farm cultural park
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The concept of the cultural park is certainly interesting and the idea of revitalising a number of dilapidated and abandoned and semi-abandoned buildings is excellent, all the more so, given, according to one guide book "...several elderly local women, who had clung to their homes in the semi-abandoned town centre, now live amongst the exhibition spaces...happy to have company and to once again reside in a neighbourhood that is safe and alive.". Walking around the buildings that comprise the park you see a little external art, interior exhibitions, a lovely garden etc, and that part is absolutely free. If you want to view other, perhaps more provocative exhibitions of Terry Richardson etc, that'll cost you - all of €4, and only €2 if over 65. Worth it, though as someone else has said, perhaps not for younger children! Don't miss the roof garden - lovely views over Favara and of the duomo. As for finding it, not easy. Cortile Bentivegna is as Cortile suggests a little courtyard, about 3/4 minutes on foot from the main piazza.Whilst in Favara, never mind some guide books, look around - not without interest. And as for food, we chanced by a bar/restaurant not far from the park which doesn't seem to be listed on TA - I Dammusi, via Roma 6. Modern, good typical Sicilian food (best caponata we've had) and very warm welcome, all at very reasonable prices.
We didn't know what to expect but this area of Favara was quite a find. Very interesting displays of modern art. Quite easy to find as it was a short walk from the town's main square. Worth searching out. Would like to return when more of the bars were operating but had to take it as we found it. Probably not a venue for young children and quite difficult for disabled to get around all the galleries.
Set in an abandoned enclave of Favara, the Cultural Farm made an interesting 'sight'. Not a huge amount of art but some tastefully done up little old buildings with a lot of charm.
We sought this out specially, having discovered it on Lonely Planet. We arrived at1230, and the quarter was all shut up. A pity. We understand it closes from lunch to mid afternoon. The old and decrepit part of town has been revitalised. We went to Le Traveggole for lunch, which was wonderful.
This is effectively a group of renovated houses in the old part of Favara, used, as we understand it, by visiting artists to exhibit. It is quite avant garde, very surprising to find it in Favara.And we were not entirely welcomed by some locals, we wondered what they thought of this happening in their space. One of us got too close to a private house and got an earful from a very robust older lady!!Perhaps those "minding the shop" as it were could have been more welcoming, or even acknowledge our presence in their midst? We are older and perhaps not overtly "cool", but we are still capable of appreciating and encouraging artistic expression.Mostly however we appreciated what had been done in this otherwise delapidated area of town, well done, there should be a lot more of this.
Being an open air modern art gallery in a non conventional area, Farm Cultural Park ensures a fascinating unique experience, especially if compared to a "regular" museum. I seriously fell in love with this project, which allows you to breathe, touch an see culture in every corner of the "7 courtyards". In fact, if I were to give a tourist some reasons for stopping at least one night in Agrigento... I would certainly include Farm Cultural Park in the top 5 must-sees (together with the Valley of Temples, the Kolimbetra Garden, the citycenter and the closeby Scala dei Turchi).
Hidden away behind some of Favara's abandoned old buildings is a street that leads to an extraordinary installation / art exhibition. It makes use of some of the old cottages, and their gardens, to provide a modern art walk-in experience. The show comes alive at night, when for the price of admission you get a free drink and access to a memorable art display. The young folk of Favara clearly love it - and we did too!
A few minutes walk from our hotel (Belmonte) we were suprised and delighted by the creativity and quality of this installation. Must see!
Complimenti a chi ha avuto un'idea del genere. Non ho mai visto un accostamento così perfetto tra antico e moderno.
Domenica 28 dicembre 2014, ore 8.30 pioggia a catinelle, ma con un gruppo di temerari di Palermo, siamo partiti per quel di Favara, prendendo la PA-AG. Niente traffico, e dopo un paio di ore arrivati a Favare. Un paese degradato, cresciuto male, con molte abitazioni tipiche della Sicilia: all'esterno abbandonate a se stesse e (forse) all'interno rifinite in ogni particolare. A piedi ci incamminiamo verso la Farm, i famosi sette cortili, e li iniziamo a percepire una differente energia di rinascita. Il tutto con un centro di attrazione energetica che era la nostra illustre guida: il padre della farm, Andrea Bartoli il notaio che con la moglie ha generato l'energia necessaria a realizzare questo capolavoro di rinascita. Tutto perfetto, guida e luoghi da visitare. Possibilità di mangiare anche all'interno e la visione di opere d'arte contemporanea di assoluto valore in qualsiasi periodo dell'anno. Il dubbio che ha percorso molti di noi è: ma è possibile trasferire il modello e far rinascere altri centri storici delle nostre città?
... è incredibile. un quartiere immerso nell'arte.bello da vivere anche per relax o come esplosione di creatività.
Consiglio vivamente il posto, situato in un cortile storico che ti fa respirare l'aria di un tempo ma con una spiccata vena contemporanea.Mostre, iniziative, spettacoli che variano di periodo in periodo consigliati per tutte le età.Complimenti
Farm Cultural Park???!!!!Un posto Straordinario. Il classico esempio di un contenitore di cui non si immaginerebbe mai la sorpresa. Da visitare...assolutamente.
Elogio all'estro, la genialità e la generosità del notaio Bartoli. E' riuscito a creare, dal nulla..., un movimento culturale intelligente e coinvolgente. Ne ha giovato tutta Favara che, grazie proprio a questo, è diventata meta di gente e giovani (!) dal "taglio" culturale. A Favara. E' riuscito a fare quello che amministrazioni locali e nazionali non riescono a fare. Grazie.
Sono una grande appassionata di arte, visitare la Farm è stata un'esperienza unica sono rimasta senza fiato! La Farm ti arricchisce di cultura non esiste altro posto simile .. Favara deve orgogliosa, complimenti!!!