la casa del trifulau
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Great morning! We arrived a little late, although not deliberately, or by habit, it didn't seem to phase the owners of this business.We started in a room so filled with the smell of white truffles it was delightfully intoxicating. We were given a detailed explanation of all things truffles and were allowed to ask questions at any time. Then we headed out to put on our gumboots and get the dogs out.... now the fun begins! The dogs were incredible to watch, how they found them underground amazes me. After the hunt, back inside for as much cheese & white truffle shavings, red wine, truffle oil, bread and salami as you can eat! The hosts also joined us, very relaxed and keen to chat with us about truffles and anything else.The only thing that could have improved our experience is if the rain had of held off! Highly recommend.
We enjoyed our time at La Casa Del Trifulau. After a short introductory session on the historical and folklore of the truffle we met the dogs and went on the hunt. We booked it on our own and found it to be a wonderful afternoon. The two brothers work in tandem one indoors and the other on the hunt. We found a few white, black and the dogs ate the red ones. The samples at the end of the hunt were delicious.
This was part of a wine and food tour. The Owner put on one of the best shows about food I have ever seen. There was the history of Trifulau. The show of the hunting dogs. The walk in the near by mountain. The hunt with the dogs for the prize and the finding of the Trifulau on the mountain. Then back for a light lunch prepared by the owner with great presentation. This was a special event and will be remembered.
Our agriturismo booked this tour at our request. We were interested, but didn't really know what to expect. The very personable Natalie began the tour by giving us a very good briefing on truffles. In addition, we learned about the dogs and their training. I was not wearing the best shoes, so I was offered a pair of boots. We then went into the nearby woods with Giorgio and two of his dogs. They found both the summer black truffle and the precious white truffle. Back at the house, we were offered local wine, crusty bread and truffle infused olive oil. Natalie talked about various ways to serve truffles, and shaved both truffles over a soft local cheese. It was a delicious experience, especially given the capability to compare both types.
La Casa del Trifulau is the place you go to learn about truffels and go on a truffel hunt. You'll learn more things about truffles than you even knew you didn't know. Giorgio and Natale, your hosts, have a true passion for truffles, and it is infective.We went into this experience a little skeptical, to be honest, since none of us really liked truffels (or particularly cared about them), but when in Piedmont it seemed like part of the overall experience. As soon as we arrived, we were met by Giorgio, who was enthusiastic and friendly. We were welcomed with a quick orientation and information session about truffles (learning about the different kinds and why people care about them). As he spoke about his truffles, Giorgio just exuded passion, he got so excited even thinking about truffles that after about 5 minutes we were all excited to go find some.We were led by Diana, an English pointer, and walked up a fairly steep path into the woods. Diana was quickly on the trail, both of rabbits and truffles alike. She found a red one, a large black one and a very large white one that made Giorgio absolutely ecstatic because this was extremely early in the season for such a find. When we got back to the casa, Natale had prepared salami, cheese, and other goodies, all topped with truffles of course, for us to sample, along with a couple bottles of Barbera wine. We chatted and talked to Giorgio about truffles, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.I'm very surprised we liked this so much, but when someone is as full of energy and passion as Giorgio, you can't help but be captivated. Some tips: Make sure to wear good walking shoes and clothes you don't mind getting dirty. You go up a trail and through the brush, so unless it's been raining it's not that dirty, but a little bit. Good walking shoes are important (no heels). You will learn about the difference between the types of truffels, and how to enjoy them, You will get to taste truffels, and see how they are used and found. Then you will get to relax and enjoy your hunt with good nibbles and wine while talking with your newfound old friends. Quite lovely.
We had a great time. The truffle hunter is full of information and the dogs are hysterical as they run around sniffing among the trees.We found three truffles. The guide gets to keep them, but who cares. He shaved the biggest one found by the dogs over some soft cheese and we all ate it with some local wine on his veranda overlooking the hills of vineyards.Really great. He'll give you some rubber boots to pull up over your shoes, but expect to get a little dirty.Don't miss this when in the area.
Amo i cani e amo la buona cucina, quindi cosa può esserci di meglio per me se non andare per tartufi? :-)Non ci ho pensato due volte e dopo aver prenotato all'agriturismo La Romana e aver visto che proponevano questo servizio ho subito chiesto allo staff di organizzarmi una passeggiata per tartufi!Casa di Trifulau è gestita da 2 fratelli: Natale (introduce l'escursione con una breve e curiosa storia sul tartufo e, dopo la passeggiata, delizia gli ospiti con un assaggio di barbera, ricotta con grattata di tartufo bianco e pane con olio di tartufo e tartufo nero a scaglie) e Giorgio (col quale si va per boschi).Ma non solo: la capretta Antonella, un cane pastore tedesco (di cui purtroppo non ricordo il nome) e 3 cani di razza bracco/pointer: Diana (la mamma), Esterina e Brio (i figli). Sono loro 3 i veri protagonisti!!!Dopo l'introduzione ci siamo recati nel bosco (di proprietà della famiglia) per iniziare la ricerca con Giorgio, Diana e Brio. Sono rimasta davvero stupita dalla bravura di Diana e Brio che hanno trovato 3 tartufi bianchi in meno di un'ora! Naturalmente Girgio li ha ricompensati con una buona dose di croccantini (pare preferiscano questi al tartufo!)Al nostro ritorno presso la tenuta abbiamo degustato le prelibatezze che Natale ci aveva preparato in nostra assenza e acquistato un piccolo tartufo bianco, mangiato il giorno seguente con risotto e uova...da leccarsi i baffi!!!E' stata un'esperienza che mi ha davvero arricchito e che porterò nel cuore per la dolcezza dei cani e il gusto unico del tartufo!Consiglio scarpe da trekking perchè nel bosco il terreno è lievemente sdrucciolevole e di lasciare la borsa in macchina per essere più liberi.
É uma casa simples, como aquelas da colonia italiana no RS. De madeira e pedra, um alpendre enorme com parreiras, mesa grande e bancos. Se come pão, manteiga, queijos e embutidos, tudo com raspas de trufa branca recém coletada por nós mesmos, acompanhados por um barbera de fabricação do proprietário.
Una piacevole introduzione sul tartufo e poi una bellissima escursione nei boschi avvolti dal fascino delle langhe, con simpaticissimi cani e il trifulau..per poi concludere il tutto con un brindisi di vini e formaggi locali...accompagnati da..TARTUFO!
Abbiamo deciso di trascorrere un pomeriggio per approfondire la conoscenza sul tartufo, vero motivo del nostro viaggio nelle Langhe e ne siamo rimasti assolutamente soddisfatti. Dopo una breve introduzione del tartufo siamo andati in un bosco vicino in compagnia di Giorgio e di Diana, un educato pointer che ci ha permesso di assistere alla ricerca di tue tartufi bianchi. Un'esperienza piacevole, che si è conclusa con il rientro alla casa e con un aperitivo a base di formaggio locale e tartufo.
Geweldig leuke ervaring. 2 broers, beiden spreken Engels. Ze zijn erg enthousiast, maken er echt wat leuks van. Hele lieve honden. 3 truffels gevonden! Na het zoeken lekkere hapjes en wijn. Echte aanrader dus!
Solo discretamente interessante. Forse il fatto di essere figlio di trifulau e amico di personaggi che hanno reso misterioso ed interessante il mondo che gravita attorno al prezioso fungo ipogeo, non mi hanno permesso di stupirmi più di tanto per quanto ho visto.