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最近看了一部德国电影「人约巴黎」,在杜塞朵夫取景,那一幕幕场景把我记忆里的杜塞朵夫唤醒,那是一个迷人、精彩又绿意盎然的莱茵河畔城市。从杜塞朵夫车站徒步就可以到沿着人工河的国王大道(Königsallee),大道两旁尽是精品商店,除了衣服时尚精品外,我最喜欢的家饰店、厨具用品店、V&B玻璃酒杯店也在行列中,数百坪两层楼的家饰用品店,从烛台饰品到布类床寝,到大型家具,品项多得让我大呼过瘾,比Zara Home还精采!
国王大街贩售各式的商品, 无论精品或是一般用品. 整条街规划的非常好, 也很干净. 走到底也有另一个地铁站, 所以逛累的话不用再走回头. 到Dusseldof一定要来这儿逛逛.
Loved that all the trees along the long boulevard were covered in fairy lights, that shimmered on the stretch of water that ran down the middle.Gorgeous designer shops set on wide paths.We visited this area for the christmas markets around and stopped in the intercontinental set on this street.
It's nice to see the windows of the exquisite brands, but we like mote the normal streets with the wellknown shops.
I don't like shopping, especially when I'm traveling and Konigsallee is THE shopping destination, with many high end shops. What I liked is that it is a wide boulevard with beautiful canal, trees, and architecture. It is lined with alfresco restaurants. It was a great place to walk, relax and people-watch.
Nice central walking area, but along the sides interminable upper-range clothing shops. Trip advisor: Please stop requiring me to say more when I have no more to say.
If you're into shopping, a visit to Dusseldorf's Konigsallee is a must. It's several streets with flagship shops of luxury retailers, well known European chains as well as malls like Saturn. Even if you're not into shopping it's a beautifully manicured road and it's great people watching. If you're hungry, there are restaurants and cafes along the cross streets.
You probably won't find many inner-city places like the "Kö" anywhere else in Germany. A boulevard, combining an ancient channel with beautiful old trees at its side, some historical buildings on one side and the creme de la creme of international fashion and design on the other side. You will love the atmosphere and the best thing after some shopping is to sit down in one of the cafes and watch a colourful crowd of locals and fashion victims from around the world. Best to go during spring and summer - preferrably on a sunny day!!!