belvedere della sighignola
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6 kilometers from village Lanzo d'Intelvi, climbing with your car uphill on a nerrow road, you will get to a unique observiasion point. We have seen a lot of them on previose trips in different countries, but to our humble opinion this one makes you feel "closest of all to Almighty". The hight and the view are undescibable. Who ever is in vecinity, it's a must place. The picture i attach can not express the unbelivable beauty that unveals in front of you, but here is a small peece of it. Small kiosk with soft drinks and sandwiches availiable by parking facilites. (Best you have your own supply). Just make it on a good weather day.
Approached by a challenging road with around a dozen hairpin bends, Lanzo d'Intelvi is a remote little community located at approximately 1000m. There is an interesting church, a couple of bars and a restaurant or two along with several beautiful walks, most particularly two with outstanding views of Lake Lugano and the city of Lugano in Switzerland in the distance.For a relaxing, unstressfull, quiet holiday, there can be few better resorts in which to unwind away from the busy commercial world outside. Go for it!
Having a free day with National Holidays another guest and I had a very pleasant walk up to the viewpoint and back. Cyril 84 years young and myself walked the just over seven mile return route from the Hotel Milano Lanzo D'Intelvi. This walk can be done all on tarmac if you wish, Cyril being the adventurous type lead the way up and down. We walked on tarmac for the first two miles then at the Café Scuola Sci Valle D'intelvi, Cyril struck left up on a marked track into the woods to rejoin the road near the top. Our reward was to see a deer glazing in the woods. see photos. At the top we enjoyed a coffee in Italy while looking over Switzerland. After the coffee break Cyril lead the way into Switzerland. Walk back downhill around 20 yards past the café to pick up a path on the right. This path leads you into Switzerland and the Swiss viewpoint. see photos.Our way back to Hotel Milano Cyril lead the way mainly off road, using the walk/cycling routes through the woods. The route does come out in a different part of Lanzo, but just follow the signs for the centre and Monica's bar where we had a well deserved drink. see photos.We took the walk at a very easy pace and with 2 longish stops we did the round trip walk (hotel to hotel) of over seven miles in 5 hours.To end may I thank "young at heart" Cyril for a very pleasant day out.
As fantastic as everyone says, bring a warm jacket as it can get chilly up there. Couples, I think this is the perfect place for a proposal, just make sure the ring doesn't get blown over the side! Note, you drive into lanzo D'intelvi, and then look for signs on the right hand side, the map coordinates are a touch misleading.
This is one of the most wonderful sights of the alpes il Lombardia. It is important to choose the correct day but it is clearly visible the Lugano lake.. Lago maggiore... Monte rosa and in very clear day also monviso mountain. Really incredible.. You can get from Italy or from Switzerland going up through the Val Mara.
In a sunny day, you can see up to Milan. Take your camera with you, or you will really miss it! And in proximity there is also a very beautiful playground.... in Swiss Land...
It's a 45 minutes drive from the lake shore in Switzerland, if you come from the south, more or less the same if you come from the Como lake in the east, but anyway when you are up there you are rewarded with stunning views. The traffic signs are a bit confusing as often happens in Italy, and we were first directioned to another belvedere, which has a restaurant, but that it's not Sighignola. Once in the right one, you can see Lugano at your feet if you look west, and the plains of Lombardy if you look south. 5 stars site. A "must" if you are by the Ticino canton in Switzerland or by the lakes region in Italy.
A must visit, although difficult to climb up with car (1.300 m altitude). Worth paid the 30 minutes drive. See at Google Earth 3D panoramic views to get a taste of what a beautiful site it is.
Sono stato li più di un ora solo per il magnifico paesaggio,un posto fantastico con un panorama da togliere il fiato.Sono stato li con una bellissima giornata se uno conosce bene il territorio si vede il monte rosa,il cervino,il lago maggiore e naturalmente il lago di Lugano che si trova appena li sotto.Un consiglio se siete affamati...A Lanzo di Intelvi andate a mangiare al ristorante Crotto Dogana prezzi e cibo molto buoni.
Un giro un moto... Vista mozzafiato, fantastico! Ma perché bisogna "lasciar andare" così questi posti? Né una bouvette, un ritrovo, nulla... Solo un balcone con un sacco di gente che... Nn sa dove fermarsi. Peccato, davvero
Da Lanzo una strada tortuosa ma fattibile vi conduce al Belvedere. Il panorama, nelle belle giornate e di una bellezza entusiasmante.Il ristorante è, purtroppo, chiuso e in inverno anche il bar.Piccolo parco giochi.Da visitare!
...per i motociclisti. Il percorso che porta a questa località è ideale per chi in moto preferisce godere dei paesaggi piuttosto che della velocità. Tornanti stretti, boschi e alla fine una piazza dove parcheggiare senza ansia con bar e ristorante. vista eccezionale e molto posto per fare picnic. d'inverno occhi al ghiaccio che compare all'improvviso. se arrivate in macchina procedete con cautela, non ci sono protezioni ai lati della strada e la stessa è abbastanza stretta. nessuna ansia comunque, tranquilli.
Il y a peu de paysages d'une telle beauté, de surcroît d'un accès aussi facile. Je vous recommande vivement d'y aller par beau temps pour bénéficier de cette vue panoramique et sublime sur la ville de Lugano, le lac dont il porte le nom et les Alpes suisses. Autrefois, il existait un funiculaire, mais il a été démonté définitivement en 2013. Toutefois, la route d'accès qui mène à ce site à 1320 mètres d'altitude côté italien est assez facile, bien que très sinueuse. N'oubliez pas votre appareil photo/camescope : la vue est vraiment exceptionnelle.
Op heldere dagen een fantastisch uitzicht over Luganomeer en omringende Alpen. In de verte kun je ook het Lago Maggiore zien liggen.Prachtig ook om in het voorjaar te bezoeken, als de sneeuw nog op de hoogste toppen ligt. Of 's avonds: al die lichtjes van Lugano en de dorpjes / stadjes in de bergen... Wel is het eeuwig zonde dat sinds een aantal jaren het restaurant op de top gesloten is en er op de top geen horeca meer aanwezig is. Maar voor een lekker drankje op een terras met uitzicht kun je altijd nog naar Da Buffa, aan de Piazzale funicolare in Lanzo d'Intelvi.
Da motociclista questo belvedere è d'obbligo. Consigliato da tanti devo ammettere che è veramente suggestivo. Se la giornata lo permette si riesce a vedere il casinò di campione, Lugano, la diga e molte vette svizzere.Si può notare anche l'antica funivia che collegava la vetta a Campione.E' presente un piccolo parco giochi con due piazzole griglia fisse.Purtroppo è presente solo un piccolo bar. In passato c'era anche un ristorante ma ora è chiuso. Un vero peccato.I bagni, non del bar, sono chimici.