mainz cathedral (dom)
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开放时间: 暂无

停好车,一看已经到了午餐时间,就近找了一家亚洲餐厅,进去一看结果是越南人开的,不过还好,东南亚的菜味道也差不多。喂饱五脏庙,顺便向老板问路,老板听我们说去教堂,说是很近啊,不用开车 ,走过去几分钟就到啦。我们一阵高兴,但我心里不禁犯了嘀咕,按说美茵茨大教堂被认为是与特里尔、科隆大教堂并列为德国三大教堂,应该人气比较旺才是,既然只有几分钟的路程,应该远远就能看到吧。可我左看右看都没看到,正犹疑间,老板好热情地跑出来给我们指路说从那个小巷穿上去,我们过去看到一个小教堂,我绕了一圈也觉着这怎么也不该是DOM的级别呀 里面还有一家人在举行洗礼,也有些奇怪地看着我们这不约而至的东方面孔,呵呵~赶紧撤吧,果断判定这不是我要找的美茵茨大教堂。重新回车里搜索导航,原来我们当时只是刚下了高速,估计也就是美茵茨的周边,还没进到城中心呢,真是……掉转车头继续前进,不一会儿就拐进市区,远远的就看到了大教堂的尖顶,BINGO!终于走对了美茵茨大教堂又被称作圣马丁大教堂,位于德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州美因茨市内,靠近美因茨历史中心和步行街集市广场。这座具有1000年历史的罗马式大教堂是天主教美因茨教区的主教座堂,是德国最重要的教堂建筑之一,它于美因茨的意义不亚于莱茵狂欢节。美茵茨大教堂由大主教威利吉斯(Willigis)于公元 975 年下令修建,是象征美因茨主教教区精神中心的大教堂和主教教堂。这座教堂是著名的罗马风格建筑,被誉为古典美和成熟美的经典组合。这是一座装饰丰富的淡红色砂岩建筑,顶端有一个八角塔,曾经经历过真正的烈火洗礼。1066年教堂在接受授职仪式的前一天遭遇了大火,现在人们所看到的绝大部分都是12世纪罗马式建筑的精粹。Content/教堂周边停车难/ 话说这个教堂周边也不好停车的说,虽然周围有免费停车场,可车那个多呀,我们在那照例是绕了左三圈右三圈,还闯了禁区,差点没开到那个教堂步行街上去了,好在及时退出来 ,最后我和儿子只好先行下车去参观,“委屈”LG守在停车场外等车位(不过总的来说德国这点还好,一般稍微等等还是能等到)。
Don't make a special trip just to see the Cathedral however it is easy to get to when visiting the market square. The Gutenburg Museum is about a three minute walk from the Cathedral. If your interest is seeing the Romanesque and Gothic architecture then take it in.
In the middle of the town, so why not! Since I grew up in Mainz, I have gone there quite often. This church is very silent and a very spiritual place! So give it a try!
We went to the back side to see the Romanesque and Gothic styles in architecture. The building is made of red sandstone which makes the nice pink structure from the outside. One of the towers is being renovated. Paintings of the stations of the cross and stained glass windows fill the church.
I didn't spend much time in it, but it's worth visiting if you're in Mainz. Near the city center, easy to access.
This is quite a nice Cathedral to visit if you are visiting Mainz and in the Alt-Stadt area of the city. It is a bit of a contrast to some of the other large cathedrals you might find in France/England or other european countries in so much as the interior architecture is more monolithic in nature - not as fine or ornate. It also has a more somber feel and is less well lite(we did visit in winter), you can also visit the crypt area. This is an impressive structure externally and quite imposing in size - restoration work was being performed on the doom at the time of our visit but it didn't distract from its appeal. We were lucky enough to have visited just before Christmas so the cathedral was surrounded by the Christmas markets that were a delight to walk around and enjoy. As a number of TA posters have indicated it is the cathedrals age that stands out and puts it in a similar league to Notre Dame in Paris. I think its worthwhile visiting if you are in the area and have some available time. (I wouldn't necessarily make a special trip just to solely visit the cathedral itself)
No tower to climb, nicely kept inside, but nothing ornate. The courtyard is lovely, but the museum was closed.
The Dom was a beautiful building with Gothic architecture and impressive large steeples located in the center of the city. Inside are numerous statues, burial rooms, and stained glass, . It is well preserved and worth a visit.
I arrived at Mainz in the evening and saw this building from the exit near to the garage. The size and design of of the structure is so impressive even though the building was under renovation with cranes around the church. I wasn't able to get into the building but walking around the building is really pleasant and enjoyable. The shops are really "schick" and upscale. Some of the Christmas lights were already up and it was so beautiful. A worthy place to visit if you ever pass by on your way to other cities.
It was a really nice cathedral. It is really huge and there is a lot to see. Unfortunately, they did not have any brochures of further information there.
Centrally located and readily accessible landmark building. Self guided tour means you have to know what you are looking at.
If you appreciate architecture than check out this cathedral. Its near other main sites and everything is in easy walking distance. Worth a stroll in this direction.
Mainz Dom, is actually one of the Cathedrals I enjoy coming into again and again. It is grand and majestic without being overbearing with gold and silver everywhere you look to show off wealth. There are still beautiful images all over the Cathedral though to give you a glimpse into the history of the building. Whether you're visiting Mainz for one of the many festivals or specifically coming to town to sight see, you can't go wrong with a quick stop at the Dom. It is well worth the trip to see a roman cathedral, more than 1000 years old. Safe Travels!
Mainz cathedral breathes history. Founded over 1,000 years ago, it is mostly Romanesque in style, but with many later additions. Despite being badly damaged by air raids in 1942, the cathedral remained substantially intact. There is some inspired modern stained glass that contrasts beautifully with the ancient architecture. The cathedral is located in the centre of Mainz and there is an attractive pedestrianised square in front of the building.
Wow just amazing! The church dates back so many years and you feel like you are in a time warp as you step inside. The church is huge you can't miss it if your in mainz. There is a nice square with many restaurants and places to shop on your way to the church also. Beware of homeless people who pick pocket tourist in the square (they are everywhere)! Other then that it's a must do when in mainz and the best part was that it was free.