cathédrale saint-samson


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cathédrale saint-samson



Very old, impressive cathedral. You have to go inside to feel it. I felt small and piously. We lit a candle for our lost loved ones. Even our youngest daughter of 4 years old only whispered in here.


Stumbled onto this and fortunately ventured inside. This place is amazing. The organist was practicing when we went in and it just made the moment. Highly recommend a visit!


What a lovely cathedral, well worth a visit if you like that sort of thing. Great history behind it .Lovely stained glass windows.


This is a beautiful and majestic cathedral with very old parts from the 12th century. It is very large with some lovely old stained glass windows. There is a good brochure, with a version in English, which explains the different periods that the church was built. It seems especially large for the size of the town and is well with a stop.


13th century built on the ruins of a 7th century cathedral founded by St Sanpson. (He's really important in Brittany, I've found eight churches so far and of course a parish in Guernsey. The top of the north tower is missing because the devil got angry about a new cathedral and threw a rock at it. Cool peaceful interior.


The restaurant doesn't look very impressive from the street but opens out into a number of spaces including a nice terrace. The menu is typical brasserie/creperie but well executed and the service was friendly. Shame about the toilet - how do French restaurants continue to get away with this type of facility!


Not the most beautiful cathedral; actually a bit massive, but the whole town of Dol is such a nice place to walk around in and the market on Saturdays is well worth a visit!


La Cattedrale svetta sicura nel cielo di Bretagna, ergendosi maestosa e incuriosendo i visitatori ad entrarvi.Fatelo, vedrete un bell' esempio di gotico, ben tenuta e ben restaurata!Se siete fortunati, potrete godere anche dei concerti di Musica Popolare Bretone che spesso si svolgono al suo esterno.


une superbe cathédrale à visiter, avec un petit tour par Mediévalys pour tout comprendre sur sa construction


Собор находится в историческом центре города. Весьма масштабный и сразу выделяется на фоне архитектуры прилегающих кварталов. Тихое и немноголюдное место. Парковка на прилегающей площади несколько подпортила общее впечатление.


Que l'on aime ou non les édifices religieux, celle-ci est vraiment à ne pas rater. Son histoire et sa grandeur nous rappelle qu'elle à vue des milliers de personnes et de nombreuses années passées, alors qu'elle, n'a pas bougée. Elle est superbe. Elle appelle aux recueillement ou tout simplement à venir partager une page de notre histoire.


De belles statues médiévales, un coeur majestueux, un puits à l'intérieur... Des explications claires et instructives bien que peu plaisantes pour des personnes qui auraient la vue faible ou des dys (éciture manuscrite, style gothique)


Auf den ersten Blick erschliesst sich das noch nicht, aber wenn man die Kirche betritt, fangen sogar die Kinder das Flüstern an. Kirchenmusik im Hintergrund passen sehr gut zur Stimmung der alten Gemäuer. Ein Spaziergang rund um die Kirche durch die Gassen empfiehlt sich.


Bellissima Cattedrale. Abbiamo anche avuto la fortuna di capitare nel giorno in cui facevano un concerto di cornamusa, fisarmonica e bombarda a ingresso libero. E' stato suggestivo ed indimenticabile. Peccato che il paesino sia invaso dalle auto, anche tutto attorno alla cattedrale. Ci sono delle toilettes pubbliche (io non le ho trovate proprio pulitissime) a pochi passi da lì, sulla piazza.


Por fuera la catedral es muy bonita e impresiona. Sin embargo fue un poco decepción el que estuviera cerrada en un horario bastante normal para hacer turismo

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