vorres museum
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The museum has a collection of around 100 paintings covering a variety of genres by contemporary Greek artists which are displayed in the light, airy, galleries. My guess (and it is only that) is that this is unique in Athens. I have managed to restrict myself to only uploading a handful of photographs, but I hope they are sufficient to give the flavour of this unusual museum which also includes sculptures in the extensive gardens. The original family house is also of interest. A guide book is available for 10 euros, and a very informative - not to say passionate - conducted tour with a expostion of many of the works is possible in Greek or English if you can make up a party. The museum is generally open only Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 (see the website www.vorresmuseum.gr/en/about), but if you are group of 20 or more, it may be possible to visit other times by appointment. How long a visit? Given that it's a long-ish bus ride (unless you have a car) I would suggest that if you only intend to take a quick glance, it isn't worth the journey! Otherwise, a couple of hours or more - especially if you have a guided tour.
We visited Vorres Museum with friends and we were impressed with the collection of folk art as well as the modern paintings and sculpture on display.The museum is located in the town of Paiania in a quiet neighborhood and has a most enchanting garden decorated with various forms of sculpture and artwork.We hope to visit the museum again in the future.
This is an amazing museum, the fruit of one man's passion and vision. It has one of the finest collections of modern Greek art in Greece as well as an eclectic display of folk art and culture set in wonderfully peaceful and shady extensive courtyard gardens. It should be on the must see list for visitors to Athens.
The premises of this foundation sprawl over six acres and hide from curious eyes one of the most beautiful Mediterranean gardens of Attica. The exhibition is divided into two main sections and in two different locations. The paintings and the sculptures of the museum of contemporary Greek art are exhibited inside an impressive modern building while in its wide courtyard there are fountains and other sculptures. The traditional 19th century manor (the home of Mr Vorres) with its lush garden and patios, contains the folk museum featuring housing antiquities, icons, ceramics, popular artifacts and objects used in daily Greek life centuries ago. Inside this extraordinary space, there is a creative workshop where children are shown how to free their imagination and inspiration applying them on different art techniques.All their installations, sculptures or paintings show the names of the young artists and visitors of the Museum can buy them. The money collected goes to charity and this is how the children start their artistic career.It was such a surprise to find this hidden gem out of the beaten track!
Aos viajantes a Grecia, nao perca oprotunidade de ir a este museu. Fica fora de Athenas, necessario ir de taxi ou outro tipo de transporte. desfrute meio dia para ver as obras e quadros deste museu que oferece uma ampla variedade de obras de artes desde conteporaena e moderna. como todas as atracoes turisticas de Grecia, vah com sapatos confortaveis porque vao andar em pavimentos de pedras, com risco de escorregar se forem com sapatos de salto ou escorregadia, alem das escadas durante o percurso.
Αυτο το καταπληκτικο και φτιαγμενο με μερακι απο τον κυριο Βορρε μουσειο μας εχει βγαλει ασπροπροσωπους σε οσους απο τους ξενους επισκεπτες αποφασισαν να το επισκευθουν. Η αγαπη για τους Ελληνες μοντερνους καλλιτεχνες αλλα και για την ιδια την ελλαδα και τα καλλιτεχνικα μυαλα της, ειναι ολη ομορφα τακτοποιημενη στις ανετες αιθουσες του μουσειου. Απο την αλλη μερια το παρελθον με μια γλυκεια αναμνηση να περιπλανιεται στους υπεροχους κηπους με τα τριανταφυλλα και τα νουφαρα και μεσα στις αιθουσες με τα αυθεντικα παλαια γλυπτα τις εικονες και τα επιπλα αναμνησεις ενος ενδοξου,με νομους ,και αληθειες παρελθοντος.Σας ευχαριστουμε για το ταξειδιΓιωργος