trier galerie
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I'm back from Trier Gallery. I've found plenty of shops and boutiques. Everyone can find something interesting but prices are quite high but it's worth spending money for a good quality. I recommend to take credit cards with you ;)
Visiting Trier, oldest city in Germany, is without equal for history, beauty, and warm friendly people. The inter city old main gates have the West gate refurbished and opens onto a city mall that has street vendors and great shopping locations. We ate dinner one evening on the mall outside one of the many pubs. Dinner was excellent, the beer great and the mall entertainment was most enjoyable. While in Trier, you need to take the time to see the Roman baths area, the Gladiator arena and other artifacts that are in the area. It was the favorite city visited by my friends and myself in this tour of Europe.
We just moved here from Bamberg, and I was pleasantly surprised at how nice the mall was with good stores. There is a Zara, S.Oliver, H&M, Rewe, and a DM, plus more with in walking distance. Yes it's very typical of a mall you would see in the states but just outside the mall are pedestrian only streets filled with other shops and more traditional German stores. I think it's great mall if you need to do some major shopping, if you are just stopping to get a new outfit, or if your just enjoying a nice brisk day in Germany.
This beautiful city was founded by the Romans in 16 BC. Lore has it that Augustus himself founded the city. It is famous for many things but the tourist favorite is the Porta Nirga or black gate. It is the largest remaining defensive structure in Germany. The remaining gate is four stories high. The Church of Our Dear Lady built from 1235-60 and is an example of early German Gothic architecture. This is a great city to visit during Christmas market where you can purchase many holiday items and lots of warm, delicious gluhwein.
This city is full of history. The Trier Galerie is one of the last structures left from so long ago and is an impressive sight to see. When you visit this city, you have to stop and see this and take in a piece of the culture that surrounds it. You will not regret it.
I visited the shopping centre last week, there are some nice stores but a few too many yank stores. I had a nice ice cream and a cup of coffee in a restaurant in the centre
It is a good mall with Nice stores, a Supermarket (rewe) , a drugstore (DM) ADN great places to eat.
We ducked in here when it started raining and took a bit to look around. There is a moderate selection of stuff but nothing super impressive. It is just a run of the mill average mall like you might see in the USA so I wasn't particularly interested. If you need to get out of bad weather or find some quick gifts though it would be worth checking out.
To beat the oppressive summer heat, the air-conditioned Trier Galerie seemed like the perfect spot. Two minutes walk down the Fleischstraße from the main marketplace, it sports three floors of mostly clothing stores, as well as a grocery store and drugstore in the basement. Many major brands and good deals abound - for me as a mom, especially the H&M kids and the Ernsting's Family are excellent budget options for clothes and accessories. I have bought suits for work, casual wear, shoes, gifts and many more things. There is an ok food court with Chinese, Turkish, Italian, German "Currywurst", coffee and bakeries; also, a large ice cream parlor is on the top floor.The bathroom facilites are very good, with an excellent baby changing room on the top floor
Wie jede Stadt hat auch Trier seit 2008 eine Galerie. In der Galerie gibt es auf drei Etagen ca. 70 Geschäfte, Eisdielen und Restaurants. Diese Art Geschäfte findet man auch sonst in Trier. Vorteil ist das Parkhaus, das mittels einer verglasten Brücke mit der Galerie verbunden ist. Um die Galerie, die nichts besonderes darstellt attraktiver zu machen finden hier immer wieder verschiedene, teils sehr interessante Ausstellungen statt. Auch wird viel wert auf eine ansprechende Innengestaltung gelegt.Wer mal eine scharfe Currywust essen möchte, die wirklich scharf ist, sollte zur Braterei Betz – einmalig in Trier!
Die Trier Galerie bündelt ein paar Standardläden in einem Gebäude, was eigentlich ziemlich gut ist. Die Lage ist ideal, aber das Parkhaus ist vor allen Dingen am Wochenende total überfüllt.
Если вы приезжаете в Трир на машине для туризм+/шопинга, то этот торговый центр будет отличной стартовой точкой. Дело в том, что припарковаться на улицах поблизости от центра достаточно сложно, особенно в выходные. А Trier Galerie соединена с многоярусной парковкой - City Parkhaus на 950 мест. Можно спокойно оставить машину и, пройдя через торговый центр, выйти к пешеходной зоне, в ста метрах от центральной площади Marktplatz. Основные городские достопримечательности и главные магазины будут в шаговой доступности. В самом торговом центре тоже можно найти что-то интересное, например, на первом (нулевом) этаже есть неплохие сувенирные лавки. Минус - среди арендаторов нет больших мультибрендовых магазинов, но они в непосредственной близости (например, Kaufhof непосредственно по соседству).
Trier es otro encanto de ciudad que atraviesa el Rio Mosela. Ciudad patrimonio de la humanidad. Es la ciudad mas antigua de Alemania. Esta tocando Luxemburgo, Beligica, y Francia. Una de sus puntos de interes es la Plaza del Mercado, donde encontraras la Porta Nigra , que es la puerta de la ciudad.Su pasado fue romano. Ciudad mediaval, donde puedes desgustar sus excelentes vinos
Schöne Sitzgelegenheiten zum Ausruhen oder mal zum verweilen mit Kindern sehr gut durchdacht!Geschäfte sind teilweise auch in der Fußgängerzone von Trier zu finden. Tolles Eiscafe mit lecker Eisspezialitäten! Für eilige gleich mit Parkhaus im Haus! Wechselnde Jahresaktionen oder Deko werden gerne angenommen und besucht!
Zeer ruime winkelgalerie, met een allegaartje aan winkels, een veelvoud aan kledingwinkels (alle bekende merken).Zeer netjes. Ook enkele drank en eetgelegenheden