outletcity metzingen
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第一次觉得不买东西是一种罪恶。据说是德国最便宜最大的奥莱,在欧洲也数一数二。果然没来错。最大亮点就是boss.一身西服平均300欧,身材标准的 200多就能买到超好的了。基本上就是zara价买boss。wmf便宜很多,但都是老款。polo比巴黎奥莱便宜。
梅青根(Metzingen outletcity)是德国最大的outlets,在欧洲也是非常有名。梅青根的历史源于 70 年代运河街(Kanalstraße)的老砖厂:,这里是纺织品中心和Hugo Boss的家乡。几十年来,梅青根都以其众多的工厂店和作为Hugo Boss AG的总部所在地闻名于世界。本来这里并不顺路,但是纠结了半天却又不想错过,我们还是专门小绕了一段路为它安排了一天的停留。梅青根的中文官网:http://www.outletcity.com/zh/metzingen/到了酒店放下行李,一看离关门还有一段时间,我们便兴致勃勃直奔梅青根踩点<location梅青根OUTLETS里品牌众多、各类齐全,想要好好逛逛的童鞋留够一天的时间是十分必要的。值得一提的是这里最不容错过的当然是Hugo Boss。这里是Hugo Boss的“老巢”,无论是他家的一线还是二线产品,无论是正装、休闲装还是年轻系列(Orange boss)这里都一应俱全,关键是价格十分亲民。一件正装衬衣,退税前也只有几十欧,相同质地类似款式的回国后专门比较了一下,国内专卖店居然卖到3K+人民币,这简直是红果果地抢啊。一套西装退税前也就200多欧,国内就没有下了4K的吧?皮带也是几十欧。总之Hugo Boss的店里人气旺盛,如果有商务正装需要的男士们这里确实不容错过啊。BTW,必须承认外国衰锅那身板穿起西服就是“人模人样”的,坐在里面怎么有种看时装show的赶脚哩
You must visit Metzingen. Very nice Shopping experience, excellent products, well prepared sales persons to receive visitors all around the world with different cultures. I saw incredible promotions like a Hugo Boss jacket by 50 Euros, which in Brazil would certainly pay more than 1.500 Real (ca. 500 Euros).
I tavelled a loy in Germany but this was my first experience in Metzingen Outletcity. All the Brands you look for with the best value. There's nothing else you could expect.Only advice i can make is : "Fill up the purse and visit Metzingen after that".You will lose yourself in the shiny shops :))
This is my 2nd time to the outlet. There's still a lot to shop, and a lot to see there. This time I only had 2-3 hours to shop and its definitely insufficient! If you are heading there, remember to allocate at least half a day. Too much things to shop here.There's also many parking spaces around.
Very nice outlet, especially for Hugo Boss, very well integrated in the Village, nice brands, the best outlet I have been in Europe.
Some people say this is not such a good place because the shops are all over around I thought that is what makes it such a great place. It is like you are walking on the street going from shop to shop but they are all next to each other, you don't get this agobiating shopping mall ambiance.Prices are very good and shops very varied. I think it is one of the best places that I have visited so far when it comes to shopping.
I wanted to go to an outlet with Prada and this was the one I found. It is rather near to Stuttgart but I was based in Munich.To get there from Munich, I had to buy train tickets to and from Metzingen (Wrütt). They cost €58 each way and take 3 hours from Munich. At Metzingen, the place was reasonably easy to find. You just have to keep asking people for directions because there are no clear signs. You should look for Lindenplatz. That is where the outlets are.There is quite a good range of brands and they open until 8pm daily. On certain days in December, they have extended opening hours till 9pm. As I had gone during the Christmas season, there were stalls selling Glüh Wein and hotdogs. You can also find places to eat at every corner so food is not a problem.Overall, I think this outlet is worth a visit if you are into luxury goods. While the apparel for sports brands are not really cheap, I find that brands like Prada were cheaper than in other outlets.
This was my second visit to Metzingen and I was not disappointed. The variety and quality is terrific and the bargains are to be found. I scored three jackets at Escada all at a huge discount to retail. They were from the previous winter season but back in Australia where it was winter that was perfect. Also a beautiful woman's wallet from Coach. Lots of children's clothing brands to be found and of course the massive Hugo Boss outlet. Looking forward to visiting again if I get the chance.
Sooo huge with a seemingly unlimited lines and brands, some not so familiar with me.. Best part is Lindt chocolates and Samsonite - real cheap here that I splurge!
The variety of shops and brands is pretty extensive. I am not always sure if the savings are really that great and how much of the offers are not just produced for the outlet, but I still think that the value is often good and that everyone can find something here.I was surprised to see so many foreigners here, since I would have thought that clothes would be cheaper in most other countries than in Germany.I don't think it is worth it for Americans thoug. I feel like clothes are generally cheaper in the states, especially of course the US brands.
the outlet city metzingen is really a great place to go if you are looking for some great bargains - all first class shops are found close to each other even a big jimmy chou and prada. The hugo boss factory is located in metzingen, therefore you will get the best boss deals all over germany - bring some time and a big purse
Hugo Boss is the biggest outlet store (home base - HQ is in Metzingen). There are a lot of brands. You better take a look on the website before you go there just to have a plan and also a map to check the location of the stores.
I only went here for the WMF outlet shop and indeed I simply filled up my time in this store. Also managed to go to Hugo Boss, Lindt and Samsonite stores. The prices in these stores (WMF, Hugo Boss, Samsonite, Lindt) were about 40%-50% less than the retail high street prices and yes, these products were seconds i.e. had some minor cosmetic defects but certainly didn't deter most shoppers to grab the bargains. Would come here again!
It's an outlet with top brand names but The Hugo Boss outlet stands out from the Prada,Burberry,Armani etc etc. The prices are less than half price in most shops and in some eight percent off . But the sample outlet was by far the most interesting lots of unusual one off boss clothes shoes etc to buy and stand out. It's worth it to shop here for special presents without spending top money for top quality. We will be visiting this outlet again and again . Highly recommended.