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After a week of typical German architecture, this was a definite change of pace and a great time! This was one of our excursions offered by our river boat company and our small group had the place pretty much to ourselves. Our guide was from NYC so no trouble understanding her. We toured the brewery and learned the background for the tower. Climbed the tower and got some great pictures of the countryside as well as the inside of the tower. Our visit ended with beer tasting and pretzels. We all wanted to bring beer back with us but couldn't figure out how to do that easily.
The tour through the beer brewery is quite nice, but could be a bit difficult to follow for foreigners as the (at least our) guide speaks with a heavy bavarian accent. I speak German and could follow about 75%. It gives you an idea how the owner and architect shared their love for dwarves and came to creating this tower. Therefore it could be fun for children as well. Also the people interested in the secrets of and meaning behind Leonardo da Vinci's "last supper" will hear the ideas about this painting as the owner thinks they should be interpreted.After the 1 hour tour you'll have chance to climb the tower, drink a free beer with brezel, buy more beer (to take home) and after this you can check out the funny looking souvenir shop where they sell all kinds of art from Hundertwasser.
We would have liked to check out the nice Hunderwasser Tower, of the Brewery, but because of traffic jams ( constant on German Motorways in the summer) we arrived too late, but still in time for a beer in the adjacent ‘Beergarten’. It was a nice place but when we walked in to get a beer, they told us it was not possible, as they had no power... Coming from Africa, this is a well-known thing to us, however hearing that in Germany... Any way I asked if there was no beer in bottles, if the draft beer worked on power, but they answered, the Casher did not work due to no electricity.... quite customer friendly, when we say we come from far, missed the brewery tour, but would like to at least taste the beer...So far for Bavarian reputed hospitality… in the middle of the season…
Went with some friends and our kids. We really enjoyed ourselves. The kids loved the dwarfs and walking up the tower. I enjoyed learning about the beer and then tasting it afterwards. :) Sehr gut!
The tower is the result of a dream of the owner family of Kuchlbauer's brewery, the open mind of arch. Pelikan who designed the tower based on the concept of Hundertwasser and of course the constructors which did an amazing artwork. .By the end of this week a hotel built in the same style will open its gates for the thirsty visitors and bot only. You must taste the beer and visit the factory museum as well. It was a nice experience.
Last summer I returned to Germany to drive over much of Germany from Munich to the North Sea, visiting many new towns with interesting experiences. I have seen several of Hundertwasser's architectural wonders, but I was here for a beer experience. My friend Renate and I traveled in her Fiat Wohnmobil (small diesel RV with which we have enjoyed many memorable travels), and as we returned from a long drive, she wanted to share Kuchelbauer's story with me.Besides being a knowledgeable guide to most of the breweries in Germany, the owner Leonhard Sallack, personally guided us on a tour of his brew plant and then on a side trip to his special love, a learned display and study of Leonardo daVinci's focus on the painting "The Last Supper". I have a copy of his book "Das Schuessel" = "The Key", which explains the detailed meanings hidden in the painting by DaVinci. This afternoon-long visit was very rewarding and I will try to meet with US author Ken Burns to share what I learned from author Sallack.
Incredible to see such creativity live! Very inspiring. We were unfortunately too late for a tour. Will definitely have to comes back! The tours are between 10h and 16h. Don't miss it if in the area.
It was a fantastic and amazing experience, to visit the Hundertwasser Tower and Kuchlbrauer's Brauerei. The museum, in the old cellars of the bottling beer plant is something that I'll keep in my mind as an Experience! I climbed every step with plesure, after knowing the story of the tower and also the of the beer factory. By the way, the beer is delicious!
The tour was in German but they provided us with a translation. The tour was nice but there were some creepy animatronic things there. However, it was good to tour a small brewery and get a personal touch.
Our family drove about an hour and a half to get here and it was well worth it! We would have gone a long time ago if we'd known about it before. Some parts of the tour are given in English on videos, but the majority is in German. Our guide let us know that there are 2 English tours given during the week. Despite the language barrier, just seeing the brewery and the amount work that has gone into making it such a whimsical and beautiful place was amazing. The tour was very informational and neat to see, but was very difficult to do with toddlers. If you have the option, this may be better for you without small children. I'm sure kids that are a little older would be fine as they particular parts of the tour with shows put on by the dwarves. :)
What is the most beautiful brewery in world and where is it? Kuchlbauer Brewery in Abensberg, GermanyThe owner of the Kuchlbauer brewery, Herr Salleck, loves art as much as his beer and his brewery reflects his interest. Tracing its roots back to 1499, the brewery has been in the Salleck family since 1904. The current owner, Leonhard Salleck, is the 8th generation of his family to lead the brewery. He has made his mark.Kuchlbauer brews only Weissbier and has a relatively small distribution footprint.As such, the brewery operation itself is rather small. A simple sudhaus, a modest fermenting room, and bottling operation is not so impressive. Though the brewing systems are not of the ordinary, Kuchlbauer brews an excellent series of Weissbier styles under the direction of the brewmaster, Herr Jahney. As amazing as the rest of the brewery is, it's important to note that it begins and ends with the product. Kuchlbauer offers excellent beer and that is the source of its success.The tour of the brewery offers something for everyone - even people who don't care for beer. One of my favorite rooms which, unfortunately gets cut out of many tours due to time restraints, is the Bier-Apotheke. The "Beer Pharmacy" displays all of the different products that use the elements of beer in the product. After touring the pharmacy, you'll be able to claim, with a straight-face, that you drink beer simply for "medicinal purposes!" Herr Salleck also has a half-scale copy of DaVinci's Last Supper at one end of his beer cellar. Surprisingly, the painting appears to be right at home in the cellar. Salleck is a scholar who has studied all the details of DaVinci's painting and has provided his analysis of the many details and secret meanings in his own book, Salleck is passionate about his work in this field and bristles at the mention of Dan Brown's epic best seller, "The DaVinci Code." I was lucky enough to take the tour once with Herr Salleck and was treated to hearing the full force of his passion for his subject - clearly he has devoted a great deal of study to this subject.Another aspect of the brewery tour is the section that displays the old Bottling Equipment of the past brewing and bottling equipment. Just before reaching the current bottling line, guests are treated to seeing the way it was done in the old days , largely a manual operation.Similar to DaVinci, Herr Salleck clearly respects the work the artist-architect Hundertwasser. Most famous for the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, the artist is well-known for his lack of straight lines - he shuns the notion of traditional architecture and strives to incorporate nature into his buildings. Herr Salleck's dream of developing a Hunderwasser designed tower behind his brewery was years in the making. His first contact to Hundertwasser took place in 1998 and he was turned away. Finally convincing Hundertwasser that the Kuchlabuer Dwarfs needed a place to live, Hundertwasser joined the project in March of 1999. Kuchlbauer fought with local government forces for many years for the approval to build his tower. Local officials stood against the project and often pointed to the tradition that nothing should stand taller than the "Finger of God," the local church steeple. There were many battles and Herr Salleck endured much criticism and hurtful comments. In the end, he obviously won in the end, although he was limited to a height of 35 meters. Sadly, in February 2000, Friedensreich Hundertwasser passed away: He would never see the tower he inspired. The work was carried forward by his apprentice, Peter Pelikan.The tower is now complete and Kuchlbauer has added a tasting room and outdoor biergarten at the foot of the tower. Each step up the tower tells piece of the story - combing brewing with art. The history of beer is portrayed as are the ingredients. A golden dome adorns the tower's top and symbolizes Paradise. In fact, Hundertwasser once said, "We already live in paradise, man is just destroying it."Visiting the tower is a great experience and can be enjoyed on many levels. For beer lovers, it is a tribute to the historical and natural beverage. To art lovers, the tower exudes with though provoking hidden meanings and allusions. For architectural buffs, the Hundertwasser style offers a stark alternative to accepted methods and designs. From a human perspective, the tower represents Salleck's struggle to realize his dream. The best way, however, to enjoy the tower is to take your time to enjoy all the small details of the creation and soak in the entire experience.How to get thereLocated 25 miles south of Regensburg, getting to Abendsberg is easy. If you are coming from Munich, you can buy an inexpensiveBayernTicket and be there in about two hours after a simple change of trains in Ingolstadt. From Regensburg, a direct train comes every hour and the brewery is less than 1km from the station. Train schedules can be located at www.bahn.de and a map of Abensberg is located on Kuchlbauer's website. It would also be good to check the latest visitor news on Kuchlbauer's website before visiting.
Стоит посетить если находитесь рядом или проездом, специально из далека ехать не стоит. Интересно для детей. Вход в музей платный. Если вы любитель или коллекционер пива, то тоже стоит посетить. Пиво местной пивоварни Хундертвассер, можно купить в подарочной упаковке. Зимой и в нац. праздники башня закрыта. Перед поездкой уточните режим работы.
Die Kuchlbauer Weissbierbrauerei mit dem Hundertwasserturm und dem neuen Künstlerhaus ist eine klare Besuchsempfehlung auch von weiter her. Im Winter kommt dazu ein wirklich großer Weihnachtsmarkt mit umfangreichem Angebot und immer noch freiem Eintritt.
Nous avons visité ce village, plus particulièrement la tour et la brasserie avec des amis allemands; nous avons passé une merveilleuse journée, très riche culturellement. La visite de la brasserie est très bien commentée et la visite de la tour est surprenante par son originalité; On retrouve tout l'art de Hundertwasser. N'oubliez pas de faire une halte au biergarten : la bière est excellente et le shweinbraten également pour un prix très modique.
Man muß wohl Millionen mit Weißbier verdienen oder sich damit blöd saufen um so eine wirre Führung den teuer bezahlenden Besuchern vorzusetzen und einen Turm zu errichten der mit Hundertwasser genau soviel zu tun hat wie die angebotenen elektrischen Gartenzwerge mit der Bierkultur (ich bin der Geschmackszwerg).Nicht genug damit wird in einer abgehobenen Arroganz dann den herangekarrten Bustouristen weiß gemacht daß man die Geheimnisse des Abendmahles von Leonardo da Vinci ergründet hat. Das ganze Gemälde in einem schimmlig riechenden Bierkeller, Leonardo da Vinci würde sich im Grabe umdrehen. Würde es fundamentalistische Katholiken geben, wäre dies allein schon eine religiöse Beleidigung.All das noch gekrönt in einer "Psychoshow" mit beleuchteten Augen die einen Anblinken.Abensberger - Ihr seid alle zu Bedauern!