archaeological museum of dion
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The Archeological museum of Dion is on some distance from the Archeological Park, in the centre of the village. Going by car, you can park behind the building and then walk shortly along the walking street to the Museum. It is surprisingly large, three floors of museum contains the artefacts from excavations on the Site, mosaics, statues, and so on. The most interesting for me was an ancient musical instrument named Hydraulis, from ca 100 BC, a forerunner of the church organ functioned by using water to get sound in the pipes. The instrument was found on the site, and in the museum you can also see ancient reliefs depicting it in work. The Archeological site and museum are better to be seen the same day to understand the context of findings and to see the connection the best way.
It's a small museum which exhibits the finds from the ancient city of Dion. The museum is located in the nowadays village of Dion, a few minutes walk from the archeological site. We were coming from Platamonas, the signs are quite enough so it's easy to find it. The museum has 3 floors, each dedicated to different sections of the ancient Dion. There are quite a lot of perfectly preserved marble statues, also a Fantastic bronze head of the Roman emperor Alexander Severus. You'll also see the hydraulis - the ancient organ. On the last floor there's a huge collection of ancient Greek style pottery. There's a cheeky find - look for a small vase in the middle of the row with pottery, there's a naked woman bending and hmm, something else depicted which I won't share here for reasons of Trip Advisor policies :) You have to see it yourself :)There are plenty of signs with translation in English.You can get some souvenirs from the shop at the museum. Sadly, there are almost no souvenirs dedicated especially to Dion. I only got a few postcards. Most of the other things are marble replicas of statues, but neither of the statues were copies of those exhibited at the museum, and almost none of the books are in other language than Greek. Outside the museum there's a small souvenir shop, same issue with the copies of statues and pottery, but there are a few books in a variety of languages, dedicated to Dion.
Located at the base of Mt. Olympus, Dion is a very important site that has an illustrious history. You can walk the site and imagine the ancient structures although little more than the foundation remains of some of the most important buildings. The mosaics were incredible and the museum contains many of the artifacts from the site. It was a great day trip from Litochoro and a great alternative for those who don't want to hike the mountain yet want to enjoy the history and landscape.
Park und Museum in einem, ideal zum Spazieren gehen.Ist im Sommer wegen der Vegetation ein beliebter "kühler" Ort.
Το μουσείο βρίσκεται σε πολύ ωραίο χώρο, με αυλή, έχει έναν όροφο και υπόγειο, πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα η περιγραφή της ύδραυλης, του πιο αρχαίου μουσικού οργάνου, συλλογές από νομίσματα, αγγεία ολοκληρωμένα, πανέμορφα αγάλματα..Στο ισόγειο παρακολουθήσαμε ένα 10λεπτο βιντεάκι του καθηγητή Παντερμαλή, που ήταν ο κύριος 'διευθύνων' των ανασκαφών, αλλά ήταν πολύ γενικόλογο και δεν σε βοηθά ιδιαίτερα στην εξερεύνηση του τεράστιου αρχαιολογικού πάρκου που είναι παραδίπλα. Θα βοηθούσε πολύ ένα απλοποιημένο σχεδιάγραμμα του χώρου, κατανοητό και για παιδιά πού να δείχνει τα κυριότερα αξιοθέατα του πάρκου.ΑΛΛΑ ΝΤΡΟΠΗ ΜΑΣ, ως Έλληνες, που ενώ οι πρόγονοι μας, όπως δείχνει το μουσείο, είχαν τέλεια αποχετευτικά συστήματα, εμείς έχουμε να επιδείξουμε τέτοιες χάλια τουαλέτες (στο προαύλιο του μουσείου)...
Το αρχαιολογικο μουσειο Διου ειναι ενα πολυ καλα οργανωμενο μουσειο με πολυ σημαντικα και ενδιαφεροντα εκθεματα αναμεσα στα οποια ειναι η περιφημη υδραυλις,ενα αρχαιο μουσικο οργανο προγονος του σημερινου εκκλησιαστικου οργανου.Ειναι πολυ ωραιο εξωτερικα και η περιοχη φιλοξενη.
Das archeologische Museum ist sehr schön angelegt, mit vielen Auagrabungsstätten. Leider gibt es dort nur wenig heißen Tagen also nicht zu empfehlen. In Dion selbst kann man noch Ausstellungsstücke besichtigen.