barentsburg pomor museum
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开放时间: 暂无

This place on Svalbard is a must-see when you come to Svalbard.It is very interesting to meet another culture besides the Norwegian,and to feel the Russian culture and hospitality.The Hotel is totally renovated and many buildings in Barentsburg as well.It is a fantastic sailing trip to Barentsburg and you have the chance to spot many Arctic animals as well,such as-Whales,birds,seals and even Walruses.I Can promise that you will get a good experience if you take the trip..
We have visited both Pyramiden and Barentsburg and for me, I would Pyramiden is much worthy the money.Both Pyramiden and Barentsburg are Russian mining sites; since Pyramiden is already abandoned, you can go around and see more thing than in Barentsburg since Barentsburg is still an operational mining site. They didn't want tourists to mix with the workers too much, so only a few buildings we could walk in and vist in Barentsburg. So it's much more to see in Pyramiden than in Barentsburg actually...Then the boat ride... to Pyramiden it's within the fjord so the water is rather calm; to Barentsburg it's more outside the fjord so there is more waves and the boat ride could be unsomfortable. When we went there, there were about 20 people on our boat and there were people puking everywhere due to the sea sick (me too, the first time in these 20 years...).So I will recommend to go to Pyramiden instead of Barentsburg, unless you have too much time and money to spend and can stand for the sea sick due to the waves maybe... ;-)
Spitsbergen Travel offers day trips to Barentsburg by ship daily from Longyearbyen. The full day excursion includes a visit to the Esmark Glacier, a meal and costs 1550 Nok. In Barentsburg you have a 1 hour guided tour then one hour free time. In this hour you could squeeze in the Pomor Museum - 25 Nok entry - but it would be a rush. It is fascinating just to wander the streets of this fully operational Russian mining town. Relic of the soviet era are everywhere - from the statue of Lenin to the photos of employee of the month in the main town square.Other attractions include a small orthodox chapel and a large cultural hall with a gift shop selling an odd selection of musical instruments, soviet badges. matryoshka dolls and portraits of Lenin.
Barentsburg shows all the typical signs of a forgotten Russian outpost. Decrepit buildings (though I don't know if the poor quality of the buildings is due to lack of funds to restore them or the harsh conditions that prevail in these latitudes, probably a bit of both), huge statues extolling the virtues of the heroes of socialism and horrific communist architecture. Sound awful? No, it is absolutely fascinating and a must see if you visiting the Spitzbergen Islands.
We visited Barentsburg by snowmobile from Longyearbyen, and it was a truly fascinating visit. It felt like going 30 years back in time to the old Sovjet Union. Propaganda seemed to play a central part there, also among the tour guides. Make sure to visit this museum as well as taking the tour through this fascinating town.
If you are in Barentsburg this is a must-see. A lot of the legends for the exhibits are in Russian but most of the exhibits speak for themselves so that is not much of a drawback. It is a very small museum so you can see the whole thing in one hour and you will get a whole new perspective on the history of Svalbard (and a feeling you are back in the old USSR).
Хорошее дополнение к посещению Свальбард Музея в Лонгире. Если норвежцы рассказывают историю острова со своей колокольни, то в музее "Помор" колокольня, соответственно, русская.
Fasaden er fin, men baksiden er heller stusselig! Ville heller lagt turen til Bryggeriet i Barentsburg, selv om de bare brygger lettøl!
insediamento dell'ex URSS desolato e diroccato, ma estremamente affascinante. Sembra di essere nella Russia degli anni 60, e infatti il tempo si è fermato lì praticamente. Il Pomor Museum potrete visitarlo ina escursione in giornata partendo da Longyearbyen. Tenete presente che avrete solo 1 ora e mezza max 2 ore, per cui sappiate che a mio avviso NON dovete perdervi questo museo innaznitutto perchè:1) solo qui ci sono souvenir tipici russi che non troverete in nessun altro luogo (a parte Pyramiden)2) lo straordinario libro fotografico GLACIAL EL DORADO potrete trovarlo in vendita solo qui. DA non perdere se amate la fotografia.Il prezzo di ingresso è 25 corone norvegesi.Inoltre c'è una esposizione interessante sui minerali delle Svalbard, in russo, ma dateci un'occhiata.P.S. NON perdetevi oltre al Pomor museum, la chiesa poco distante dal museo!
Посещение сего музея было в программе тура на снегоходах из Лонгйира в Баренцбург. Сходил, помотрел, прикупил сувениров.
Единственный, но очень интересный музей в Баренцбурге. Очень большое количество подлинных экспонатов показывающих образ жизни поморов и русских исследователей. Много информации по природе и обитателям Шпицбергена.
Andate a Barentsburg, una città fantasma dove un tempo, le fiorenti miniere di carbone foraggiavano una piccola popolazione russa in norvegia. Case diroccate, musei e teatri che crollano, tutto in vista del ghiacciaio più grande d'Europa (a livello del mare). Si raggiunge in nave d'estate, una bella passeggiata a piedi e vi porteranno in un romanzo russo. Indimenticabile.
Não há muito o que fazer em Barentsburg: andar pela sua rua principal (e se sentir em plena União Soviética!), visitar a igrejinha e este museu são os maiores atrativos. O museu em si é mais interessante como uma loja de lembrancinhas. O mais interessante é o caminho até lá: um tour marítmo lotado de paisagens lindas.