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This once abandoned ghost town, perched up in the cliffs between valleys is worth the 50km drive from rome. The city itself feels like something out of a movie, with cobbled streets and hidden walkways that lead to individual lookouts to the river a hundred meters below. Inhabited now by many artists and hippies, the town also boasts many restaurants with fantastic views. ( It reminds me of "The Dying City" another town in italy which is worth checking out around an hour and half from rome) There is a fantastic sweets bakery/ cake shop & local produce venders within the towns walls that are worth checking out. Before you head there have a read up on it's history. I look forward yo going back in the summer months.
It looks fascinating. We didn't see much as the Parking is far far away, and the pathway is long and up and down. I walked as far as the upper reaches of the town and the rest was too daunting. It would have helped if they posted how far to walk from the parking lot. My guess is 3-4 km but the hills are steep.Because of the distance, not recommended for families.
I learned the story of Calcata recently, when on a trip to Rome. It is one of the ghost cities, as many in contemporary Italy, abandoned by its inhabitants, either because they did not have enough space to raise their children, either because there was no work and money to do the same..Calcata had the chance of being at fairly close driving distance from Rome, so it became the summer retreat to numerous artists and the bohemians brought with them new crafts, revived the old style art and created wonderful places to hang around, like cafeterias and wine cellars. During the week it still look very empty, but on week-ends it is quite crowded and colorful. Iti s a kingdom of cats, they are everywhere, inside and outside the houses...
Tried driving to calcata from I pink campsite final rTried driving to calcata from I pini campsite fiano Romano,had to turn round 6km from calcata back to I pini,due to the bad road surface, I have never seen a road as bad as this in the UK,had to slow down to walking pace in places and I still could not avoid the potholes,if you want to visit calcata I suggest you drive there in a suitable vehicle a 4x4, my car a Toyota avensis tourer with 55 profile tyres is unsuitable for these unrepaired Italian roads.
Calcata is a small almost ghost-borough in the roman countryside, worth a visit for the amazing view and the small, narrow streets you can walk through. Just few people live there (almost artists) who take care of it. You can't park in but have to leave your car at the new calcata village parking and follow the path "historical walk" to reach the old site. You will take about 1 hour to walk it all and have a chance to have a nice meal in one of the several small restaurants.
Despite is kind hard to get there, it worths to visit. The city is preserved how it was in the medieval times and its on a rock! And the views from the corners of the rock are awesome! To get there we picked a bus from Saxa Rubra in Rome.
Charming medieval village on top of a stone hill, an hour's drive from Rome. Reminds of Tuscany's elevated villages and towns, only this one has not yet been discovered by mass tourism. One can obviously also make short trekking trips in the area.
The town of Calcata is a gem of a secret medieval town filled with artists and creative types and has quite an interesting past, something to do with an embarrassing relic that disappeared in the late 1970's. This town was destined for destruction in the 1960's when a group of hippies and creative types petitioned the Italian government to save the town, and they got permission to save it, occupy it, and that is how it came to be an Artist's town. In spite of it falling down along some of the perimeter, much of the town is intact today. You can walk along the perimeter walls and see where parts have fallen into the Ravine, don't go to close to the edges. We had the best Espresso ever in this town, as you enter it look to the right for the coffee shop. As we wondered the town we found many Artists stores, and lots of interesting things to look at. This is a very unique place and you won't see many tourists here!
I'd seen a few articles about this place, describing it as a charming hill-top village rescued from dereliction by an artistic colony in the seventies but it's frankly not worth even a slight detour. It's grungy, shabby and graffiti strewn. Given it's perfect location, perched high over the valley with spectacular views and the potential of it's old houses and narrow cobbled lanes it could be pleasant without being gentrified. If the residents have artistic sensibilities then why not spruce it up in an interesting way- after all the whole place would fit in Times Square? Although there were several places to eat, none looked at all inviting and in a couple of places the owner/manager hovering in the doorway was actually discouraging. What a contrast to Civita di Bagnoregio - also a village close to having been abandoned - where all the eateries looked worth a try.[see Trip Advisor review] Perhaps Calcata can just about get away with it on a sunny weekend in the summer when nearby Rome disgorges it's millions for country breaks but on a drizzly April day it had only the grim appeal of Alcatraz. It is a mystery how Swimchicksmom took two hours to tour the village unless she was crawling on hands and knees as some kind of penance.
What an interesting village. Medieval in time, forgotten, was a pleasant 2-3 hour tour of the town and a easy drive from Rome Italy. We arrived and walked through the village on a Wednesday. It was quiet and allowed us to see the true beauty of this ancient town. We were told that artists on the weekend bring the town alive with people. We preferred it without a ton of visitors. We didn't get to see the waterfalls, but hear that they are nearby.
E' davvero un posto meraviglioso, si affaccia in una vallata con panorama mozzafiato e l'eco della propria voce che risuona tutt'attorno... le viuzze hanno un non so che di magico e fatato, siamo stati subito dopo halloween e ancora c'erano gli addobbi di streghe, ragnatele e serpenti. e i gatti. adorabili micetti ovunque. vi adoro! tornerò. presto.
Questo piccolo ristorante a Calcata è un'ottima opzione! L'atmosfera è accogliente ed intimo, il personale è gentile ed il servizio è ottimo! La cucina co ha conquistato! Abbiamo provato la polenta al ragù di cinghiale e la polenta con la salciccia, eccellenti tutte e due!! Torneremo sicuramente!!
Приехав на неделю в Рим , решили съездить за город , в интересное местечко, не истоптанное тысячами туристов. Остановили свой выбор на Калькатте. Очень живописное местечко, узкие улочки, красивый вид на сам городок и 4 молодых туриста. Мы погуляли и пофоткались 1,5 часа и поехали назад. Добирались на автобусе "котрал". Были в январе , в понедельник. Автобус отходил в 9, 12 часов, а мы подъехали в 10, пришлось ждать 2 часа. А в инете читала, что ходят каждый час. доехали за 35 минут.
Mi avevano parlato tanto e spesso di Calcata ma solo mettendoci piede di persona mi sono pian piano reso conto della magia di questo posto. Arroccata su una rupe, il borgo di Calcata Vecchia sembra un presepe ma, avventurandosi per le tante viuzze e per i vicoletti, ad ogni angolo si scopre un mondo magico, fatto di colori, forme, creatività e genuinità. Per mangiare, vi consiglio la Latteria del Gatto Nero (che troverete recensita anche da me) dove in un ambiente rustico e dedicato ai felini potrete gustare piatti tipici della zona. Tra le cose interessanti da vedere, se siete amanti dell'arte, ci sono l'Opera Bosco, i sentieri escursionistici del fiume Treja, lo studio dell'artista Simona Weller e l'associazione culturare Porta Segreta. Se poi passeggiando vi viene un languorino, potete fare una sosta al Forno per acquistare dei biscotti artigianali o fare un salto alla Sala da Te e optare per una tazza calda accompagnata da una fetta di torta. Ci sono ancora tanti scorci, angoli, curiosità, dettagli da vedere e da gustare ma è giusto che ognuno viva la propria esperienza a Calcata e li scopra da solo.
Потрясающее место. Старинный городок, никаких толп туристов. От дороги потрясающий вид на городок который кажется падает со скалы. Добираться просто даже на общественном транспорте. Я ездила из Рима на автобусах котрал.