sweetwater beach
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This famous beach with some streams of fresh and drinkable water is accesible only by boat from Loutro or Sfakia or on foot. From the road Sfakia - Anopoli is the A4 footpath (signed on road), there is also possible to park a car. For reach the beach we need cca 50 minuts of walk. During the way are few difficult places, thus good shoes are necessary. Beach is very impressive, under massive rock is a flat sandy and pebble beach with width approx. 50 m. Acces to the water is also very easy and flat. There is not a shade during the sunshine, only shadow is under several trees located on eastern part of beach.Taverna offers good meal and the best Frappe I have ever tried. Umbrelas and sunbeds are for rent in restaurant too. If you take a sunbed firs don`t worry, somebody from staff ask you for paying after.As usual in Sfakia this beach also is used as clothing optional. Only regulation is close to taverna, where the nudity is forbiden (info banner is there). Eastern part is almost 100% naturist.Water from streams (water wells) is possible to drink. Every well is signed (drink, shower, cooling). Toilet is close to taverna.
To get to this beach we parked on the side of the road and then took the 20 minute or so walk along the rock and cliff edge down to the beach. The parking is easy to find, just drive west out of Skafia until you get to the big right hand hairpin, park here at the side of the road. From here the walk is not easy and not pleasant if you don’t like heights. We enjoyed some time on the beach but to be honest would not make the effort to visit again as although it is lovely and remote, I don’t think my knees or nerves would thank me for it.
We came here pretty late - sun was already reaching the horizon, temperature began to fall down and we just came from the long way through the mountains.First thing I've noticed - the color of the water. It is unbelievably light-blue and even azure. It was a little colder than water on the other side of island, but it is much cleaned and very beautiful!Also when we came here, thee were few goats and lambs, just walking though lying people.
This takes its name (Sweet Waters) from the underground freshwater springs close to the sea (the water is drinkable), and sits at the base of a steep slope rising up some 400 m. The scenery is sensational.Narrow and small, the almost isolated beach has sand and small pebbles. The land drops away steeply into the deep waters, which are crystal-clear and very cold due to the spring-water. This wells up through the stones and collects in freshwater ponds here and there along much of the strand: the largest have steps down into them so that bathers can enter to enjoy their coolness.A few tamarisks exist, which offer shade. A canteen sits on a rock in the sea in which you can obtain food and water, as well as rent sunbeds and umbrellas. Like others in the area, Glyka Nera is most apt for diving because of the rocky seabed.
Sweetwater beach is a very special beach. It is just beneath a tall tall mountain side and the beach is no more that 30 meters from the sea to the mountain. In order to come here you must walk, either from Loutro or from the road between Chora Sfakion and Anapolis. If you walk from the road it is a steep path that at times can be difficult to see, but still safe to walk. But the most special is still the fact that on the beach you'll find small springs with cold sweetwater, hence the name. In some of them you can use the water for a shower and in some you can wash your clothes.There is also a tiny taverna with some essential food. Not much but what you need for a day..This is truly a special beach..
Well, not really, you can get a taxi boat from chora, we walked the coast path from loutro which was challenging but wonderful, the beach does have some gritty sand otherwise its pebbles so take flipflops to swim in, sunbeds and brollys to hire, small taverna and jetty at one end some trees at the back of the beach, so the early visitors can get natural shade, goats come down to the beach to drink the sweetwater, which is fresh water which flows out of the base of the cliff under the beach, worth going for the day, lunch at the 'mermaid' taverna just one of those places you should vsit at least once
A super beach with great swimming, nude sunbathing and a friendly if basic taverna.We've often parked the car at the layby above Sfakia, where the sign for this beach is clearly marked. The walk along a narrow path has fantastic views but definitely not flip flops as you will need decent trainers. Also, not a great idea for young children. You can take a small caique from either Sfakia or Loutro, we usually do the walk then take the caique back.It's a good work out to keep walking to Loutro. Remember a hat and water though as it's baking hot! The lay-by drawback is, once you get back to Sfakia, it's a long and hot walk up to it. I usually leave my family in a shady taverna and do it in about 30 mins. Well worth a day trip.
Sweetwater Beach is an absolute must-visit beach, especially if you're staying in Loutro. We took a small boat there every day while we were staying in Loutro as the main town beach is too busy for our liking. The short journey by boat is wonderful; the views of the limestone cliffs descending straight into the clear turquoise water is breathtaking. Arriving at Sweetwater for the first time takes your breath away it's so awesome, but at the same time is an experience we never tired of. The beach is sublime and swimming in the sea is wonderful especially as the temperature of the water is so refreshing (due to the fresh water from the mountains merging into the sea). It's such a novelty to be able to sit on the beach and scoop up fresh drinking water with your hands. The goats are very accomplished gymnasts as they descend from the mountains onto the beach without losing their footing. There's a lovely taverna there and sunbeds if you feel the need.
Sweetwater Bay (Glyka Nera) is a magical place. Accessible only by foot or by taxi-boat, it boasts its own off-shore tavern and two small pools of mineral-rich, potable water, and fine sand. When the ferry was cancelled, postponing our departure from Loutro, we walked to Sweetwater Bay and pitched our small tent on the beach. As the sun began to set, one by one everyone else packed up and headed for the E4 coastal path, leaving us in idyllic solitude. Bliss!
We spent 6 great days on this quiet beach in April. The walk from Hora is a bit scary with young kids - better to take water taxi. 90 minute easy walk to Loutro
we wlaked here every day, an adventure at first but that became a good daily work out 30 mins in moring and again evening from Chroa Sfakion.Georgios collects a good value for sunbeds and Nicos makes delightful souvlaki for lunch accompanied by friendly service and of course Raki!
Jeden Morgen um 10 fährt ein kleines Boot für 4-5 € einfach dorthin. Glasklares Wasser, herrlicher Blick, nicht ganz billige Liegestühle. Urige kleine Taverne an der Bootsanlegestelle mit gutem, manchmal auch ausgefallenem Essen - sehr günstig!Süßwasserquellen dienen als Duschwasser.Manchmal nerven die Ziegen, die immer etwas freesen wollen und sich kaum vertreiben lassen.
prendi la barca e si raggiunge questa spiaggia bellissima. andateci presto cosi prendete i migliori lettini, comunque non c'è mai la calca vera e propria . acqua favolosa, a volte fredda, ma trasparente. con le caprette come vicine d ombrelloni.il mare è da sogno, alla taverna si mangia bene anche se ovvaimente i prezzi sono piu alti
Sweetwater beach, o Glyka Nera, può essere raggiunta in due modi: a piedi oppure in barca, da Chora Sfakion o da Loutro. Per la prima opzione, il sentiero parte all'altezza del primo tornante della strada che porta all'altopiano di Aradena, ed è marcato da un cartello del sentiero E4. Consigliabile lasciare l'automobile nel parcheggio all'altezza della spiaggia di Iliegas, per risparmiare una decina di minuti di camminata rispetto a Chora Sfakion. E'possibile parcheggiare anche lungo la strada proprio all'altezza del tornante, un pò in mezzo alla carreggiata (la strada non è per nulla trafficata), ma la presenza di numerose capre rischia di far volare alcune pietre sulle vetture. Dalla partenza del sentiero alla spiaggia sono necessari circa 20 minuti di discesa, lungo un sentiero non semplicissimo (per chi non ha dimestichezza con sentieri di montagna) che corre ai piedi di una scogliera a picco sul mare, con un paio di passaggi che potrebbero causare problemi a chi soffre di vertigini, anche se per nulla pericolosi. Dal lato opposto, verso Loutro, il sentiero è notevolmente più agevole ma più lungo (circa un'ora).Da Chora Sfakion parte alle 10.30 una barca-taxi (Delfini) che porta alla spiaggia in una decina di minuti e poi prosegue verso Loutro. Il ritorno è alle 17.30. Questa è un'alternativa decisamente più comoda, specialmente in caso di giornate molto calde, per un prezzo onesto (4 euro a testa a tratta).La spiaggia è di piccoli ciottoli, situata in uno scenario mozzafiato, sotto pareti di roccia a picco alte centinaia di metri. La peculiarità di questa spiaggia è la presenza di sorgenti di acqua dolce (e potabile), che affiorano proprio in corrispondenza della spiaggia. Scavando una buca ed attorniandola con sassi più grandi è possibile usufruire di questa piacevole risorsa.La maggior parte della spiaggia, piuttosto lunga, è usufruita da naturisti, mentre nella parte più vicina alla taverna sul mare (personale molto simpatico e cordiale) è richiesto di restare in costume.La spiaggia è piuttosto bella, anche se certamente non offre i colori che si possono ritrovare altrove nell'isola, ma va apprezzata soprattutto per il paesaggio circostante, veramente unico. Notevole anche la pace che regna sovrana... data la difficoltà di raggiungimento, la spiaggia resta tranquilla e date le dimensioni i bagnanti si distribuiscono lungo la sua intera lunghezza.Presente una buona taverna e servizi igienici annessi, set di due lettini ed ombrellone a 6 euro.Unico neo le capre fastidiose ed insistenti disposte a salire su borse e lettini pur di rubare un pò di cibo: bisogna essere altrettanto decisi per allontanarle!
Echt een heel rustig en mooi strand. We zijn er twee keer geweest. Een keer vanuit Loutro. En een keer vanuit Skafia. De tocht er naar toe is al een belevenis. Het kleine restaurantje aan het strand heeft heerlijk eten en je kunt daar uren zitten! Perfect!!