church of st. mary magdalene
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![church of st. mary magdalene](/foregin/1d8f3ad320a5f1ffa7b3c8ea25affc2a.png)
If you are GeoCaching in Karlovy Vary, then get your GPS and check out the surroundings.You will find the Church very historical inspiring.
A beautiful Baroque church; the only problem we had was that it wasn't heated, and, in December and January, it was bitterly cold inside. We went to an organ concert here - great musicians, excellent acoustics, and they will give you a blanket - but it was still quite cold.
I don't have a lot to talk about this beautiful church, it is so beautiful like many churches in eastern Europe. It has beautiful facade
Located on a little hill and from outside is a very beautiful church. Unfo we have tried twice to visit the church inside but was closed/locked.Friends of us that manage to visit the church inside they advised us that outside view is better.
You cannot go into the entire church because they have it gated in rear, but they have pews there for you to sit and look. The church is beautiful, you would not think it was as grand from the outside.
The baroque style church, located on a little hill, looks very nice from outside, great place walk around there.
Fantastic, professional organ and voice concert Ave Maria. Good selection of works to listen. Church does not have heating but we were offered fleece blankets.
Like the title says, this church looks nice from outside for a photo but it wasn't even possible to walk around the insides as the gate inside the main door was padlocked. Nothing spectacular inside anyway so probably didn't miss much.
This marvelous church a important part in Carlsbad's (Karlovy Vary's) soul, in the heart of the city. Located on a little hill like nearly every holy place, St. Mary Magdalena plays an important role in the life of the city since the XVIII century. Build in the baroque style, it was the place of all great moments happen here since then. The mystical athmosphere, the design, a classical concert, and of course a holy mess in it, these are some heavy reasons to visit St. Mary. Never I've encountred somebody who wasn't enchanted. Important to know is also that: please choose your time of visit in according with an "official" reason, like this you'll be sure to find the church open. Like for all churches in Czech Republic, there is only a little part next to the main gate permanently open for the public when there is no activity. Don't forget that officially 70% of Czech population is atheist. This is a heritage of more than 40 years communism, this fact is regularly subject of discussions between the Vatican and the Czech State.The best way to enjoy St. Mary Magdalena, is maybe to buy a entry ticket to one concert takes place in it regularly. If you have the possibility, try also to assist at the sunday mess during the weekend of the "Meeting of the European Nobility" held in Karlovy Vary every year in spring, usualy one week before the official opening of the spa season. I can ensure you, you'll feel Carlsbad one hundred years ago...!
краивый храм и колокольный звон... Ходили туда на концерт органной музыки Аве Мария......С удовольствием пошла бы еще раз!
Много раз заходили в этот храм. Сделан очень красиво, идут службы, а вечером почти каждый день идут концерты органной и простой музыки. К сожалению мы ни разу не были на концертах, входные билеты для нас очень дорогие - 700 крон. А классическую музыку жена не любит, а без нее я никуда не хожу. Советую всем посетить этот красивейший храм.
Храм в самом центре Карловых Вар идеально хорош и для обычного визита, и для культурного мероприятия - проходящие в нем концерты весьма и весьма хороши!
esta iglesia barroca esta situada en una colina en el centro del recorrido que te lleva por todo lo largo del rio hasta llegar al hotel te gusta la arquitectura, vale la pena visitarla, como en toda la republica checa la musica y los conciertos abundan, en ella dan conciertos de organo.
Потрясающая архитектура храма, красивая вечерняя и ночная подсветка! Внутреннее убранство храма - великолепно!! Лепнина, витражи!! А главное - замечательный орган!! Звучание - изумительное!! Акустика - сказочная!! Концерты органной музыки - очень душевные, проникновенные, " пробирают" до слез!! <3
Католический храм Святой Марии Магдалены - прекрасный образец барочной архитектуры. Примерно раз в две недели в храме проходят концерты. Акустика в соборе великолепная. Надо потеплее одеться (и ещё вам плед предложат, не отказывайтесь), получите огромное удовольствие. Репертуар - очень разный. Мы слушали барочную музыку в барочном соборе. Стоимость билетов - 20 евро. Недёшево, но стоит того. Интерьер храма заслуживает внимания. Очень знамениты алтарь и лепка. Рекомендую посетить этот храм. Получите огромное эстетическое удовольствие.