aglona bread museum


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开放时间: 暂无

aglona bread museum



I visited this museums together with my Latvian family, my boyfriend from El Salvador and a friend from Taiwan and I have to say that all of us were extremely pleased with the experience. In this place you don't only learn how the bread is made, but also enjoy an excellent meal typical to Latgalian region. The owner of the place was such a nice lady and told us a lot of interesting things about the traditions of the bread baking in the Latgalian region. The only thing I would suggest is to make sure about the language of the tour up front as the owner herself doesn't speak any English and for English tour they have a translator (but not every day). Then again the language of delicious food is universal. We had a great time!


Great place to visit to learn about Russian/Latvian culture. Enjoyed the food and the lethal Vodka. The staff were lovely and everyone had a fantastic time. This was one of the highlights of my visit to Latvia.


We went here to the bread museum expecting to see tools used, methods used to make the bread. What we had was a physical meal with many people around the table and learning about all the history and folk lore explained to us all about each component of the meal. The "teacher" was multilingual making the most of all her "guests/ pupils". I would recommend going here to anyone else that goes to Aglona, fantastic day and thank you.


I haven't seen the Museum's chef, but he/she a heaven-born cook. I had to translate from Latvian into English during the lunch and it was just a torture for me, because I had to speak while the others were eating very tasty traditional regional food. It was also difficult to translate, because the guide speaks very fast using much folklore and doesn't give time for interpreting.The lunch and the excursion must be ordered in advance. If you don't want to join any other group and to have an excursion separately, tell the owner, because my experience proved that she prefers to have several groups together without notifying you in advance.


По моему мнению в музее начали просто зарабатывать деньги. Я заказал экскурсию на русском языке для 20 гостей с обедом. Хозяйка сказала мне что вместе с нами будет еще 9 человек из Юрмалы, которые тоже интересовались экскурсией на русском языке. Вместо этого на начало экскурсии там была еще третья группа еще человек из 10-12. В зале музея могут разместиться человек 25, ну может быть 30. Нас было 40, было душно и тесно. Экскурсия началась и все рассказы велись на латышском языке. На мой вопрос про обещанный русский язык мне сказали что мы же все из Латвии (ну кроме троих моих гостей из России). В итоге детям это перестало быть интересно минут через 10, а до начала трапезы должно пройти минут 40.Ну и на посошок рассказы про хлеб перемежаются такими пассажами хозяйки как "Россия всегда была богата цепями". В общем я сам больше никому не посоветую туда ехать. Ну или, при условии, что вы будете ЕДИНСТВЕННЫМИ посетителями. На общие экскурсии не соглашайтесь точно.


Советую посетить музей, а еще лучше заказать там обед в латгальском стиле. Пальчики оближешь и наешся до отвала!

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