volcano park of lemptegy
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开放时间: 暂无

Having seen the area from a motorway service station in fog a few years ago, I had looked forward to this visit to the Auvergne and Lemptegy.On arrival, we were welcomed and very rapidly shown our very own mini-train for the visit. The French guide was a professional volcanist with two degrees in the subject. She was very helpful and gave a clear description of everything that we viewed. She was very enthusiastic and clearly explained the research which was being carried out. We were taken on the to all the appropriate parts of the volcano, and even viewed some of the old excavation equipment.The climax of the visit was the showing of the 4-D video. The effects were stunning, and to reveal the detail would spoil it for future visitors. The earth certainly moved for me !!!I agree that the shop was a bit overpriced. I bought three DVDs which were about five Euros cheaper in a local town. I consider that the visit was an excellent experience and I will certainly go back there again.
How previous reviewers can say this is not a volcano is beyond me!!! Do some research of the area!! There are numerous Volcanoes in the area and Lamptegy is just one!! Although not active you can clearly see the layers of lava and ash etc.... the train journey was excellent with an english speaking guide!! Very passionate about her subject. Yes the exhibits are in French, you are in France!!!!!! The 4D film was superb i would recomend to anyone!!!!
1) Dear Sir,I would like to take the opportunity to respond to your review and put to rights some misconceptions. Firstly to address the tittle of your review, the Volcan de Lemptégy is indeed a real volcano, through obviously not currently classed as active ! Il is the only volcano where our visitors are able to see the anatomy inside a volcano. For over 40 years, the site has been working closely with scientific world that considers the Volcan de Lemptégy to be “an example of volcanology education” and a player in dissemination of knowledge”.As for the confusion over seating, we can only apologise for a lack of understanding that you would like purchase seats for your young children.As of adaptation to foreign customers, I would like to point out that the major part of the visit is available in English translation : the documentary film has subtitles. You chose to take the visit by train with one of our qualified guide, and so were given the commentary translation into English to read. Taking our audioguide visit on foot allows you to choose the language of the commentary (English, german, dutch). Our new film “Back to origins” is also available in translated audio and was specially commissioned by us to explain the history and eruptions of the Volcan de Lemptégy.We constantly strive to improve and update our services for the benefit of all our visitors.
Hello, We regret that you did not enjoy your visit in the Volcan de Lemptégy. Concerning the type of visit, our hostesses fully explain that the visit listening to a fully translated commentary is only available when taking the visit on foot. When taking the visit on train, you are supplied with a translation to read.Concerning the night show, it is only available in French. The logistics of providing translations during such a show is very difficult to establish. However, if tou had attended the show we feel confident that you would have enjoyedthe experience as the light show with lasers and imagery projected into the background of the volcano along with the finale of fireworks translate into any language.I would like to finish by stressing that members of our staff respect all of our customers, regardless of nationality. We welcome visitors from all over the world and we are constantly trying to adapt and improve our services.
Our group visited the Volcano park as part of our coach tour of the villages of the Auvergne, and we had a fabulous time. The volcano is situated in the heart of the Chaîne des Puys, and you can choose whether to explore the area on foot or take a little road train. Either way, you actually enter the crater of an exploded volcano, and can clearly see the vents, bombs and layers of rock. We were taken round on the little train. There are plenty of stops to allow you to take photographs, and our friendly guide gave us an excellent explanation of what to look at. Until recently the crater was mined to extract the porous rocks, but the whole area is now a UNESCO heritage site. You can however still walk round the mining equipment.There is also an excellent exhibition room if you want more detail on the volcano. There are also two other experiences on the site which we thoroughly enjoyed. The first is a 4D film which gives you the experience of flying over this volcanic region as it explodes. I won't spoil the surprises for you! There is also a "mine ride". Unfortunately the dialogue wasn't in English but this didn't spoil our fun- a bit naff but we giggled all the way through it so enjoyed it all the same. Both of these experiences are subject to the usual health limitations.There is also a restaurant on site-can't comment on this as we didn't use it. There is also a souvenir shop selling the usual kids toys etc. Toilets were clean, and the whole site was free of litter-good to see people respecting such a wonderful environment.I think that this is a fabulous experience for singles, couples, families, and people of all ages. Here is a link to the website so that you can check out the prices and opening times etc. http://www.volvic-tourisme.com/HTML/sites/volcan_de_lemptegy_gb.htm
We had a great time at the Volcan de Lemptégy. The guide was excellent and the kids loved the little train. Our oldest particularly liked the 4D experience at the end and there was a park for our little one to play in whilst waiting for that to finish. Very friendly staff, and very helpful as we arrived late but were taken straight through to join the tour. Definitely recommend this tour.
We ended up here after deciding that it was too expensive to catch the train up to the top of Puy de Dome. There was a photo of it in the exhibition at the bottom where we were waiting for the next train up and debating whether it was going to be worth 9 euros each to go look at the view.This showed that you could go and visit the inside of a volcano rather than just stand on top of one and we thought that sounded more interesting. Lemptegy has been mined so the volcano has been dug away showing it's structure. It looks a bit cheesy from the outside but the entrance price includes an audio guide in various languages that is really informative. It guides you on a 1.5 km wander around the volcano and the old mine equipment finishing with a simulator 'mine' adventure - 4d experience!!! We really enjoyed the whole thing, learnt loads and were impressed with the sheer size of the place. Starting with a film (I think it had subtitles), they give you about 1.5 hours to do the tour before booking your '4d' appointment and that's just enough time to do the audio guide, we could have spent longer happily. You can use the little land train but it's not an arduous walk. Staff spoke excellent english and were really helpful and friendly - good fun and very educational.
We spent a lovely morning at this Volcano Park in the Auvergne Volcanoes National Park in France. We were on a Leger coach holiday and this was an included excursion. Well worth a visit. During our visit we had a tour around the volcano area in one of these little trains (not on a rail) with an English speaking driver, a film and fun ride on the volcanoes. Vulcania is nearby but we were extremely happy with our visit to Volcano Park.
De passage un week end au milieu des volcans, je programme 2 visites, dont ce volcan !Pas trop le choix, tout est fermé à cette époque de l'année ....d'ailleurs coup de chance , je pensais commencé par le puy de dôme le jeudi et Lemptégy le vendredi, je me suis rendu compte à temps que ce volcan ferme les vendredi, samedi, dimanche !! Bref, pas très sérieux tut çà, surtout en vacances scolaire! Le volcan était sous la neige, donc pas de visite en petit train!A mi-chemin entre un parc d'attraction et une visite guidé, la guide nous ammène dans un premier temps dans une attraction 4D "la mine explosive", sympa mais la vidéo ne raconte rien et tout cela est simplement propice à quelques effets; mais plutot amusants pour les enfants (pas trop jeunes non plus car bruyant)Commence ensuite la visite. Nous faisons le tout du volcan , la guide s'arrête à différents points pour les explications. Ses explications sont claires, sa voix porte bien et elle semble maîtriser son sujet, bravo ! Par contre les enfants préfèrent jouer avec les boules de neiges, la partie "intello" de la visite ne les intéresse pas !Pour finir , nous avons un film 4D bien réussi, de belles images de la région, mais trop court à mon goût !Ce n'est certes pas un parc d'attraction, mais on sent l'envie de faire des choses et de faire vivre le passé géologique et industriel du site et surtout on peut visiter un vrai volcan!Pour une dizaine d'euros on passe 2h sympathique dans un lieu originale, en apprenant et en s'amusant !
comparer a vulcania sa a rien a voir ces trouver sa ennuyeux. La premier salle avez une mauvaise odeur de transpiration. Personnel qui récite un texte sens pouvant répondre au questions.Mais le prix est bas mieux vos payer quelque euro de plus pour monter de gamme
Si tratta di una cava dismessa ricavata all'interno di uno dei tanti vulcani spenti dell'Auvergne. L'abbiamo visitato a piedi perché il trenino nell'orario in cui siamo capitati noi era fermo. Avevamo comunque un depliant facilmente comprensibile ed ho trovato molto interessante sia la passeggiata con i massi, le stratificazioni e anche gli antichi macchinari estrattivi. Purtroppo avevamo le ore contate in quanto stavamo percorrendo un trekking a piedi e non abbiamo potuto vedere il filmato. Comunque nel complesso piacevole e consigliato. Con un piccolo sovrapprezzo si può acquistare il biglietto che comprende anche la visita alla Maison de Pierre di Volvic che però personalmente non mi è piaciuta.
les 2 attractions en 3D sont inégables , la première superbe avec beaux paysages auvergnats et belle explication de l'apparition des volcans d'auvergne . La guide qui conduit le petit train connait bien le volcanisme et donne des explications scientifiques et bien documentées. La mine explosive est un peu grangignolesque , c'est du dysneyland moyen moyen. Des attentes parfois
J'ai visité le volcan à deux reprises avec des groupes d'élèves et à chaque fois les responsables se sont montrés très désagréables. Il nous a, par exemple, été nécessaire de négocier pendant une vingtaine de minutes pour avoir accès à la salle hors-sac alors que les élèves étaient transis de froid.La visite est en revanche intéressante et les guides sont très compétents.
Excellent guide qui nous a bien instruit pendant deux heures. Des petites haltes le long du parcours sont très agréables et "coupent" cette impression de visite panoramique.Possibilités de ramener quelques morceaux de volcan, la visite se termine (pour qui le souhaite) par les machines d'extraction du minerai. Film en 4 D (aux origines) dont les précautions (exceptées pour les femmes enceintes à la rigueur) paraissent un peu exagérées d'autant qu'il est facile de demander la désactivation du système des fauteuils, perso, et je ne suis pas seul, j'aurais bien aimé un peu plus long. A tarif égal avec le panoramique des Dômes cette excursion justifie son prix d'entré de 13,50€.
La visite guidée du site est très bien organisée et instructive. Le guide que nous avions prend vraiment la peine de répondre aux questions et fait participer les enfants. Nous avons choisi de faire la visite à pied, qui est moins dispendieuse et qui n'est vraiment pas difficile. Le film en 4D à la fin de la visite refait un beau tour d'horizon des informations présentées lors de la visite. À faire par une belle journée mais pas trop chaude car l'ombre se fait très rare durant la visite à pied.