town hall (hotel de ville)
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开放时间: 暂无

大广场 Grand Place 右手边的这栋中世纪的建筑,恰恰位于国王之家的正对面 - Hotel de Ville de Bruxelles,其实是布鲁塞尔市政厅,大约是15 世纪初开始建立的,然后陆陆续续扩建成今天的模样。建筑墙面上的雕塑,美的让人难以言语形容。这广场上的夜景也是必游的,可惜了,功课没做足,没安排在这多停留一晚。这一眼望去的浮雕,就是布鲁塞尔市政厅建筑外观,这里号称欧洲最美丽的广场,可以说实至名归。
Walk through the seven side-streets you get to drawn to the gothic tower of the town hall pointing skywards. This walk, this place gives you the feeling of taking you back to fourteenth century.
a historical place!it's not just a town hall!it's more than it!have a look!you ill like it!take pictures,look at the details!
L'Hotel de Ville is a fantastic example of gothic architecture, well worth a visit! Try to go before noon as the square gets super crowded with tourists
The architecture of this building is beautiful and is definitely worth seeing on your visit to Brussels.
I took the 11am English guided tour one Sunday of this spectacular building and was not disappointed. The guide, Michaela, was funny and informative as we entered the various rooms. Each room is different to the previous one and the tour takes in many different styles of decoration. The City Council chamber is especially beautiful. Along the way you learn lots about the history of Brussels and Belgium and the people who have ruled it. Make room in your schedule in Brussels to take a tour of the Hotel de Ville: it only takes around an hour and will be a highlight of your trip!
This is one of the only two buildings I was really impressed by in my short visit in Brussels.I did not get inside, but from outside it is one of the more impressing city halls !
Located in the Grand Place in Brussels - a beautiful square. This is definitely the highlight of the buildings. We unfortunately missed the tour, but did have a walk into the courtyard and an open room with a wonderful centrepiece. Beautiful at night too with the building lit up very tastefully. Beware though, it is impossible to take a photo without strangers also being in the picture!
The town hall is a beautiful building and it's history is interesting. We began a tour of Brussels here and our guide told us all about the history of the building and the architecture. I won't spoilt it for you... Go visit!!
I traveled around Belgium in autumn of 2014 and I found the architecture of the Town hall fascinating. I recommend visiting in the night time but don't eat at the restaurants there - they are overpriced and not that good...
Have been here a couple of times, this town hall is still my favourite. It's different from other places, staring at it from the square for a while is a nice contemplation time.
It lies centrally on the great market place. The towe you can see from everywhere in Brussels. During festive period at the end of the year there is a light spectacle projected on it. Historical buiding , one of the must see in Brussels.
absolutely beautiful - esp at night when all lite up. the grand palace was under construction so this was the highlight of the square - and it did not disappoint! would advise to go at night as more beautiful - don't visit the restaurants there - overpriced better ones nearby.
Part of grand place. Most elegant building in any city square I have been to. Do not miss the view in the night.