moldavite museum - muzeum vltavinu
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I had never heard of Moldavite but the museum was free as we were staying at the Residence Museum so we had to look.The material was fascinating and the way it was presented was creative and interesting . There was an amazing display of Moldavite.
An interesting site with exceptional collection of Czech natural gems. Museum entertain adults and children up of 7 years old. Exhibition of minerals, film as well as interactive simulator was for us very atractive.
We had seen this museum in the list of things to do for Cesky Krumlov here on TA. Although small, it is well worth visiting. The video presentation is given in both Czech and English versions so you may have to wait about 5 mins for a suitable viewing. The displays are in Czech, English and I think Spanish? The exhibits are well displayed and the displays are engaging and informative. There is a small shop selling authenticated moldavite samples for £3 - 5 pounds. Definitely worth a visit even if you have little interest in astronomy/geology.
Интересный минералогический музей Крумлова назван в честь уникального бледнозеленого чешского драгоценного камня Молдавита. Он был найден на берегу Влтавы и по легенде прибрежный песок оплавил падающий метеорит, поэтому этот камень также называют Влтавином. Если вы купите себе в магазине "Чешский гранат" ювелирные украшения с этим камнем, будьте осторожнее с ними. Влтавит камень хрупкий и при ударе может отколоться!