provincial museum of the central rhineland (landesmuseum mainz)
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This is a small museum that covers some of the local history. You can get through the entire building in about 90 minutes. English guides are available via a small walkie for 1 euro.
I appreciated the collection in this museum, but, no doubt, would have appreciated even more had I been able to understand the signage. I rented an audio guide to help me through, but found that a very small number of pieces had explanations available in English. Upon entering each exhibit area, there is a short explanation in English, but it left me wanting more.
This museum is a little off the tourist beaten track perhaps, so it was almost entirely empty of visitors when I toured it. (There were more security guards than visitors!) The art and Roman artifacts are extremely well presented, and the collection, while not overwhelmingly large, has many fine pieces. The guards are a little overbearing--I was yelled at by one for trying to open a door without using the automatic button. (Seriously, just pointing it out would have sufficed, I didn't need to be shouted at so hostilely!)Still, I enjoyed my visit, especially the Jugenstil art nouveau glass pieces.
The Landesmuseum has an astonishing collection of Roman sculptures, such as gravestones, altars, pillars and even a complete gate. The museum has modernised the first part of the rooms, so some of the most important pieces are shown with great lighting/atmosphere. For those interested in Roman archaeology, this museum is a must!
Great museum devoted to the history and art of Mainz and the Rhineland Palatinate. When we were there in May 2013 there was a terrific little exhibition of Mainz's roman military history.One of its highlights for me is its collection of Art Nouveau glass. It is well worth a visit.
It's well worth visiting this museum - it has a dozen or so permanent art collections of different sorts, including Medieval, Dutch, Romantic and Modern. You could really spend all day here, but better to choose two or three departments and spend an hour or so in each. There is an audio guide in English for one euro, although only a selection of pieces are described. Nice cafe on the ground floor.It's a shame it wasn't very busy when I visited - the security guards felt obliged to follow me round to check what I was doing!
We came here during Museumnacht, and ended up spending more time here than I had expected. There is a lot to see, so allow adequate time. If you can come during Museumnacht, they have some great extra programs.
The Landesmuseum is bright, attractive and imaginative. The collection is fascinating, and they use every modern museum technique to bring it to life. We wished we'd had more time. Don't miss it.
unbedingt den Schritt in die Unterwelt machen. Es lohnt sich mitten in der Stadt einen Blick zuwerfen. Sehr gut umgesetzte hiostorische Erlebnisse und Einblicke !
Este museu tem uma arquitetura linda e seu conteúdo é muito interessante. Vale a pena o passeio, também pelo fato de nao haver muitos outros museus em Mainz!
ein sehr interessant gestaltetes Museum, die Geschichte der Stadt wird von ihren Ursprüngen bis ins heute präsentiert in vielfältiger Art und Weise, man kann eine Führung mitmachen oder das Haus auf eigene Faust erkunden - in jedem Raum ist kompetentes Personal vor Ort, das Auskunft geben kann, sehr angenehm ist das kleine Café im Erdgeschoss
красота неимоверная, где сочетается архитектура 18-20 веков, различные стили отображают жизнь и традиции немецкого городка. Расположен на Рейне
Eines der ältesten Museen Deutschlands. Barockes Gebäude in der goldenen Rosskaserne. Vorgeschichte, röm. Zeit, Malerei bis 19. Jahrhundert, Judaica und Stadtgeschichte .
Das Landesmuseum befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe der Altstadt und lohnt durchaus einen Abstecher, besonders für diejenigen, die sich für Geschichte interessieren. Die Geschichte von Mainz ist ganz gut dargestellt, auch wenn ich mir manchmal etwas ausführlichere Informationen gewünscht hätte. Dafür sind die ausgestellten Kunstwerke sehenswert.
Das war einmal ein interesanter Museumsbesuch: Gleich am Anfang Schließfächer - so soll es sein. Dann große Empfangshalle, die Platz hat auch für große Gruppen, ohne dass man als einzelner Besucher (ich bin älter und Alleinstehend) Platzangst bekomt. Im Foyer kann man sich bereits einen Überblick verschaffen, wo was ist. Dann ging es die kompfortablen Treppen hoch, alles sehr hell und licht - Die einzelnen Abteilungen nicht überfrachtet - Museumspädagogik etwas übertrieben (Warum soll ich ständig irgend welche Klappen aufmachen, um Wissen zu erweitern?), aber mein Fazit: Positiv. Wer sich über die Geschichte der Stadt Mainz und die Kulturgeschichte des Landes informieren will - Hier ist man richtig