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It is so much fun when you find those little idiosyncrasies when travelling. Some historical figure or artist injects their sense of humour into their work or creation(s) for all time. And this little statue does just that. Puts a smile on your face and those around you. And that is always a good thing.
You would think that a family member would remember the warning you gave them the night before and stay away from this water spitting fountain, but no! Forgetful family member will often stand right in front of it observing the statue, then jump up and scream as the water spews out of the boy's mouth! The water travels quite far, so watch the water stain on the ground to remain dry. It is pretty entertaining, when someone careless or playful is around.
The statue turned out to be much smaller than I'd imagined it, and it's oriented so the boy only spits at people looking at him from quite close by. I'd been looking forward to chortling at casual passers-by getting spat at on their way to work or to do the shopping, but it won't happen. After you've seen the statue, you can go through into Munzplatz, a pleasant old typically German square with trees and benches (and other statues in a similar spirit to the Schangelbrunnen, but they don't spit) and the Metternich family house, where the great statesman was born. That's at the far left hand end of the square. After that it's only a short walk down to the river.
My wife and I happened upon this statue/fountain while exploring the city ourselves (not part of a tour) and had no idea that it was going to spit water until it nearly drenched us! After the water, all of the clues became visible that we had missed before, but we thought it was just an interesting statue of a boy at first. Anyhow, it was fun to see it in action and there is a really nice square just beyond the statue to sit and have a coffee or beer and take-in the altstadt.
We saw this fountain as part of the points of interest of our self guided walking tour of Koblenz . It was a nice sight as it fits perfectly in the black and white surroundings h
The Schangelbrunnen is one of the many sculpture fountains to be found in Koblenz. A lot of these have a childrens theme so it is great to rent a bike and cycle around Koblenz so that you can see all of them. In comparison to the Noah's ark fountain and the others that can be found on Lohrsstrasse this one is somewhat overrated.
There was a fair going on which made this square fun and pretty all at the same time. Crowded but lively with a stage and band set up behind the fountain. Fun time with beer and song!
A fun experience to watch & count the time between spouts. This fountain has an interesting history to its name so check it out.It's located opposite the Rathaus.Spring time is beautiful & this area demonstrated it in flower boxes & gardens.
The Schängel fountain is located at the Town Hall Square, surrounded by the Baroque buildings of the Jesuit ensemble, designed in 1940 by Carl Carl Burger and is dedicated to the poet Josef Cornelius, who wrote the text of the Schängellied, the national anthem of Koblenz. The term Schängel got its origin from the 20-years (1794-1813) in which it belonged of the city of France and refers to the Franco-German children born during this period who often received the name Jean (German: Johann), in the Koblenz slang Jean Schang, over time it became Schängel. With this fountain not only but also the Koblenz-based Schängel got a monument but as well the citizens of Koblenz. In an irregular rhythm the bronze figure spits out a jet of water a few meters far above the fountain basin.
Schangelbrunnen is a spitting boy statue located in the courtyard near the Rathaus(city hall). It is a must-see statue when one visits Koblenz as it is a very historical and well-known statue in this city and is a stop on every guided tour. Watch out for the wet spot on the ground and avoid standing there when admiring the statue because every now and then just when you least expect it, "little John" will spit and the unsuspecting admirers will get soaking wet!
Los stellt euch nur drunter, aber passt auf, dass ihr keine Elektronischen Geräte in der Hand habt. Am Besten lasst ihr erst mal die ganzen Japaner vorgehen :-) die scharen sich gerne um den Brunnen und schaut was passiert :-)Im Herzen der Altstadt und 5m vom Jesuitenplatz entfernt !
Son muchas las fuentes de agua que se pueden encontrar, recorriendo la preciosa ciudad de Koblenz, y Scahngelbrunnen es una de ellas, pero a la vez diferente a todas las demás.En la fuente se representa la figura de un nino, que a determinado tiempo escupe agua, ésa es su divertida particularidad.Schangelbrunnen, se encuentra ubicada en el casco antigüo de la ciudad, en la plaza del Ayuntamiento, en un "rinconcito" y rodeada de bellos edificios.Es parada obligada en las visitas guiadas por la ciudad. Si no haces esta visita guiada o no has leido lo suficiente sobre Koblenz, se te puede pasar de ver.Yo recomiendo verla.....jjj...
Путешествовали семьей, совершили прогулку по городу, много фонтанов, скульптур. Город стоял еще сонным, но где то время от времени шумела вода и мы пошли на шум воды, когда подошли к луже на каменной улице, то нас неожиданно окатила небольшая струйка воды от фонтана плюющего мальчика. Этот плюющий мальчик есть одна из основных достопримечательностей городка. Будите хотя бы проездом, обязательно найдите этот фонтан.
ja ..wir waren am Abend hier und uns hat es sehr gut gefallen.Schöner Platz !Hat seine ganz eigen stimmung hier.
Adorável surpresa 'perdida' numa das muitas ruelas simpáticas desta linda cidade.... De repente você está passando na rua, sente algo te molhando, não sabe de onde vem.... surpresa.... a escultura 'cospe' água sem aviso prévio causando alegria de crianças e adultos.....