via triumphalis necropolis
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We were very lucky to find and do this tour. I found it when i was looking through the Vatican official website.You must reserve the tour through sending an email to: Although they didn't require us to pay immediately, we paid for the tour when we arrived at the Vatican Museums (10 euros per person). Of course you must ask about the date of the English tour if you want. Meeting point at the guided tour desk in the hall of the Vatican Museums.When we arrived we skipped the line of the Vatican Museum and showed the email to the security officer at the gate and he made us pass immediately.We were lucky again since we were just 5 taking the tour which is a great advantage, our beautiful guide (Barbra) was more than excellent that made this tour something over our expectations, informative, cheerful and patient.The tour takes you from inside the museum to the underground tombs of ancient Romans both Christians and pagans. IT IS A MUST.
Expanded and reopened to the public in December 2013, this tour (booked through the Vatican Museums) takes you to the amazing Roman necropolis found under a parking lot in the Vatican along what was once the ancient road, Via Triumphalis. The tombs and burials are layered over time and are fascinating to behold. The poor were cremated and buried in urns, or buried in a shroud (the skeletons remain); the wealthy had lovely freestanding tombs decorated with fresco and marble. It's a very interesting site and excavation and conservation is still underway. Note that this is not the "Scavi" tour, which tours a necropolis under St. Peter's Basilica (and which includes the resting place of Saint Peter as well as other early Christians), but a cemetery of ancient Roman pagans.While seeing the archaeological site is terrific, the two hour tour seems to need more thought. Be prepared for standing for long periods of time on very hard surfaces to watch videos (although there is certainly room for seating in some areas, not sure why this is not provided -- people started sitting on the metal stairs), as well as time while your guide figures out how to work the video. The tour was too large (over 20 people, it should be capped at no more than 15), so you could not see when the guide was discussing small objects in glass cases; and it was sometimes hard to understand the guide. It would also be nice to have time to read the placards around the site as well as use the computer screens, but the tour kind of rushed you through (as well as there would be too many people for to all get access). However, this is the only way to gain access to the site.
Melhor visita de toda minha estadia. O tour na necropolis deveria ser obrigatório, o aprendizado, a quantidade de conhecimento escondida naquele lugar é inexplicável. Pontos extras para a nossa guia, que era muito simpática e solícita.
На via Triumphalis находится в древнеримский некрополь. В нем можно увидеть гробницы императоров с первого по четвертый век нашей эры. В раскопках представлены мозаики, надгробные плиты, саркофаги и многое другое. Если есть время, то можно зайти.
Совсем неинтересно. Конечно это личное дело каждого но я там не нашла для себя ничего интересного. как будто все специально сделали для туристов
Para quem é religioso e conhece um pouco da história deste lugar, ao chegar lá e conhecer os detalhes, é arrepiante, pois é uma homenagem que é impossível esquecer.
Visita con prenotazione obbligatoria,un dieci e lode alla nostra guida,però francamente, come sito archeologico ho visto di meglio.
Sicuramente interessante scoprire le sepolture degli antichi romani, anche perché la cultura della morte dice molto sulle civiltà. Le Necropoli di Via Triumphalis sono veramente ben tenute e ricche di particolari interessanti. Ci sono anche dei video da vedere all'interno. Visitabile solo con visita guidata.
Para quem aprecia arte e história é uma parada obrigatória.Fora o excesso de pessoas o lugar é interessante, agora esta lotação já é trivial e piora mais nas férias escolares e em agosto.
a via já é uma grande atração pelos muros, detalhes arquitetonicos e valor historico que apresenta! a partir do momento que entra nas ruas do vatica ja comeca a valer a pena o passeio
Visita effettuata dopo essere riusciti a prenotare con largo anticipo. Vengono mostrati ed illustrati numerosi ritrovamenti archeologici sotto le strutture all'interno della Città del Vaticano. Molto interessante e coinvolgente. Brava anche la guida che accompagna esponendo, purtroppo in un italiano non perfetto essendo originaria di un paese dell'Est Europeo, la storia che riguarda i reperti. Da consigliare magari in uno con la visita ai Musei Vaticani ed alla Cappella Sistina che, come sappiamo bene tutti, non si possono non visitare.