mount floyen and the funicular (floibanen)
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我能了解为什么这里的缆车那么的受欢迎— 它在镇上而且很容易就能到达。这两个车很可爱而且在顶上这里的风景非常的不错。但是如果要在乘吊船和这个之间选择的话,还是乘吊船吧。风景非常的引人注目。如果你觉得自己适合远足的话,你可以坐上缆车然后坐吊船横过山脉。酒店在缆车道顶上,而且非常的整洁,检查下这里的厕所!
弗罗伊恩山顶 (未去) 海拔320米,可俯瞰卑尔根全景。推荐坐缆车上山,在鱼市Fisketorget尽头上山方向150米的地方,白色建筑就是乘坐处,左边是登山道,路很好走。可坐缆车上山,步行下山。阴雨天上山有可能什么都看不到。山上有咖啡厅、餐厅和纪念品店。单程40克朗往返80克朗,全长844米,大约6分钟到顶,每隔15-30分钟一班,夏天最晚营业到晚上24点,冬天最晚到23点半,晚上可到山顶欣赏美丽的夜景。乘车点(官网照片)缆车(官网照片)全景(官网照片)夜景(官网照片)
缆车上下一趟是70Nok,也可以选择缆车上步行下,据说步行下来大概45分钟,碍于越来越大的雨势,我们还是当个死懒鬼缆车上下好了。缆车似乎是专门为了观光打造的,大面玻璃的顶棚和窗户给予观景最大的便利,但是也有很多住在山上的本地人搭乘缆车作为交通工具。这趟雨中缆车之旅相当值得,上山之时虽然有雨,但是远处景色清晰可见,可以将Bergen的市中心和蜿蜒的海港一收眼底,无数色彩跳跃的房子让灰蒙蒙的天气显得不那么寂寥,私以为Bergen这些彩色房子就是为了抵抗阴霾灰暗的天气吧,让大家的眼里的颜色更多一些,心情也会更好一些。上到山顶之后,山顶有家Gift Shop,里面有卖跟缆车相关的小玩意,在挪威呆的这几天发现,这里卖的纪念品跟国内有很大不同,比如缆车这里的,在山下就没有,我们在这里看好了一个斜着的杯子和若干缆车冰箱贴,考虑到还得拿下去觉着麻烦,想着山下也有,错过了才发现真的只有这里有卖,甚是后悔。山顶有个餐厅,看起来很有历史的样子,室外有露台,如果是晴天在这里观景吃饭想必是美事一桩。在山上闲逛的时候,雾气渐渐浓厚了起来,挪威这里的云雾很低,紧紧的把山顶包裹起来,我们四周的雾气好似有实体一样的浓重,又让我想起Silent Hill了。这时候再往下面看就发现景色已经被浓雾遮掩,隐约只能从缝隙中略观一二。呆了一会儿我们便搭乘缆车下山了,下山的时候雾气依然没散,来的时候清晰的景色变得影影绰绰,另有朦胧之美在其中。
Hiked up mt floyen instead of taking the furnicular. Roads are safe but slightly steep. Met a lot of locals along the way walking up with their dogs and even babies on their backs and was quite impressed by their level of fitness. Reached the top after 45 min to an hour and the views were very rewarding and worth the trip! Excellent for photos. We made ourselves hot drinks with hot water and food we brought with us on the walk and was an amazing experience. Hiked the next day from mount ulriken to floyen and reached during sunset. The view was even more awesome with the colours you see in the sky ranging from blue to orange to purple and grey. Both days we had great weather and that helped with the picturesque view.
The views at the top were absolutely jaw dropping. its not often you see people stop in their tracks, but as people got off the furnicilar and got their first view over the mountain that's exactly what people kept on doing. There is plenty of space to sit and just admire the view. There is cafes nearby where you can grab a snack and come back to the viewpoint. I bought a one way ticket to the top for 45 nok and walked back down which took about 40 minutes. I would highly recommend walking at least one way as its an enjoyable walk. There are also numerous other forest trails to walk. I had a clear day but the trip here was the highlight of my stay in Bergen.
Visited Floyen in early March 2015. Took the funicular up and hiked down. It was a great view from the top and great views on the way down. Took about an hour to go down in a very leisurely fashion. Would recommend this to anyone wanting to experience the beauty of Norway without exerting too much physical strain.
This is well worth the price of a ticket. Intermittent rain obscured the view at times but when seen this was magnificent. There are some good walks to be done from the top, you could buy a one way ticket and walk back down to town even. Don't sit at the front looking down or the back facing down if going up if you suffer from vertigo.
Thank you for sharing your experience after your visit to Mount Fløyen, it really means a lot to us. All the best from Mount Fløyen
Thank you for sharing your experience after your visit to Mount Fløyen, it really means a lot to us. All the best from Mount Fløyen
Thank you for sharing your experience after your visit to Mount Fløyen, it really means a lot to us. All the best from Mount Fløyen
Thank you for sharing your experience after your visit to the top of Mount Fløyen, it really means a lot to us. All the best from Mount Fløyen