church of the holy trinity
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nice to visit ,not spectaculair but a visit will cost you notthing more than a walk trow the town and the paintings are well preserved
I've been fortunate enough to visit a few churches or temples of similar age in my travels so the 1,000 year old church in Adamas on Milos was a special time. The church and the litany of artifacts and icons that so characterize Greek Orthodox churches makes the visit one of a kind. The courtyard surrounding the church invites visitors to sit and take in the holy site and it is worth the exploration.
In the centre of the port area, easily accessed and most informative
High above on the top of a hill overlooking the beautiful coast of Milos stands the magnificent 1,000 year old Church of the Holy Trinity. The views are breath taking and the visit to the little village is well worth your time. The little village of Adhamas is accessible via car, bike, or walking. The scenery is amazing when you reach the top and the jewel is the Church of the Holy Trinity. The ocean rock mosaics are beautiful and the colors of the ocean in the background are breathtaking.Wear comfortable shoes. The village appeared to be pretty wheelchair/stroller friendly. There are great little shops and cafes to grab a coffee, water, or ice cream. You can even find batteries for your camera here if you need and bathrooms. The locals are amazingly friendly and spoke enough English that we were able to communicate very well even through our Greek was seriously lacking.
Wir waren jetzt 10 Tage auf der Insel Milos in Adamas. Die über 1000jährige Church of the Holy Trinity steht oben auf dem Hügel von Adamas und überstrahlt das Ortsbild. Die kleine lebendige Hafenstadt liegt eingebettet wie in einem Hufeisen .Die unzähligen Restaurants und Geschäfte laden zum Verweilen ein. Hier kann man wunderschön Urlaub machen und genießen, man wird sehr freundlich und nett aufgenommen. Erwähnenswert sind die Katakomben an der Hafenstraße, die im 2. Weltkrieg als Unterkunft und für den Nachschub gedient haben. Milos ist immer eine Reise wert.
A igreja fica no centro de Adamas e pra chegar lá você terá que subir bastante! Mas vale a pena porque é um belo monumento.
A non più di 50 metri dal mare, nella zona del porto e in una delle viuzze affollate di negozi per turisti, sorge una piccola chiesa che merita senz'altro la visita del turista che non si accontenta di visitare taverne e frequentare spiagge. Il racchiuso spiazzo esterno presenta un grande disegno in pietre nere, grigie e bianche, secondo lo stile abbastanza frequente in questa parte di Cicladi. L'interno è una raccolta di icone lignee antiche, di iconostasi dipinte e impreziosite da una vena di intaglio davvero artistica, di oggetti di culto in materiale prezioso.Insomma un vero museo (ingresso gratuito): purtroppo tutte le pubbicazioni in vendita in loco sono soltanto in greco, ma vale comunque la pena di acquistarle per il corredo iconografico.