forteresse de mornas
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Very strenuous (!) climb up to this castle at an enormous slope (bring your tracking shoes, it's really far from easy).Elderly and feeble people should mind this sight.After our efforts we waited and knocked at the gate for 15 minutes, but it was unaccessible. Nor was there anything written or pointed out about being closed!
This isn't a huge place, and you may be put off by the pretty daunting climb up to it, but persevere, and you'll be rewarded. It's not expensive to get in, and if your French is up to it, spend a couple of euros more for the guided "visite animée" during the summer. They do a really good job of bringing the place to life and giving you a good understanding of how the fortress probably operated during its heyday. This includes an introduction to the weapons and armour of the time, which is great for the littler members of your group!
Excellent accessible site. More interesting than many of it's more famous counterparts. Great fun to be able to see the various apparatus of punishment up close (although one can't help feeling these items should be more protected). Don't hesitate to make a visit here - great value.
Take a drive through the tiny streets and follow signs for the fortresse up the hill to the car park. The very steep approach to the castle (on foot) is more than worth the effort. The castle has been superbly restored and we were able to walk around without a guide. The views from the ramparts across the Rhone Valley were superb. Best 4€ spent so far.
Quite a climb up in the heat but worth it. Have visited here before when they had reinactments,and stuff going on inside the castle. The view is brilliant,and the little town/Villiage worth seeing to. Good place to eat in Main Street. Castle is cheap to go round in comparison to England. Oh they do close for half an hour at lunchtime...I think from 12.30 to 1pm.
We had a wonderful time. The people working there are very nice and put a lot of effort into the story they want to tell. the way to the fort was a bit steep and did hurt my calves while walking up there with a stroller. some kids might find it a bit scary.
The fortress is a steep walk from the car park of about 10 minutes. In low season it opens 13.30-17.30, so if early you need to find a place to eat in Mornas village (only 2 brasseries open in spring). The castle/ fortress is perched vertiginously high on a rocky outcrop overlooking the village. It has been well restored by the local “Amis”. The high point is the tower, which is accessed via a metal ladder- only to be attempted by the fit! The castle has little interpretation/ information panels. We were given a single sheet pamphlet which gave some limited information. However, there is clearly a lot more to the castle- I assume summer visitors are better served.
Having driven past the Mornas fortress several times on our way to the south of France, we finally stopped for a visit. The guided tours were very well done, giving a good feel for life in the fortress during the Middle Ages and the surprising treasure kept in the fortress. Be warned, there is a steep climb up to the top, but there is a shuttle in the afternoon that will take you up.
Visited last week. Opening hours were difficult to find - but, for clarification, during July and August the castle opens at 10am, closes for lunch at 12.30 and then re-opens at 2pm until (I think) 5pm.The only visits available during July and August are "anime" - in other words, guided visits. These are in French, although the guides do their best to help you if French is not your first language.The tour was very good - learnt a lot about life during the Middle Ages and the sword-fighting demonstration was fun. Lovely views of the surrounding countryside from the top - although, be warned, the walk up is very steep indeed.Recommended for those who speak French - and for those, like me, who are able to whisper a rough translation, to their family!
Mornas castle was built by the counts of Toulouse from 1125 onwards. The fortress served to dominate the valley of the Rhône river and collect taxes from ships passing by. At the end of the thirteenth century the castle became property of the pope, who confied it to the knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem.During the Hundred Years War (1337-1453) the French countryside was ransacked and pillaged by gangs of deserted soldiers, the so called Routiers. Mornas castle prevented them from entering the Rhône valley and protected the road to Avignon, the papal capital. The popes had its walls reinforced in 1342, 1370 and 1378. In 1562 the catholic defenders negotiated the surrender of Mornas castle to the Marquis of Montbrun. Once inside the walls the latter broke his promise. Seniors, women and children who were hiding in the chapel were butchered. The soldiers of the garrison were thrown from the castle rock onto pikes waiting below. In 1568 Mornas castle was taken for the catholics by François de Baume. He ordained the same fate for the protestant occupants of the fortress.From 1789 onward the castle was abandoned and slowly fell to ruins. At present the walls of Mornas castle still look mighty impressive and its defences are largely intact.Two gates with a fourteenth century barbican in between provide access to the east section of the ramparts. Via a third gate atop a flight of stairs the core of the castle can be accessed. This part of the fortress, comprising the house of the commander (only wall fragments remaining), living quarters, the keep (platform non accessible) and the chapel could be defended autonomously.Looking down from the west section of the ramparts you can see the remnants of the city walls in the valley.Several tunnels run under the castle. Alas, non can be visited for the moment due to risk of collapse. The lower court is separated from the main castle by a broad ditch, cut in the rock. Its ramparts and towers are in urgent need of repair and therefore cannot be accessed. Apparently at one time the lower court could be reached directly from the valley via wooden flights of stairs.During weekends or daily in july and august costumed guides show visitors around providing valuable information about the history and layout of castle and about life in the Middle Ages (hygiene, food and drinks, justice, ...) in an interactive and entertaining way. Afterwards you can wander around freely.I spoke with several of the costumed guides after our tour. All were volunteers with a passion for Mornas castle and the Middle Ages. They were most friendly and took ample time to answer my questions regarding the premises.
L'association réussit a merveille son pari: faire revivre cette forteresse au temps des chevaliers. La visite guidée vous transportera à l'époque médiévale, et permettra à votre imagination de faire de ces ruines un château imprenable.
Jako kierowca ciezarowki spedzalem weekend przy autostradzie nieopodal Mornas. Wraz z kolegami wybralismy sie na przechadzke. W polowie drogi mielismy dosc bo droga biegla ostro pod gore. Jednak po dotarciu do celu nie wierzylem wlasnym oczom. Po zakupie biletu za jedyne 8euro przenioslem sie w czasie. Znakomicie zachowane ruiny zamku.wszystkiego mozna dotknac I wyprobowac jak dzialalo. Mnie na przyklad zakuto w dyby :) Z gory rozciaga sie piekny widok wokol fortecy. Naprawde warto odwiedzic to miejsce jednak zaznaczam ze to nie jest spacer po parku.
Un site remarquable, un spectacle superbe, une visite guidée intéressante, bref tous les ingrédients pour une journée parfaite, pour les grands et les petits!! Bravo!!!!
A chaque saison la forteresse change de visage, l'automne la rend sauvage ! Rendez-vous le dernier week-end de mars 2015 pour la reprise des animations ! On vous réserve pleins de belles surprises !Dame Morgane pour toute l'équipe
Merci pour vos encouragements, à la Forteresse les travaux sont quotidiens pour toute l'équipe des Amis de Mornas ! En 2013 l'association à également rénové la Chapelle Saint Baudille qui se cache dans la Garrigue à quelques minutes de marche de Dame Forteresse, une autre belle visite !Encore de belles rénovation vous attendent pour les saisons avenirs !Médiévalement,Dame Morgane pour toute l'équipe.