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自从到了德国,都是搭著铁路四处游览,但到了莱茵河,就该换个方式了。今早走去码头,问问搭船的细节,看完说明书之后,不得不赞叹德国人的聪明与智慧,无论我如何的精算与计较,一天最多也只能停留3个地方(虽然他们列了12个停泊地方)。Oberwesel是船公司职员向我推荐的,心想应该错不了,于是就圈选了。第一站我在St. Goarhausen下船参观,Oberwesel是我的第二站。到了这儿已过中午,饥肠辘辘,拚命地找餐厅,老实说,此地餐厅并不多,所以要找到好的餐厅确属不易。问了当地人,他们遥指山顶上的古堡,古堡是个好餐厅,但是路途遥远,对我们搭船来的游客,实在困难重重,只好作罢。最后随便找个餐厅,解决了午饭问题,看到许多德国游客,他们都自己携带简单的三明治,这也不失为聪明的做法(不须为吃什么而烦恼)。看着远方的古堡餐厅,再看看自己微胖(其实是肥胖)的身躯,心想确实应该多多练练体力了。
One has to climb some stairs to reach the church, but it is well worth the effort. The church has some beautiful old frescos and next to it is a cemetery. The tower and the Gothic building was built in 1350 at the site of a Romanesque building which was never completed due to the onerous economic situation of the Foundation. The beginning of parish St. Martin dates back to the Franconian period. At the time of the “Weseler war” was the tower for defence purposes included in the city wall and as the Church high above the city was relevant for defense was the tower built as a fortified Tower and is the most convincing example of sacral Gothic defensive architecture in Rhineland. Not much of its Gothic interior has survived but its 16th century mural paintings and a high-Gothic 15th century Madonna are worthwhile. Graveyard with Fatimakapelle.
Die prächtige mittelalterliche Kirche mit Ihrem Wehrturm , der sich harmonisch in den Kreis der Stadtmauer einfügt, mit dem wunderschönen Pfarrhaus und Pfarrgarten ist auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert .Die Innenausstattung mit den vielen Ältären und Grabmälern sind sehr beeindruckend.
Einzigartig der Lettner, so etwas findet man sonst nur am Oberrhein, man kan in der Kirche Ruhe genießen.