rheinische landesmuseum bonn
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开放时间: 暂无

I couldn't resist an archaeology museum, especially one with the first-discovered Neanderthal bones in them. I was also intrigued by an advertised exhibit on Celts on the Rhine. So I wandered in today and, pre-warned, asked for an audio guide. Not only was the museum free with the Bonn Regio Welcome Card, but the audio guide was free, you just had to provide an ID card/Passport as a deposit. If you do not read German, make sure you get an audio guide! I think they only had them in German and English, with a special extra track for children in both languages. All of the signs and descriptions are in German. Some of the temporary exhibits did not have great English signage or even very much on the audio guide in English either, so keep that in mind if you're going specifically for a temporary exhibit.For example - the Celts on the Rhine exhibit that lured me in ended up being a very small set of four cases that might be permanently part of the chronology exhibit. I'm still not sure. The pieces were very nice, gold jewelry and vessels, but there was only one audio guide piece on it.The rest of the museum with the permanent exhibits, however, had plenty of English audio guide opportunities, which very helpfully walked you through a section case by case with interesting, educational information that was not overwhelming, and often had a "to find out more, press these numbers" for the very curious. I spent a couple of hours in the museum, focusing on the chronological exhibits, but making it through the entire building. Four floors are a lot, but the architecture is great and I feel like the pieces and exhibits are well arranged.What is ODD is that after leaving chronology, everything gets a bit mashed up. The exhibits on Romans and Franks continues through all floors, but without any real logic that I could detect. The rest of the other floors were modern or themed exhibits, one on religion, one on trade, and you'd find everything from Roman pieces to modern paintings in there. It made for a bit of a shock and left me disoriented until I could figure out what I wanted to focus on, but I think it made for a very interesting visit and something new. There are several places for temporary exhibits and some were being set up while I was there.Overall this was a great museum to visit and I really enjoyed my time there and the helpful audio guide pieces. Taking pictures inside didn't seem to be a problem, either, which is always fun. I also appreciated the free lockers for storing my bag (need 1 euro deposit to release key). The only downsides are the lack of English fodder for temporary exhibits, and the fact that some cases are missing their audio guide number altogether, someone having scraped it off! For example, the neanderthal case was missing it's number altogether (it had a second number that didn't work in English). I had to look around at the surrounding cases and guess until I found the correct number (not too hard, 115). Another very interesting exhibit on a Roman burial had an audio guide number that didn't work in English, but the children's version did. They have fun music, so not bad as a second choice.So, if you have time and are interesting in Rhine region history and archaeology, check it out!
This museum has something for everyone, small children liked the models of past times BUT also running up and down the sloping walkways and shrieking because their voices echoed! When we were there with three toddlers & a new baby the attendants were a bit fierce BUT other users very tolerant. I particularly liked the Art work especially Kandinsky at the top of the building. The children also discovered spaces near the window slots where they can hide. The shop had a good selection of books but most in German which I don't read and other gifts at pocket money prices for school aged children and some nice silver jewellery and china for adults.The Licensed Restaurant, which can be accessed from the street is very good and we enjoyed a few meals there with and without children. I really enjoyed the Rhubaber soft drink which I haven't found anywhere else just the same.
This museum came highly recommended. Its a beautiful building, but I was not overly impressed with the exhibit we saw (birds & wild life). They have a nice cafe if you want to stay for lunch.
Very interesting place. The guided tours are good and you can learn lots of interesting facts about the region. Right next to the entrance you can also visit the restaurant which offers good food! If you are lucky and you have good weather, you can sit outside. You then have the chance to observe some nice old houses of Bonn also.
I personally took a visit to this museum as I heard that there is a nice display of archaeological and historical artefacts present here. I loved the display and the information was broad addressing a wide range of topics from the Stone Age to the Romans, all in the light of the local area around Bonn. There are a lot of children here, and I must say it is probably one of the good museums to take your kids with as there are a lot of interactive features here. To me personally the museum gave an impression of a fun and insightful atmosphere. The lows for the museum is however the noise level, sometimes preventing oneself from reading through certain things and a little too much distraction through the colours and flashing displays. There's a lot to see and I would recommend a visit if you have time.
They had a specialist theme display surrounding the Crimea and the Goths, Scythians and Greeks(if I remember right). Nice idea to colour code the different areas to match the different civilisations and a good amount to see with some truly stunning artefacts. We asked for an English guide (we didn't take the audio guide) but all they had was a written one for the Crimea exhibition.Well laid out, designed building with plenty to see; almost all the captions/legends were in German, but I think you can still get the message!Café was just average, and the service was extremely slow. Had a small Kolsch and a flammkueche which were just what we needed after a 2 hour walk around.
but disorganized since its renovation. We came late because we couldnt find it at first. The lady at the counter was rather grumpy and almost with a scolding tone told us just had an hour left. On the plus side she gave us a couples ticket which was half the price of individual tickets! Make sure to ask for such deals at the ticket counter! Its got 3 floors, so come with some time on your hands, and get a audio guide because most of the info is in German.
The museum is one of the largest collections of archaeology and art in Nordrhein-Westfalia. unfortunately, after its rebuilding about 8 years ago, it is now organised on a half thematic, half chronological order. So if, like me you were looking for Roman and Frankish remains, you get to see most of the Museum, as it is dispersed all over the house. There are usually exhibitions on as well and lots of children on class trips, so the place can get lively. Still well worth the trip.
could have more information in english. The price is good, and is easy to reach.
Even though I am not a fan of thematical - as opposed to chronological - arrangment of museum displays, the one in Bonn was fairly good. The collection included some really interesting pieces, focusing on Romano-German societies in the Roman Empire. Other sections included an exhibition about Neanderthal, and Romantic Rhine paintings. A bit eclectic, but nice as a result: not an art gallery, not an archaeological collection, but a museum reflecting the Rhine culture.
Se vi aspettate qualcosa di simile ai musei archeologici di Treviri o Colonia rimarrete delusi. E' forse più grande ma ha grandi spazi vuoti e i reperti sono presentati con un allestimento eclettico che lascia un po' perplessi.
Próximo à Estação Central de Trens (Hauptbahnhof)… Na verdade, duas quadras atrás da Estação, encontra-se o Landes Museum – LVR. É um outro museu da cidade. Achei o acervo mais ou menos, mas ele oferece várias exposições itinerantes. Para quem tiver interesse, o ingresso custa € 8.
Es hat uns einfach alles gefallen !! Zeit mitbringen, genießen underleben !! Auch für Kinder ist es mit Sicherheit ein schönes Erlebnis, ausprobieren !
Leider haben wir das LVR-Museum bisher immer nur im Rahmen von Veranstaltungen wie "Tanz in den Mai" oder "Jalla-Party" besucht. Im Rahmen dieser Sonderveranstaltungen gibt es immer Kurzführungen durch die Ausstellungen, die sehr spannend sind - Ausstellung und Führung. Gesehen haben wir: - Gefährliches Pflaster, Kriminalität im Römischen Reich- 1914 - Welt in Farbe- Die Krim - Goldene Insel im Schwarzen MeerDa das Museum selbst sehr klein ist, bieten die Ausstellungen jeweils nur wenige Stücke, sind aber gut kuratiert, haben z.T. echte Highlights und bieten auch viel zum Anfassen und Ausprobieren. Und wie gesagt: Die Führungen sind super!
muy interesante, con objetos van desde la prehistoria, el hombre Neardental fue encontrado no muy lejos de Bonn