special. Heavenly voices in a magnificent cathedral made the mass a special event. A visit to this cathedral is a must.


Amazing! One of the most beautiful churches I have seen. Would highly recommend going down into the catacombs and going up both the north and south tower. North tower has a lift and gives amazing views. South tower is a narrow spiral of 343 steps - a bit of a work out but the view for each side in the top room is pretty spectacular.


We enjoyed visiting this beautiful Dom. It was a sunny day, and the light poured in through the many windows. It is beautifully "furnished", but not overly so. One could really enjoy the various paintings throughout. The man at the entryway had a lovely sense of humor.

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