park mit allen sinnen


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开放时间: 暂无

park mit allen sinnen



The concept of a senses walk is brilliant but in reality it left a lot to be desired. Parking is limited next door to the site and the start of the walk is well organised with lockers to store your footwear as you are supposed to do it barefoot. 2 of us in our party started doing it barefoot and gave up, resorting to putting our footwear back on as we did not realize that experiencing pain was one of the senses you are supposed to enjoy with hard sharp stones and prickly bark underfoot. There is also a point mid way in the walk that involves going up what i thought was some firm steps but turned out to be mud pots resulting in going past my ankles in rich yellow mud! This slightly spoiled the rest of the experience for me but experiencing the smells and sound areas were lovely. One of the booths involves revolving lights and sound which may make it a problem for those with photo-sensitivity and there are no warnings outside about the light effect. At the end of the walk are a group of taps where you can wash your feet/trainers but there is nothing to dry your feet with unless you take something with you. There are also no toilet facilities on site and there are warning signs up about not contaminating the path. there are toilets in the pub next door but they will either charge you to use them or you must buy something. This could be big issue if you are on the walk as it can take a couple of hours to see everything. It could be worth a visit if you are in the area but there are plenty of free woodland walks in the area that could delight your senses more.


Truely all sences means bearfoot walking on different kind of stones mud and grass. The little kids had fun the teens werent as that happy.Overall - NICE BUT JUST IF YOU ARE IN THE EREA AND HAVE EXTRA COUPLE OF HOURES


It is a must attraction for the family including young children. The route provides a journey full of suprises which all the five sense are active. It is highly recommended after the rain. The relaxation cabins allowed break in the outdoor.


The trail is nice and the experience is fresh.You can take the short route or the long one, but pay the same.The barefoot thing is nice in the mud or grass, but a lot of the rocky parts hurt a bit, and there was one patch with a lot of bees on the ground with was horrifying because you couldn't go round it! I yelled like a little girl.


Very nice and active route with many attractions for the children (and adults)Besides taste all senses indeed were usedAfter walking 3/4 of the distance the children started to get impatientAnother thing to notice is the very close electric fence which could be isolated a bit more from the route itself


As a family on a week's holiday to the Black Forest, we wanted to cram a lot of experiences into our short trip. The barefoot/senses walk sounded a lovely novel idea, but on arrival late one afternoon we found it was going to cost quite a lot to get us all in (can't remember how much - over 15 euro) . It is a big park geared up for a whole or half day trip, but we only wanted to get a quick taster for no more than an hour, so decided against paying to enter. Pity they didn't do a reduced price entry 'after 3pm'.


This trail "activates" your sins, by going barefooted along a 2-3 km trail. Views are great, but the trail is quite long and you got the idea after 1-2 kms. Walking signs are quite confusing.


This is a very nice park. The idea of going barefoot is very lovely idea. There are some problems .1. Parking - there is a very small parking in from of museum that always full of cars. So we parked our car on the second parking slot which located on the other side of b33 road - we had to cross the road in a very dangerous part of it - were the drivers are going at 70-80 kmph without any crosswalk.2. Weather condition - There is a big problem visit park when the weather is hot or when then there is a rain


при входе вы разуваетесь и запираете обувь в шкафчик, а потом придаетесь природе.по травке, по песочку, по камушкам, по грязи и по битому стеклу (шутка) в общем и целом неплохо. детям понравится.


Naturerlebnis mit allen Sinnen. Fühlen, hören, riechen...Wunderschön im Hang im Gutachtal gelegen, lädt es zur Entspannung und Kennenlernen mit den nackten Füßen ein. Toller Rundweg auf vielen Verschiedenen Untergründen mit vielen Stationen zum Lernen mit allen Sinnen.


приятный ландшафтный парк, в самом Гутахе достопримечательностей не так много, главная прелесть в природе


Macht Spaß aber ist auch teilweise anstrengend und leider war es bei unserem Besuch sehr sehr matschig.


Dieser Park ist schön angelegt.Die verschiedenen Beläge auf der Strecke sind eine Wohltat für die Füße auch kann man sich an der herrlichen Landschaft erfreuen.Für eine Pause und ein kleines Picknik gibt es auch ein schönes Plätzchen


Dit blote voeten pad is verzorgd en mooi onderhouden, de wandelingen is de moeite waard en het uitzicht is prachtig. De kinderen vonden het super!


Wir waren vor einigen Jahren schon mal in diesem Barfusspark und sind zufällig wieder da entlang gefahren. Toll den Füssen mal etwas Natur zu gönnen.

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