archaeological museum of messenia
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开放时间: 暂无

Well designed museum gives a good orientation to ancient treasure that you will find at archaeological sites across the Peloponnese. Happy way to spend an hour or two.
We drove to the ruins of Messenia and were totally overwhelmed by the vast beauty! Sip fresh water from the well and walk through the their town. We sat in the arena and mentally transported ourselves back in time. We had dinner on the mountain top - did not want the day to end...a must see!
If you are visiting the site then this is worth a visit. I would not visit on it's own as the museum is very small. However having taken the trip to Ancient Messini then this cannot be missed to round off the experience.
An ancient site in a beautiful valley on the Pelopponese peninsular just outside of Kalamata, where you can hear the whisper of the ancients in the breeze.Visit the site and you will not have any regrets.It is a favourite of the locals from Kalamata and the best thing is that you will not be overcome by the hoards of tourist that you will find in Ancient Olympia.
Very informative, with nicely arranged exhibits in the historical section of Kalamata. Spent a very enjoyable hour. After visiting the museum also recommend walking to the nearby Church of Holy Apostles where the liberation of Kalamata from the Ottoman Turks was celebrated on March 23, 1821.
Local history per small regions since almost 2.500 BC! It is definetely worthwhile!! Friendly stuff.
There are only three rooms but this little museum has some wonderful finds from the site. Some of the statues are superb.
Archeological Museum of Messenia is situated in the heart of the old city of Kalamata. The building was a municipality market and when I was a children I remember my mother shopping food inside. Building was ruined by an earthquake back to 1986 and renovated few years ago to host the museum. It’s collections come from all Messenia territory and include objects from Neolithic era to Byzantine period. The concept of the exhibition is to visit the four different Provinces of Messenia each one containing objects from different eras. Normally is very quiet and you can stroll around having all the time to see the exhibits that are really impressive like the remains of a woman statue that according to the findings is pretty like the Liberty Statue of New York but thousands of years older. I loved the golden cup of Peristeria (1700 bc) and the Vessel with patterns as melted guitars or clocks of Dali. Along with the other very important museums of Messenia the one at Chora and other of Messini form a great triangle of archaeological museums that you should not miss.
Il museo copre un arco di storia che va dal periodo arcaico ai bizantini con interessantissimi reperti in selce, pietra, bronzo oltre a numerosi reperti numismatici. Peccato che per la mia vista alcuni reperti risultino scarsamente illuminati e alcuni cartelli descrittivi siano all'altezza del ginocchio difficili da leggere. In complesso a mio giudizio vale la pena una visita.
Η έκταση του μουσείο είναι μικρή, τα εκθέματά του εντυπωσιακά και δεν πρέπει να το παραλείψετε. Το επισκεφθήκαμε μετά την περιήγηση στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο και ήταν σωστή επιλογή.
μου άρεσε το κτήριο η παλιά αγορά της πόλης διαμορφούμενη σε μουσείο θα ήθελα να έχει και ηλεκτρονική ξεναγήσει
Το αρχαιολογικό μουσείο Μεσσηνίας βρίσκεται στο κέντρο της Καλαμάτας. Είναι ένα μικρό αλλά ενδιαφέρον και καλά οργανωμένο μουσείο. Καλύπτει μεγάλο μέρος της ιστορίας της περιοχής, με καλά διατυπωμένους πίνακες πληροφοριών, βίντεο και φωτογραφίες. Είναι χωρισμένο κατά περιοχές. Τα εκθέματα είναι σημαντικά, ιδιαίτερα εντυπωσιακά είναι τα ψηφιδωτά.
Mir hat dort alles gefallen,nur das dieses Jahr fast alles rundherum abgebrannt ist,aber die Natur erholt sich ja wieder.Wenn man Glück hat kann man mit einer Deutschsprachigen Führerin gehen die einem alles genau erzählt und da erfährt man natürlich die tollsten Geschichten.Z.b. das die Frauen nur zum Kinder kriegen da waren und für den Haushalt . Die Männer hatten ihren Spass mit Jünglingen und die Frauen hatten ihre Diener die ihnen alles was sie im Haus brauchten besorgten,die Frau verließ das Haus nie......blöd gel....aber so war es.
Рядом с музеем находится информационный туристический офис, где можно взять карту Каламаты с достопримечательностями, получить консультацию. В музее - хорошо, прохладно. Очень хорошая навигация в музее
Конечно лучше сюда приезжать с гидом. Очень интересные вещи рассказывают. Много сохранившихся древнегреческих статуй. Мастерство греческих мастеров превосходно. Экспонаты радуют глаз. Подросткам интересно.