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I've been there with family with their children and it was simply amazing. There are lots of animals for those who love them, food courts, nice attractions and 2 parkings or more. Nice place for a picnic and to relax with the ones you love.
€5 entrance for all day. You can eat there for cheap or make a BBQ. You get a small area with shade and BBQ. Bathrooms are plentiful so never queues, and a ton of things for the kids to do. The area is large so we expect to go back several times to explore it all. It is suitable for families up to 12 years old. 12 and older need to hand in passports on entrance!
Wow. This is the best playground I've ever been to. It is cheap. Free parking. Only €5 entrance. And best of all: you can bring your own food and drinks from outside, and use some of their many barbecues. So you can eat when and where you want, without needing to go to a cafe/restaurant, without needing to queue, fight for a table, or pay heaps of money. The whole park is full of so many picknick tables that you can always sit close to where the kids are playing. That way the adults can relax as well! Chat, eat, drink and keep an eye on the children at the same time. There are also plenty of toilets all around. What's also great is that most of the attractions don't require electricity. Trampolines, slides, a huge corn pool (my nephews and nieces couldn't get enough of pouring corn through tubes, filling their pockets with it, and sprinkling it on each other), emptied-out real airplanes to play in, swings, rope castles, shallow ponds (so bring swim gear!) etc etc. The park is so huge that crowds disperse easily and even though we were there on a popular weekend day it did not feel crowded at all. You can rent a wagon to transport all your food, extra clothes, towels, diapers etc etc on wheels, saving you energy.
We went here in August 2011 and I am attaching pics of our Map they gave us. This was a better price than KettelerHof but I would suggest you go there too. KettelerHof I think is better for younger kids and Irrland is great if you have older kids or teenagers. My younger brother who lives in germany (for about 15 years or so) and is fluent went with us. He had a young baby that wasn't with us. But still if you don't have walking kids then you have no idea what is in store for you.This place was amazing. The parking was great and easy too. A huge rainstorm hit while we were there and we were all in the large atrium that is in the middle of the park. I thought for sure a tornado was going to rip through there. Anyway, the biggest thing I can tell the other travelers from the U.S. is to WATCH YOUR KIDS. For both this and the KettelerHof!!! This isn't like any parks that we have in the U.S. If you don't watch your kids then they can get hurt, lost or....I don't even want to go there. Our 3 year old wandered off from my husband and my brother into the 8 feet high labyrinth!!! Imagine if you will when I ask his father...uh..where is our son?? Reasons to watch your kids here:1. This park has NO P.A. SYSTEM2. The only people that you will see that work here are at the front ticket area and food area...NO OTHER PLACE3. No one to contact when there is an emergency (my brother had a lot of trouble)For 20 minutes we searched and searched for him. Someone had to stay in the spot where he had left though. Finally I hear a german man say "mama." Then he, his wife, 2 kids and our son walked up to us. He was in the middle of the labyrinth crying and Mama is the only word this man understood. Needless to say I was a typical midwestener (most people from the U.S. don't do this fyi)...I grabbed the man and hugged him and thanked him and then I grabbed his wife too. Thank goodness!! I must say that I wasn't the only one though. TWICE (and not from U.S. families) did I rescue kids that had walked away from their parents too. Other than that this place totally rocked!!!
A wonderful park for kids. At €5 per person, it was great value for a whole day's entertainment. 3 different areas to explore with a slightly different theme, but full of slides, bouncy pillows, water pillows, bikes and trikes and other activities, including live animals.There are literally thousands of picnic tables and giant BBQs for you to eat your own food, or various cafes to purchase food at a very reasonable price.You can hire a kart for €3 for the day to carry your belongings, including the cool boxes full of meat for the BBQ. One point to note - make sure you have a driving licence or passport on you as you have to leave in order to hire the kart.The activities are advertised as being suitable for kids up to 12. We have a 12 year old and a 4 year old and the activities were perfect for both.The day was excellent, enjoyed by all and such good value for money, you would have paid £20, if not more, per person for the same place in Britain.
We have been a few times to Irrland now. It is a low cost park which you can better compare with a large playground. The park created many very fun small items that kids love. Example: there is an area with a lot of water tubes. kids can connect these and let water flow through the pipes (like a plumber). Easy and lots of fun for kids. The "thrill rides" at Irrland are the slides. They have some very steep ones. Irrland offers some simple waterslides and attractions for warm days. So even on hot day Irrland is a great place to be!Irrland is gerat for families. People bring their own food, hire a wooden wagon for € 3 and take their food through the park. Throughout the park you will bbq's, which are free to use. However you don't need to bring your own food, they sell F&B for a very reasonable price.Conclusion: Irrland is a great affordable day out for families with kids up till around 12 years old
The first surprise is the entry fee: 5 euros person (age 1-99). Considering the park opens at 9am and stays open until 9pm (at least in the summer), this is fantastic value. It's isn't a place with roller coasters or log rides, but there is so much for the kids to do that you hardly notice. We went today (a nice day in August, kids out of school) and there were thousands of people. However the park is so big that we didn't once feel crowded in. There were no queues for anything. Inside there are masses of picnic tables with built in barbecues that are free to use - you can bring your own food to grill and your own charcoal. If you forget charcoal, don't fear - they sell it! Or skip the barbecue and buy the food for sale (sausages, chips, ice cream, etc) as it is very reasonably priced (example: small ice cream for 50 euro cents). The overall impression we had was that the proprietors of the park were not out to gouge every last cent out of the park guests. Coming from England, where the entry fees are high and things for sale are expensive, and things like pedal go-carts would cost extra (as opposed to just requiring a euro coin deposite, like a shopping trolley), Irrland felt like paradise for a family like mine (two adults, four small children). I haven't even mentioned the fantastic slides, or the places to swim/paddle. The only downside is that this is not a place used to English speaking tourists. All of the signs are in German and Dutch, and the Germans I dealt with, while friendly, only spoke German to us. But at the entrance they will give you a map/guide to the park in English if you ask, so don't forget.
Een zeer leuk en zeker betaalbaar park voor onze oogappels.Wat ooit begon als met een doolhof in en mais veld is nu uitgegroeid tot een van de leukste betaalbare parken.De kinderen kunnen hier flik ravotten, en papa en mama genieten van een lekker drankje of van de zelf mee gebrachte spullen die je kunt klaar maken op de aanwezige BBQ's
We zijn met 5 kinderen in de leeftijd van 1,5 jaar tot 6 jaar en 6 volwassenen naar Irrland geweest.Entree voor groot en klein €5,00Bolderkar huren voor bagage €3,00Alle attracties zijn bij de prijs inbegrepen.Je kunt er huisjes huren zonder toilet,maar met barbecue,is alleen nodig als je met een hele grote groep gaat als ontmoetingsplek.We hebben er gebarbecued,vlees en alle andere benodigdheden hadden we meegenomen,maar is ook te koop.Zijn zowel buiten als binnen speelgelegenheden.Kleinkinderen,maar ook de groten hebben het naar hun zin gehad.
Огромный парк развлечений разделен на три части. В северной есть миниферма с животными. В каждой части огромное количество развлечений для детей, площадки для гриля. Много водных аттракционов, так что имеет смысл детям брать купальники. Парк открыт до конца октября. Вход 5 евро на человека. Детки до года бесплатно.
6 Sterne würde ich verteilen... Wir waren zwei Mal bei gutem Wetter im Irrland. Die Kinder wollen gar nicht mehr nach Hause. 5 Euro Eintritt. Eis, Getränke etc. 1 Euro. Am Besten Grillsachen mitbringen, es gibt hunderte Grills und Sitzbänke. Für Kinder bis 12 Jahre bessernals jeder andere Vergnügungspark!!!
Een park dat zijn gelijke in Nederland niet kent. Wat een top-park. Entreeprijs is bijna ongelofelijk. €5 per persoon, waar vind je dat nog? En ook nog eens gratis parkeren. Bolderkar huren? €3 voor de hele dag? Eten kan tegen meer dan schappelijke prijzen. Het park zelf is top en is feitelijk een hele grote speeltuin die uit 3 delen bestaat, verbonden via tunnels. Je kunt gewoon eigen etenswaar meenemen, en barbequen op één van de vele-vele plekjes. De attracties zijn voor kinderen onder de 10 echt leuk en divers. Veel klauteren en bewegen. Dikke 10 voor Irrland. Alles ziet er supernetjes uit. Alles netjes aangeharkt. Gaan we terug? Ja zeker.
Irrland er én kæmpe stor legeplads! Der er nogen for børn i alle aldre, dyr, rutschebaner, vandland, klatring, små biler, plaskeland og alt mulig andet.Tag bare egen mad med, der er omkring 100 overdækkede borde/bænke sæt. Alle steder, kan man købe grillkul og bruge grillen, som næsten står over alt. Man kan ikke købe noget særlig af mad, så det er oplagt at tage med.
Gewoon goed concept. Lage prijzen, veel recreatiemogeljikheen en plezier voor iedereen! Overal speeltuin, leuke dingen om te doen en plek genoeg om ff te zitten aan een picknick tafel met bbq plek! Park zelf is overzichtelijk, veilig en schoon (er staan overal afvalbakken). Huur een bolderkar (€ 3 !!) voor de dag voor je picknickspulen en gaan met die banaan. Entree is met € 5 gewoon super. Kortom, zo veel te doen en te beleven voor een super prijs, je zou zo weer kind worden....Durfde niet van die hele hoge glijbaan trouwens...;-)
zo veel te doen en dat voor een betaalbare prijs ook eten en drinken te betalen voor een dagje uit met 4 personen blijf je met intree en eten onder de 100,- euro