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My husband was interested in a Parmesan cheese tour so he booked this tour through the Consorzio Del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano before we left for Europe. We were met at a dairy in Reggio Emilia by Anne who gave us a very informative and interesting tour on how the cheese is made. She also educated us on the designation of origin protection. At the end of the tour we had the opportunity to purchase items from the store but it was made clear that this was not obligatory. However, I highly recommend purchasing some cheese, panna cotta, balsamic etc. Because it was all so delicious.
My parents and I had a free personal tour in english of the parmesan dairy in Reggio Emilia (nearly 1.5 hours)The guide was very informative and we got a tour of the entire factory and cheese making process and learned a lot about the production. We were able to arrange the tour on only a few days notice which was excellent. You have to arrange the tours through the cheese consortium unless you want to spend lots of money (upwards of EUR 70 pp) with a private tour company. I had been emailing the consortium in Parma (which was where our hotel was) but the Parma consortium only allowed tours with an excess of 10 people, so finally I spontaneously emailed Reggio Emilia just beforehand to see if they had the possibility. The responded in less than half hour and the tour was booked, and only about a 20 min drive.The tour itself is free, but at the end you are brought to the shop for some tastings, where I assume it is expected to buy something. But it was definitely worthwhile as their prices are very reasonable and you can get everything vacuum packed. I'm still using my parmesan cheese from 5 months ago!Would definitely recommend to anyone interested in learning a bit more about the local culture of cheesemaking directly from the source.
We've been to many beautiful places in Italy, but we've found ourselves mostly telling stories about our visit at the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory. Anne, who was our guide for the 2 hours at the factory, has shown us all the preparation stages of the cheese in real time - from the moment the milk arrived at the factory, through the preparation stages that were done step by step right in front of us, to the maturation rooms and the tasting session in the end. Anne was very nice and knowledgeable and her stories about the process, the history and the community were very interesting, and she really made us feel part of the process. We highly recommend not to miss this tour with Anne.
My husband and I and our three daughters, ages 14,16,and 18, thoroughly enjoyed our tour with Anne. It was extremely informative, yet incredibly interesting as well! Since arriving home, her tour has been brought up quite a few times, whether it be as the girls smell their cheese before they taste it or at the store identifying true Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. We had a five star experience, and would highly recommend adding this tour to your itinerary while visiting this area!
Percorsi enogastronomici in EmiliaRomagnaParcours gourmands en ÉmilieRomagneFood and Wines tours in Emilia-Romagna Ho avuto occasione di conoscere la guida Sig.ra Anne Bogdanovic in Meglioli grazie ad alcuni parenti con amici provenienti da fuori Italia.Volevo portare i miei parenti a fare un giro enogastronomico di Reggio Emilia ed ho quindi contattato la Eno-One che mi ha consigliato la sua guida che parla perfettamente l'italiano, il francese (madrelingua) e l'inglese.Anne Meglioli è una guida perfetta! Siamo partiti con la visita di una latteria produttrice di Parmigiano Reggiano, la visita è partita con alcune informazioni sulle stalle, l'alimentazione delle vacche, la raccolta del latte. Siamo poi passati in latteria ed abbiamo assistito alla nascita delle forme del Parmigiano Reggiano! alla messa nelle forme, alla salamoia ed al deposito nel magazzino. Il tutto spiegato benissimo, dalla guida Anne Meglioli, sia per la produzione sia per la differenza dei profumi della stagionatura del Parmigiano Reggiano, per poi capire come riconoscere il vero Parmigiano Reggiano e la sua stagionatura.La visita è proseguita in un'acetaia di Aceto balsamico tradizionale di Reggio Emilia: buonissimo!!!!!Abbiamo concluso il giro pranzando in un'ottimo posto suggerito dalla guida.Devo dire che alcune informazioni le conoscevo ma altre no! Si impara tanto dal giro enogastronomico della sig.ra Anne Meglioli!!!!!Ho saputo che Anne Meglioli è conosciuta da diversi degustatori di vino del mondo partecipando ai principali eventi, concorsi internazionali sul vino.Oltre che per la provincia di Reggio Emilia, il giro enogastronomico si può fare in tutta la regione Emilia Romagna ricca di prodotti e di vini titpici.