centro storico ferrara
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1. The great castle from 15th century2. The beautiful cathedral from the 12th century3. The unmissable Palazzo dei Diamanti from the 16th century4. Corso Ercole I d'Este, one of the most beautiful streets in Europe
one of the most beautiful cities in Italy even if not so renowned as Venice or Florence. Worth a visit
No wonder the city is protected by UNESCO! What a gem with the Castello Estense and the stunning cathedral. Known as city of the Jews, those expelled from Spain were invited here to help enrich the city and the ghetto is expansive and quaint. There are some wonderful palaces and delightful piazzas. Sadly we ran out of time to do it all, so will return soon!
If it sounds great, here you are my review)I was living in Ferrara during 6 month! I fall in love with this city, and I still love and miss it. Centro storico is the heart of this great small town, it feels like they have their own culture different from other italians. Maybe because they have the Wall which surround the town. You should to visit the Castle, the first bar in the world (owner will meet you and share his love to music), You should to spend couple hours just wandering there.You will love it, Centro has it's own atmosphere.On monday or friday, I don't remember exactly, there come people to trade clothes, food and other stuff, I don't recommend to visit Centro in a first half of this days)My big advice - try to plan and visit Centro in a Christmas week, there will be a lot sweets and chocolate)))Sorry if my review is not complete, but You just have to go there and see all by yourself.
Ferrara's town center is gorgeous. Actually you should not miss the two main parts, the medioeval town (including the Ghetto) and the Reneissance part, with the wonderful Ercole Este way that along its almost 3km features wonderful buildings and palaces such as Palazzo Diamanti.If your budget allows it, I strongly recommend to take a guided tour, the guides are very well prepared and gentle and can teach you in 2/3 hours more than you could discover in a couple of days
The old town of Ferrara is extremely valuable, and at the same time it is very different from almost all other old Italian cities.It's different from those universally appreciated, in central Italy, such as Siena, Volterra, Cortona, Gubbio, etc., because it is set in the open plain, therefore without that character that comes from the picturesque streets in slope, the houses climbing over one another, finally the possibility of catch at one glance the whole city center (Ferrara can be appreciated at one glance only from the air).It though looks like the cities in central Italy (and thus is different from most of the old centers of Northern Italy) because, as in those, the exceptional preservation of its historic center depends on a story of radical decay: when it was conquered by the Popes, the city has passed (on the end of the sixteenth century) from being the capital of one of the most wonderful courts of the Italian Renaissance (the court of the "Estensi" family) to be one of the many cities of the state of the Church, and even not among the most important ones (as it will continue to be the nearby Bologna).In fact, in the early twentieth century, the built form of the city was so oversized if compared to its importance, that Ferrara could be counted by the poet Gabriele d'Annunzio between Italian cities so-called "of the silence". And even today, in most of the old town, the streets, though they aren't forbidden to car traffic, see just few cars; contrary to what happens in other old towns of northern Italy, on average more busy. Then you could define Ferrara perhaps "a city of central Italy into the Po plain".It isn't enough. It is well known that at the time of its heyday, in the late fifteenth century, the city was renovated by the architect Biagio Rossetti, by an operation that has been called "the first of modern town planning in Europe." (B. Zevi). Ie, Rossetti has doubled the size of the medieval city, by the addition of a Renaissance appendix on the north side, with wide streets, squared, and (once again) now often semi-deserted, reminiscent of urban lanscapes of the so-called "metaphysic painting" of Giorgio De Chirico (a artist which not by chance spent in Ferrara a period of his life)For all these reasons together, I believe the old town of Ferrara allows one of the most important cultural experiences that can be had in an Italian city
I review this main centre of Ferrara with great reluctance ... Because the main attraction here is that it is virtually unknown on the tourist trail - except by Italians. This means that if you can take your time, you will have a truly wonderful experience of an authentic Renaissance city with most buildings dating from the 15th century or earlier. (Apart from an American fast- food chain situated in a newish building opposite the cathedral ... Why? How?) Most of the city's attractions are found in the centre area. The castle, the cathedral and museum, the Palazzos Diamanti, Schifanoia and Massari, the archaeological museum. And the walls. Don't forget to visit the walls. The centre is always busy. You will find the city is a city of bikes so be prepared to share the narrow streets and even the main piazzas with riders of all ages. All very careful to avoid pedestrians. Also it seems that there is a festa of some kind almost every week. The Palio in May means that you might find drummers, flag throwers or processions of young and old dressed in Renaissance garb. Then the horse race itself takes place in a park in the city on a track especially created in the Piazza Ariostea - a wonderful and very entertaining spectacle - not to be missed. The Mille Miglia parade of vintage and veteran very special cars from all over the world also roar around the same Piazza one morning in May. The other regular festivals are the Buskers Festival in August when buskers from all over the world perform in the streets and the locals come out in thousands to listen and have fun. Then there is the Balloon Festival .. Then Internazionale. And so on. You never know what to expect when you arrive in Ferrara! Even if there isn't a festival you will find the streets filled with locals enjoying the shopping, the coffee, the wine bars, the gelateria - and later in the evening and especially on weekends, the Passagiata. Such a busy time. But never too crowded. Just young people, old people, children, babies - and dogs! The Ferrarese are very proud of their city. They enjoy it - and they are happy to share it with you. Just don't all come at once.
E' stata una visita molto interessante soprattutto per i numerosi riferimenti storici da visitare. Peccato che la cattedrale era chiusa per lavori di restauro.
Bello a dimensione umana ...tutti in bicicletta....gente molto alla mano , disponibile, mi sono trovata benissimo
Il castello , la splendida cattedrale , tutte le strade del centro storico rappresentano una storia millennaria della città
Die sehenswerte Altstadt hat viel zu bieten - zum Beispiel elegante Bars und Konditoreien. Schöne Geschäfte für die Damen. Reiche Architektur.
Chi dice, pochi per fortuna, che non è una città splendida mi sa che non l'ha girata. Il centro storico interamente pedonale è uno dei più belli di Italia, molto meglio di alcune città toscane più famose e pubblicizzate.
Città storica, tranquilla, interessante. Si possono fare belle passeggiate e visitare il castello. Meritano Le Mura.
LA STORIA DELLA CITTA DA VIVERE A PIEDI PASSEGGIANDO. Un giro a piedi tra le mura e le vie storiche della citta' permette di aprrezzare le bellezze di questi luoghi, centro della Storia della Famiglia degli Estensi, con opere poi sparse e segni della loro cultura in altri luoghi nella regione.Ferrara e' famosa per essere la citta' della bicicletta Usatela.
Un centro storico ampio per chi ama arte, spazi verdi e camminare. Una continua sfilata di monumenti ed angoli caratteristici renderanno il vostro soggiorno in questa antica Capitale degli Estensi piacevole e pieno di ricordi,