saint martino tower
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

beautiful old building, steep climb to top but worth the walk, lot of history inside there, set in lovely countryside, well worth the visit,
It is a marvelous place to spend a day, in the beautiful Lombardian landscapes with a great touch of history. The tower has an observation point and a cosy taverna at the entrance.
We walked to the top of the tower enjoying the murals on the way. We learned a lot and enjoyed the spectacular views from the top.A visit to the museum was cut short because we bumped up to the lunch closing time and had to endure the wrath of the ticket man as we cost him a minute of his lunch break.A visit to the ossuary is worth the few minutes it takes to see the skulls and put some context to the battles fought.
Our family climbed to the top and enjoyed the view, as well as the murals in the tower. Lots of historic information.
we visited here late in the afternoon and there were only 2 other people there. we got there at 5.30pm and it closes at 7pm. we thought the tower was stunning, we climbed to the stairs just a floor round the inside.....wide enough for wheelchairs!! from the top the views were fantastic. then the museum is on site so we visited there and inside has all kinds of things like uniforms and weapons. then we visited the ossuay chapel, thought this would be a bit spooky but actually was okay consider there are the remains of 7000 soldiers. the wall at the back is covered in real skulls and femurs.....bit odd to see but okay. ive never seen anything like it but still glad I visited the place. well worth a visit.
The San Martino tower provides wonderful views of the lovely landscape surrounding the historic area (Battle of Solferino), all the way up to Lake Garda. Going up the tower, visitors can see informative and well-done paintings of the region's history (especially as it pertains to the years of the Italian liberation struggle, including the huge battle of San Martino/Solferino).
The tower is situated with a commanding view of Lake Garda and is rich with history. Recommend that you read the history and understand that this is a battle monument where thousands of men lost their lives. Additionally, recommend that you visit the chapel below the monument. The chapel contains the remains of several thousand soldiers from the battle. Might not be appropriate for some children. Definitely recommend for those who enjoy history and an amazing view...
Definitely a must see if you are in the neighbourhood, it can’t be missed!Because you shouldn’t forget yesterday to build a better tomorrow.
We found out about this sight from one of the guide books. It was fairly easy to get to if you follow the signs to the town then when you see the tower in the distance start driving down the roads that look like they lead to it.We arrived during the lunchtime closed period so had a drink in the bar opposite the tower sat under a canopy made of grape vines with bunches of red grapes dangling above your head.When the tower opened we had it pretty much to ourselves save for another couple of families. The walk to the top was easy considering how high it was and the views at the top were breathtaking.The museum at the bottom was full of memorabilia an artefacts from the battle. It's quite small and only takes a short while to walk round.Entrance to the tower and museum was cheap at around €5 each. Also on the site but free to enter is a church dedicated to the battle on the site. It's a pretty little building but be prepared because inside its full of the skulls and bones of the soldiers from the battle.It's not the largest of sights but its interesting nonetheless and excellent value. The under crowdedness always makes it quite a relaxing sight as well.
We took a small detour here by car from our base at Desenzano. Not especially well signposted. Was worth it, very unusual building great views from the top. Informative video show in museum(multi-lingual)The near by ossary is fascinating.
The battle of San Martino on June 24, 1859 pitched some 150,000 Austrian soldiers against 190,000 French and Sardinian ones, and was a key battle in King Vittorio Emmanuele II's struggle to unify the Italian kingdom. The tower at the site of the battlefield is built in his memory. 65 metres high, it is not difficult to climb (an incline rather than stairs). The decorations inside (frescoes of key moments in the battle) are interesting though poorly illuminated. Without guidance, the view from the top reveals little about the actual battle, but the sight itself is worth the effort by clear weather, as it offers a sweeping view stretching from the south of Garda Lake and the morainic hills to the other towns which played a role in the battle. The museum at the foot of the tower has the look and smell of old museums, before museography became a science and an art; but the 15-minute or so slide show on five screens gives a very good idea of the importance of the battle, the strategic aspects and the stunning number of casualties (the importance of the casualties in this battle was what inspired Henri Dunant to set up the Red Cross) . Comments are offered in Italian, French, English and German. A little further, an Ossuary (and another in Solferino) where skulls and bones are displayed honours the memory of the soldiers killed in the battle. The altar in the middle bears tributes to them, and many appeals to end war and promote peace, which have not yet been heeded by humanity.A fee is charged for access to the tower and the museum (3 to 5 EUR according to age and status), and the inn opposite the entrance of the site serves excellent coffee.
Una esperienza meravigliosa, un luogo incantato pieno di istoria arte. direi che e difficile da spiegare la emozione che si prova al stare in un luogo cosi..poi la vista di sopra la torre e unica.
La Torre di San Martino merita certamente una visita. E' circondata da un gran bel parco, con annesso museo della Battaglia di San Martino, interessante luogo culturale anche per chi non è appassionato di storia, con espesizioni di abiti, armi ed accessori del 1800 - 1900. Si può arrivare in cima alla torre alta circa 74 metri senza doversi uccidere di fatica, poichè il percorso è sì in salita, ma a spirale e senza gradini. Dalla cima si vede distintamente il lago ed il paesaggio limitrofo, molto bello. Nell'area del parcheggio c'è anche una cappella con ossario, un pò lugubre, ma particolare. Consiglio
Davvero un posto fantastico ! A partire dalla torre dove ci si può salire fino in cima , avendo la possibilità di godere di un panorama mozzafiato. E anche il museo adiacente con una sala multimediale veramente innovativa. Un tuffo nella storia
Grazie al siti si può scaricare l app, dove si puo ascoltare o leggere la storia del castello, dei dipinti, del museo e dell ossario.Ampio parcheggio, si può visitare tutto a piedi.Merita!!!