temple of dioscuri (tempio dei dioscuri)
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There is no image that reads more 'Greece' to me than the temples among the almond trees with that bluest- of- blue sky tacked up there. In fact, Agrigento is possibly the most Greek town in Sicily. Lively, crowded and full of life, it's not centred around the city's main arteries but in the Valley of the Temples. My earliest recollection of this name was through reading Pintar, the Greek poet who regaled it as 'the most beautiful city built by mortals. Ancient whispers & selected ghosts and spirits populate this sight, their presence solemn, as we walk along the Via Sacra. Our first encounter is with the Temple of Dioscuri, where only 4 of the original 34 columns remain. Yet they form such a fascinating sight that 'irresistible' pops in my thoughts, for it truly represents one of the symbolic images of the valley. Alters, temples and statues flesh out the thin veneer of our imaginings. There all here, as we continue along the Via Sacra: the temples of Juno, Concord and Hercules. The latter, stands out in in silhouette. Its colonnade is almost completely preserved with only 9 out of its 34 columns broken. From here we gaze at the sweep of the sea on one side, and the ruins of hundreds of centuries scattered about, on the other. We stayed at the lovely Hotel della Valle, surrounded by a peaceful park on the hill dominating the Valley of the Temples. there are two eateries that I'd recommend, the Trattoria Leon d'Oro which prepares great fish based meals and the trattoria dei Templi which offers classic Sicilian grilled fish and spaghetti ai ricci with sea urchin. Bon appetito.
The Temple of Dioscuri only has four surviving columns and is the least restored temple in the Valley. However, it sits at the end of the valley and somehow that makes it's station a little more impressive than it seems to warrant. Also looking back up the valley is very dramatic from this point.
See all the temples in the Valley of the Temples but if you walk from east to west you will have seen all the grand ones before coming to the rather disappointing Temple of the Dioscuri. That's because you have been spoiled by the others.
amazing place to be seen in the region, the monuments beautifuly preseved, place kids, family,couple firendly, great expirence of an ancient history,
The attribution seems like guesswork and the remaining pieces don't form much of a picture of it, but as it's right at the end of the Valley of the Temples, which is an absolute must-see, there's no reason not to visit the Dioscuri as well.
Built in 480 BC this Doric columns has withstood earthquakes, the test of time and still stand strong.
We hope the government of the Sicily starts to tke care more of this important historical patrimony. Its a pity realizing that those columns are there because its own will. There is no guards, no surveillance at the archeological sites
We were most impressed with the Valley of the Temples, which is the world's largest sacred valley. The Temple of Dioscuri is one of many that has been well preserved, considering the earthquake damage to this site many centuries ago.
este templo esta al inicio del paseo , hay muchas ruinas en ese lugar , pero esta bueno ir igual . lo mas bonito para ver es la parte del templo . hacia la otra ala del parque estan las mejores
Nel lungo percorso di visita, questo è uno dei uno punti più suggestivi: tra il Tempio di Giove e la Kolymbetra, qui rovine e mandorli circondano le sole quattro colonne oggi in piedi del Tempio dei Dioscuri. Una terrazza che dà sul resto della valle e sul mare.
Si deve passare quella strada pericolosa ed entrare nella seconda parte della valle dei tempi e qui c'è questo tempio o meglio quello che resta.
Resta muito pouco do Templo de Dioscuri. Porém é inevitável a visita já que está localizado em sitio arqueológico de muitos templos.
От храма почти ничего не осталось, хотя судя по всему это было масштабное сооружение! Основное преимущество именно этого места - скамейка в тени и питьевой фонтанчик!
Если начать осмотр Долины храмов с западной стороны и преодолеть несколько километров пешим ходом под палящим солнцем в жару +35, осмотрев храмы Согласия, Юноны и Геракла, а потом перейти дорогу в восточную часть Долины, где деревьев и тенька несколько больше, и пройти развалины храма Зевса, к концу прогулки, если хватит сил, дойдете до храм Диоскуров. От него осталось 4 полностью сохранившихся колонны на основании с плитой сверху, датируется он 5-м веком до н.э. Отсюда виден современный город Агридженто на возвышении, так что сплетение времен налицо.