zamek slavkov-austerlitz
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Great architecture of the chateau, soldiers in uniforms, ladies dressed up and the best wines taking part in the international competition Grand Prix. You will meet your old friends and new ones, you can sign or dance as the music band PONAVA starts to play. There is the army camp and fair in the gardens, sculptures full of grace decorate the court. Do not forget your camera at home handsome officers on horses opening bottles of sparkling wine with sables - you cannot see that anywhere else. This year we were lucky and honoured meeting the emperess Josephine, the wife of Napoleon.
A very nice, large castle with ornate interiors, and had a lot of historical significance. After studying Napoleon in history class, it was interesting to see the site of one of his most decisive victories, with the guide pointing out the room in which the peace treaty was signed, the preserved bed that Napoleon slept on, etc.. There was also a re-enactment of the battle outside the castle on an open field, which I thought was very interesting, as it had a very authentic atmosphere with weaponry of the 19th century, as well as band music for both the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Napoleonic France.
We did not visit the interior but strolled around the extensive formal gardens with their statuery and water features. Sadly, the fountains were closed for the winter season. Should form a key point on the Napoleonic tour of this area.
Bithday of the French emperor is celebrated there and an international grand prix means you will be in a good company. Many people wear costumes of the Napoleon times, soldiers and officers uniforms show that the Battle of three emperors is not forgotten. This summer there was a special show while horsmen opened champaigne (sabrage) and set a new record for the Guiness book. Yes, imperial celebration indeed.
The palace in Slavkov, formerly called Austerlitz, is a baroque gem, designed by a well-known Italian architect, for the Kaunitz family who were very important in the 18th and 19th century Hapsburg empire. If you are interested in Napoleon and/or military history, you will probably visit anyway when visiting the Battle of Austerlitz, since the armistice after the battle was signed there and Napoleon slept there as well. But it is also interesting as a good example of its era, with a lovely park.
For people who know such person as Napoleon I it's the place to visit!!! Only 10 km from this Palace on 20 November (2 December), 1805 he won the battle which nowadays became common noun for the highest achievement - Austerlitz!!! The night after this victory Napoleon spent in one of the Palace rooms. You'll also be shown the balcony from which Napoleon told his soldiers that after that victory they would be heroes for all the time...In fact their glory didn't last too long..)Entrance fee is 120 crowns (about 5 euro). I had guide who spoke Czech language as I have no problem to understand it, but you don't speak Czech I think they advise you something:).Also buying entrance ticket you receive 10% discount for Palace restaurant - I tried goulash their - really tasty and spicy - like goulash must be! For goulash I paid 150 crowns (6 euro).After visiting the Palace you can have a rest in the nice park with fountains behind the Palace. I was really pleased with my visit, recommend to everybody!
Il lussuoso palazzo di Slavkov, originariamente chiamata Austerlitz, è un gioiello di architettura barocca... progettato dall'architetto Domenico Martinelli, per la famiglia Kaunitz che era molto importante per l'Austria asburgica nel XVIII e XIX Se siete interessati a Napoleone alla storia militare, probabilmente questo sito fa al caso vostro...l'armistizio dopo la battaglia del 1805, è stato firmato proprio qui...È interessante notare che la collina di Austerlitz... il luogo in cui si è svolta una delle più famose battaglie in assoluto territorio francese...un piccolo angolo di nazione... nel cuore di un altro Stato...Bellissimo il parco e il giardino...
En tant que Français, cet endroit est particulièrement important et impressionnant.Slavkov est Austerlitz, la plus grande bataille Napoléonienne et on ne peut voir cet endroit sans rien ressentir, que ce soit par fierté de la puissance d'alors ou par regret d'imaginer les dégâts que les armées du Petit Caporal ont causées.Il est intéressant de noter également que la colline d'Austerlitz, sur laquelle Napoléon se trouvait, est un territoire français, un petit bout de la nation perdu au cœur d'un autre pays.
В замке, 115 комнат ,убранством занимались выдающиеся итальянские мастера: лепщик Сантино Бусси и художник Андреа Ланзани. Особенное внимание к овальному Историческому залу, с великолепными росписями венского художника Йозефа Пиклера 1767 года. На территории замка прекраснейший парк и что особенно приятно, в парке сохранился монумент советским воинам, освободившим город от фашистов в 1945 г.