pulpit rock


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pulpit rock





Pulpit Rock,去年被一致票选为全世界最美丽的地方,我们放弃格陵兰转杀挪威很大程度是为了爬这块大石头。在650米垂直海面的悬崖上凌驾吕瑟峡湾,一览众山小的感觉很磅礴,巨大的油轮在海面上只剩下一个小小的点。尽管双脚发软,但它总有一种魔力吸引你走到悬崖边或站或坐或躺,所以爬到这里的人经常"想不开"。以下照片使用了橙色和蓝色的渐变滤镜。我们上山当天天气真的强差人意,心想在冰岛遇到的倒霉运又发作了。幸好到了山顶就没有下雨了,但云层压得很低,也没有什么阳光。平时碧蓝色的海面变成了灰蓝色。不过,低厚的云层反而衬托了布道石和山岳的巍峨。玩着玩着,就嗨起来了。。。现在想起来,腿发软了。。。「那里湖面总是澄清,那里空气充满宁静,雪白明月照在大地,藏着你不愿提起的回忆...」... 无论你是否读过村上春树,无论你是否喜欢伍佰,这就是你看一眼便会迷恋上的 -- 挪威的森林爬完布道石返回旅客中心已经是下午6点30了,司机早已在山脚下面等我们。坐上从Tau会斯塔万格的渡轮,我们双脚已经累趴了,但还是十分兴奋。晚上我们继续住昨晚的酒店。








If you like hiking and extraordinary panorama views this is it.You have to be in decent physical form to hike Pulpit Rock.You can't predict weather conditions once you start your journey and that is awesome even though i preferred sunny day we experienced all kind of it( sun,rain and fog)....Once you are on top you don't want to leave......amazing,amazing...


Preikestolen, also called Pulpit Rock, is one of the main attraction of Norway. And there are many reasons for that.It is located on the western side of the Lysefjord, one of the main fjord around Stavanger, and is accessible either by boat or by car in about 1h30.The hike itself can be done in 1 to 2 hours (each way) depending on your condition, and except a few steep passages, most of it is accessible to anybody wearing a decent pair of shoes. Along the way you will encounter a few lakes, some creeks, small forest and great views on the mountains and the Lysefjord itself. The last 500 meters are very impressive and the arrival on the platform is something special. You are basically sitting 600 meters above the sea level and the view is simply breathtaking!One tip: the trail is not close during Winter and can be done with a bit of preparation (warm clothes, hiking shoes). It is definitely worth it because the snow lead to wonderful sceneries all along the trail :)


First time I have seen the pulpit rock it was in a picture on a website and I was so amazed of the beuty of this cliff that I immideatly decided to get there.After getting to the parking lot (which costs 100 kr, paying only in caredit card or cions- no notes accepted) you start the hike in a well marked path.Get early to avoid the crowd. The hike is not so easy but I have seen old people hiking using walking sticks.Make sure to check the weather a night before, so you be able to enjoy the views.The views are amazing, the color of the fjord, the pnorama.I recommend to anyone who just thinking about goind there- don't think twice- just go there! But again, make sure to check the weather.


If you get the chance to do this, you should! The hike can be very steep at times but there are plenty of flat bits just next to the main path where you can sit and rest if you need to, there are signs every so often so you know where you are, where you're going, how far you have left etc. It is a beautiful hike with amazing views the whole way up however nothing really prepares you for the actual Pulpit rock. Photos are nothing compared to the breathtaking view you get when you're standing on the rock! Once we'd got to Pulpit rock we enjoyed a nice picnic while we looked out over the fjord. My tips would be to make sure you have plenty of water & drinks and some snacks. Also, wear appropriate footwear and take layers that you can put on and take off. I've been here twice now, the first time I only had a thin jumper and it got very cold all of a sudden but the second time I didn't wear a jumper the whole hike it was so hot! There is also a nice area at the bottom/start where the car park is with toilets and a kiosk selling drinks, gifts etc. If you get the chance to go here, don't pass it up!


Perfect place for the ones that enjoy hiking, nature and a bit of adventure. The 1 hour and a half trip to the top is simply amazing...you might feel like you're on a quest :) Do not forget to get your hiking shoes. Even if the difficulty level of the climb is not high, you must be careful: there are plenty slippery rocks. Check the weather first to avoid rain, fog and strong wind. When I reached the top, the wind all of a sudden seamed ten times stronger. Kind of makes you feel in danger when you are so close to the edge of the cliff. If you want to get the best photos, where you can actually find yourself in them, try to start your climbing in the morning. The place is pretty crowded in the afternoons.And don't forget to take with you something to drink :)


Pulpit Rock, is Norway's highest cliff. It is famous and must see tourist attraction in Forsand, Ryfylke, Norway. I was perched without fear with my 4 more friends on the edge of Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen), Norway. The path to Pulpit Rock is not so hard to treck and takes around 1.5 hours to reach the top. It consists of a steep cliff which rises 604 metres (1982 feet) above Lysefjorden, opposite the Kjerag plateau, with an almost flat top of approximately 25 by 25 metres (82 by 82 feet). Recommend to carry some food and drinks with you.


A great 1 ,5 hour trip to a stunning view point! 600 some meters steep mountain formation into the sea. Sit on the edge and feel the breeze:) A bit expensive to park car, but bring your own food and drinks, and its not too bad. Good knees and hiking boots essential.


Pulpit Rock (Prekestolen) is a 2 hour each way hike. It is quite steep in places, but the effort is more than repaid with the superb view from the plateau and the fantastic feeling of achievement.Two notes of warning:1. Wear good walking shoes. Thongs and light sandals don't cut it.2. Beware that, other than in high summer, darkness comes early and quickly to these latitudes, so give yourself good time to get there and back. The trail is neither lit up nor patrolled. In Norway you're on your own.


One of those places on the world which you remember to the end of your life. The path to Preikestolen is not so hard. Even older person can go and see this place


It isn't too hard a trek, if you plan for it sensibly.Don't carry luggage, carry some food and water, and get some friends along. Also, if you can, a camera. Because the view at the top is spectacular (if the clouds don't come in your way). Even if there are clouds at top, the way is beautiful in itself - felt like going through the set of Lord of the Rings, frankly!

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