musée des années 30
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This place received a short blurb in our guide book but is perhaps the most underrated museum in Paris, with an extensive, discriminating collection of paintings, drawings, sculpture, ceramics, carvings, photographs, furniture and industrial design items such as radios, telephones, dining and kitchenware and mechanical objects - all magnificent specimens of French 1930s Art Deco and Art Moderne. Not only that, the place was absolutely empty but for us, and this during the high season between Christmas and New Years when literally every other museum we went to in Paris had lines snaking everywhere and hour-long waits. A lovely, unique must-see. William AptAustin TX
It is the museum I know that has the richest and diversified permanent collection, furniture, paintings, sculptures.... And the spécial exhibitions are always interesting
A lot of 30s paintings.Love exhibitions there!Akready saw Brigitte Bardot and Audrey Hepburn exhibits.A glamourous museum.
The 4th floor I could have spent all day on! Great examples of furniture, art and particularly early industrial items - typewriters, hair dryers, cameras, fans, record players and so on. Some of the designs look very contemporary. Other floors mostly art and sculpture. Still interesting but not quite my thing. There is a walking tour available at reception that you can do covering the many period houses and other buildings in the area. Lots of stuff like Le Corbusier for,example. We did this on a sunny Sunday and the streets were quiet, but still took us a good 90 minutes. If you don't have that much time the area immediately close to Parc des Princes is where I would head for
Start on the top (4th) floor and work down. There is a good collection of 30s material and below on the 3rd and 2nd floors art (including colonial art). All well set out in a modern light building. Also, pick up a leaflet showing walking tours of the area's modernist and art deco buildings.
... which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Well off the beaten path on the western edge of Paris. I was there on a rainy holiday Friday and think I was the only one in the museum at the time. I expected to see a lot of art deco, but the collection is small. There was also an exhibit of colonial (Indochina and Africa) art. There w was also art and artifacts from the 50s.
Unless you are an Art Deco lover I would not recommend this museum for a first visit to Paris although the museum has a nice collection of paintings, sculptures and also furniture which are worth a detour. Also it is next to the "Grand Place" of Boulogne a lively place with restaurants, cafés and shops and a metro one block away only.
I had some time to kill staying nearby and stumbled into here as much by accident as anything else. it's only small but has lots of interesting artefacts (office and household appliances etc) from interwar period plus paintings, sculpture, photos etc
A small museum dedicated to painting, sculpture, furniture and design of the thirties, Musee des Annees 30 is well worth a visit - especially if you're an Art Deco fan. It has some terrific paintings but sometimes they are hard to enjoy because there is so much sculpture on display. I was wishing that they would put some in storage and give everything a little more breathing space. There is also an interesting collection of French colonial art.This is another of the small treasure houses of Paris where you're promised an uncrowded, unhurried experience. Add it to your list if you've decided to look beyond the Paris "top ten".
La visite est rapide. Tableaux orientalistes et sculptures intéressantes .Je préfère le musée des Arts Décoratifs de Paris.
Belle collection d'objets et mobilier art Déco , rapide à visiter. Prochaine étape : le Parcours des Années 30 en ville pour aller les villas construites dans les années 30, représentatives de l'art deco et dont certaines laquettes sont exposées au musée.
Achei o ingresso caro para o que o museu oferece. A coleção sobre design de moveis e utensílios é divertida. Talvez pq eu não fale francês, achei que o museu não conta muito sobre a decada. Mas, se VC tem tempo e já viu as principais atrações da região, é um excelente programa.
Un beau concentré qui représente bien l'époque sous tout ses angles.Très intéressant d'avoir regroupé peintures, sculptures, objets de la vie courante,...d'une même époque, l'idée est originale et on sort de là en ayant tout compris sur ces années.De plus, les panneaux explicatifs sont très bien faits.Un seul petit regret, le magasin devrait être plus achalandé surtout en livres. J'ai appris aussi que si j'en voulais un par la suite car j'en ai acheté deux et j'hésitais pour le 3°, l'envoi est tout de même facturé 8euros.J'étais venu par curiosité suite à la visite de mon fils qui était allé quelques semaines auparavant car il réalise un meuble art déco en école d'eben et je ne regrette pas.Dommage qu'il faille aller si loin car on y va pour çà ...
je suis allée à plusieurs expositions temporaires qui étaient passionnantes .Il faudrait que je fasse une visite guidée des j y suis allée plusieurs fois il y a quelques années avec une guide remarquable!!!a refaire car il doit certainement y avoir des nouveautés !!!
Salles inégales, certaines sont plus étoffées que d'autres, ce musée aurait besoin d'un petit coup de peps...toutefois, l'exposition sur Bardot etait superbe