elbufer dresden
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we had a boat trip on the Elbe. That was really nice until a small group of drunken guys spotted my (coloured) girl friend. That part was not nice. But great was the help and support from many, many others.the boat trip was great and you are surprized how many great houses and places of history you can see on both sides of river Elbe. great place - but as you could see in the last few weeks again - Dresden is a stupid and uncomfortable place because of a few hundred idiots and a few thousand stupid Ex-DDR right wing people.Hope it will change soon.
we missed the lovely event every spring , but clearly can see the boats and services provided to enjoy the great river elbe all the way to the sand stin gebirge, a truely must see
The sun came out,temp:-5,so when we sort out this trip we were ready to just sit back,sink a beer and watch the Elbe flow by.Have to say that I was not 100% in favour of this and as to date the Dresden Diet seemed to consist of Red cabbage(Too sweet for me) Huge Dumplings that fought back both during and post consumption........and that poor creature the 'Goose'. Now had never eaten Goose and would again but the other's....Very pleasant especially if you have good company which we did,try i8t out for yourselves.
There's nearly no end to activities at the Elbufer in Dresden. It is not only a gorgeous area, and boasts historical places and buildings, but it is a photographer's dream and a great hangout. During the warm months, choose a multitude of outdoors restaurants and beer gardens. During the cold months, enjoy a hot drink from outdoor vendors or nearby bars and restaurants. And did I mention you can walk, walk, walk? Never forget to wear good walking shoes and never forget your camera at the Elbufer. Of course, taking a ferry to several other sights has never been a bad idea either. There are events throughout the year which host ferry and boat parades as well.
Really great landscape! My advice: book a steam boat trip one day in advance: one way to Bad Schandau and drive back to Dresden city by public transport (interurban train). Don't forget your cam and also enjoy the bridges and the Elbsandsteingebirge.
Highly recommend in summer time! Plan it for the whole day with start in the morning. Its amazing and you will never forget Elbe, Dresden and interesting trip. Its must do in Dresden when you have enough time!
Elbufer, the part of Unesco Heritage, is great place to spend the whole day. You can ride your bike, skate, have a picnic or visit one of the many biergartens and have a glass of beer.
We took a 90 minute cruise which gave us an idea of the area around Dresden. Once we got away from the city, we saw several so-called "castles" although they looked more like large villas, some with vineyards reaching down to the waterfront. Also there seem to be very pleasant bike paths and walkways along both sides of the river. Coming back, we had fabulous views of the Dresden city skyline. Well worth doing.
Bei schönem Wetter ein Muss! Man kann schöne Bilder von der anderen Uferseite machen und sich entspannt in die Sonne setzen!
Wir liefen - bei strahlendem Sonnenschein - von den Brühl'schen Terrassen bis zum "Blauen Wunder", fuhren mit der Seilbahn zum Weissen Hirsch und liefen dann, nach einer Einkehr im Fürstenhof, wieder zurück zum Neumarkt. Es war ein wunderbares Erlebnis: die Landschaft entlang der Elbe, der Blick von oben, die Villen und Schlösser, ... Bei unserem nächsten Dresdenbesuch unbedingt wieder!
Begin bij de verste brug en loop eens langs de Elbe. De prachtige contouren van de stad zijn vooral in het avondlicht betoverend. De promenade langs de hogeschool voor de kunst vormt uiteindelijk een prachtig eindpunt.
Die Uferzone in Dresden ist für die Dresdner und deren Gäste ein riesiges Naherholungsgebiet.Die Weite der Uferzone lässt wunderbare Blicke auf die Schätze der Bauwerke,der Brücken und der rechts der Elbe gelegenen Schlösser zu.Freiluftveranstaltungen sin hier Kult.Radfahrer können auf den Flächen die Stadt erkunden, aber man kann auch "nur" Ausruhen
Meerdere keren heb ik de stad Dresden bezocht. Ik heb het ook nog meegemaakt ten tijde van de DDR, en ook na de Val van De Muur heb ik Dresden bezocht. Ik heb Dresden zien veranderen van een grauwe Oosteuropese stad naar een moderne Duitse stad. Dresden is zeker de moeite waard. De laatste keer dat ik Dresden bezocht was in Augustus 2008.
Wenn das Wetter passt, bleibt nichts anderes als spatzieren, gucken und geniesen übrig. Es gibt sooo viele Kaffee's, Läden, Sehenswürdigkeiten. Ruck Zuck sind 4/5 Stunden rum.
Am Elbufer kann man sehr gut spazierengehen und das Panorama der Stadt geniessen. Leider ist es dort oft sehr windig, aber im Winter kann man es nicht anders erwarten. Im Sommer haben wir aber es sehr genossen und wir haben uns mit einem Cocktail auf einer der Terrassen am Ufer gutgehen lassen.