st michael's church
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开放时间: 暂无

A sight to behold! It was within view from my apartment i rented so that was really a bonus!. There are so many beautiful buildings and in this area including the great town square. In December its all lit up and decorated for the holiday season and its so beautiful!
What a surprise when you enter!I charming, but small baroque church and just a few streets away we found the Chapel Of Saint John Ssrkander - worth a pop in.
This church is really quite lovely. You can step into the lobby and get a look at the inside, but you cannot go any further.
its a nice church to have a look through,there is also a small dungeon like room you can walk down into,its pretty cool and worth a visit
This churh and all its treasures is simply fantastic.history figures and the Building all together Excelent..
We found this church by chance and were greatly impressed entering it. the atmosphere is magnificent!
really great church. When you come inside have got the feeling that people come here not to gawk at stained glass windows, and feel in connection with God. and it's there.
This church is very ornate. The atmosphere is welcoming! You can visit the bells- very impressive. To cast the last two they appleaded for donnations - the names of this that donated (I was one) are cast into the bell and will be there forever.
This one has impressive architecture in the church. You can go up to the belfry, with a nice view of the town and 4 large bells. You can go down in the vault (we didn't).
Great views from the spire and a wonderful little square at the base...
St Michael's church is one of Olomouc's many unappreciated architectural sights. Perhaps because the exterior is so plain most travellers skip it altogether and miss out on a spectacular example of a baroque church interior.Built to replace an earlier church destroyed in the Thirty Years' War, St Michael's sits at the highest point of Olomouc's old town. Right at the top and now in the crypt of the adjoining seminary is the fresh water spring that is connected with the legend of the city's founding by Roman soldiers.Also in the adjoining seminary are the bell tower and Czech chapel, but the main attractions are in the core of St Michael's itself. The portrait of the pregnant virgin watches over you as you enter, and the larger than life statues of the twelve apostles line the aisle to the main altar.The three gigantic domes of the ceiling represent the holy trinity; frescoes of the father and the son gaze down from the front and rear domes, and under the central and highest a sculpted silver dove represents the holy ghost.Halfway along the left hand side of the church is the altar displaying the holy relics of Saint Jan Sarkander and if you look back above the main doors you may be able to see the pipe organ that was moved from Hradisko monastery when it was seized by the Austrian Empire for secular purposes. Keep an eye out also for the unusual coat of arms with foxes, guns and cannonballs. This is the family crest of a man named Fuchs who was commander of the Olomouc fortress at the time St Michael's was being built. The story goes that the church ran out of funds to complete the highest dome, Fuchs donated a large part of his personal fortune so that it could be finished and was rewarded with a sculpture of his family crest being added to identify him as patron of the highest dome.St Michael's is open seven days a week from 7am to at least 6pm and admission is free. There is a dress code that requests gentlemen remove their hats and ladies cover their shoulders where possible. Pets, food and behaving in a way that disrupts services are not permitted.
Церковь в стиле Барокко , переделанная из готического собора, что читается по формк фасада. Мы заходили перед закрытием, очень понравился колокольный звон, сыграли целый концерт. Много людей останавливалось и слушало. Внутри обычная классическая церковь чешского барокко
13 век. Барочный храм перестрен из готического костела. Зал с нефом и с боковыми часовнями богато украшен скульптурами и росписью. Не поленитесь, посмотрите план храма, найдите дверь на колокольню. Обязательно поднимитесь наверх. Чудесный вид на центр города, 3 больших колокола. Посетите подземелье, часовню.
Гуляя по городу, мы заходили во все церкви. Этот храм мне показался самым красивым! И был в двух шагах от нашего отеля, а зашли мы в него в самом конце прогулки.
Preciosa en el interior y con tres cúpulas fantásticas vale la pena visitarla así como la iglesia de St Moritz.