le grand blockhaus
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开放时间: 暂无

So interesting, spent a while talking to a curator who was incredibly informative. If you can manage the steps it's well worth a visit, children would love it.
As this site was a 10 minute walk from where we were staying, we made sure to visit. The site is well cared for and there are a lot of very interesting exhibits. This area is well known for war time activity and there is a lot of evidence of the war time activity all around. This is a great example and well worth a visit.
This is one of the monuments, people would like to NOT have,.. the Germans built it during WW II and we all know history.But today it is an informative museum about that time in that area and they got a lot of stuff to show. From the Germans as well as the Allies. Belts and books, Guns and uniforms, personal stuff, razors, pictures, a lot of information in general and they decorated everything like in the time it was in active use. There are "people" standing in the rooms doing what they did (deskwork, sentry, technical operation etc.)Although it's a dark time of history, it's a good museum. In front of it is an old 88 FLAK, there's a store and you have a beautiful view over the Seine kissing the Atlantik. Pricing is moderate and you can have handouts with explanation to the different scenes in a couple of languages.
Really interesting and original place, accurate and authentic displays. Very interesting local community stories via video in small room, rocks and coast is great. Best served with a half day visit
This renovated bunker is full of fascinating history both globally (learning about the pockets of German resistance which did not surrender until days after VE-Day) and in the small artifacts and memorabilia, such as the "official" German army condom packaging marked "for use by the Wehrmacht only". The owner is passionate about the bunker and the history of the Saint-Nazaire pocket and, even as a decades-long year student of WW2, I learned a lot from his talk. Most importantly, and this is the reason why I plan to visit again with my 3 teenage children, this is a profoundly human exhibit showing how life was for those poor youngsters that had to man it, and really shows the utter waste of war, and how lucky my children are to live in aa time and place where wars are a thing of the past. Wholeheartedly recommended.
Thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Full of history and memorabilia from that period. I particularly enjoyed the interviews of the soldiers from WWII who were there, not to mention a beautiful view of the coastline. There is a short video on the St. Nazaire pocket that is worth seeing. It's a pretty amazing piece of history and I'm grateful that it has been so well preserved. My only recommendation would be that they need to replace the tattered flags flying on the Blockhaus - it was sad to see these in disarray.Well worth the small entrance fee, full of interesting history and information. The gift shop and food area was closed (late October).
Visited the Blockhaus whilst in Brittany with 2 kids and dog. The inspirational owner of this WW2 concrete block was as brilliant as the building. He decided to do something with this left to rot building in 1997 and was so passionate about it. He was on the reception desk when we bought the tickets. The blockhaus is full of gifted uniforms, letters and medals, there is a video show about the St Nazaire pocket too. Well worth a visit. Also there is a beautiful coastal walk to boot.
On coast road between Le Croisic and La Baule near Le Pouliquen came across this fine example of a defensive blockhouse built as part of Hitlers "Atlantic Wall" in early 40's it's construction most likely supervised by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel c. 1943. It would have been a most important unit, hence it's imposing size, overlooking the western Atlantic approaches to the U Boat base at St Nazaire.It has been retained in remarkably good condition and is open to the public every day from 1April to 11 November. Interested in WWII history? then don't miss this experience you can almost feel what the atmosphere would have been like inside on 6 June 1944.
Well worth the small entrance fee, make sure to climb the vertical ladder to the very top, where the original range-finding binoculars remain in position, and working!
Un musée vivant et intelligent ! On accède à la grande Histoire par les petites histoires et les objets quotidiens de ces hommes et femmes, cela est fait avec beaucoup de soin et de passion.Un musée avec une âme et incroyablement humain.Merci pour cette contribution à notre histoire commune
Un excellent retour en arrière!!! Le blockhaus a été très bien restauré et l'équipe de passionnés vous offre une superbe visite... Comptez 1h environ pour la visite et surtout n'hésitez pas à poser des questions aux responsables, ils vous donnerons un maximum de réponses ponctuées par de formidables anecdotes !!! Un pur régal !!!! Et si par bonheur vous croisez mr Moreau, il pourra vous faire revivre cette époque si marquante.. En effet, ce monsieur n'est ni plus ni moins l'un des libérateurs de la baule en 1945!!! Comptez 7,5€ pour un adulte et 5,5€ pour un enfant!!! C'est croyez-moi très peu comparé au travail de rénovation effectué et à la qualité de la visite!!!
Pour ceux qui aiment l'histoire dans l'Histoire :un épidose très méconnu que la libératio de la poche de Saint Nazaire-La Baule. Il faut absolument rencontrer Monsieur Maurice Moreau - qui y était - et qui vous raconte ce qu'il a vécu avec passion et modestie - c'est LA mémoire du Blokhaus...et il a 90 ans et beaucoup humour !
Visite avec 2 ados et 1 enfant. Je pensais rester 30 min pas plus. On est resté 1 heure. Tout le monde y a trouvé son compte. L'enquête pour les enfants est plutôt bien fait.
Super site à visiter. De nombreux souvenirs de locaux qui donnent encore plus de réalité a l'histoire. Malin le jeu pour les enfants qui leur permet d'apprendre l'histoire d'une façon agréable.Je ne regrette pas ma visite moi qui, Normande ai souvent eu l'occasion de visiter les sites du Débarquement ; l'histoire de la poche de Saint Nazaire est aussi très interessante.
Plein de souvenirs et d’explications sur l’histoire locale de l’occupation. Ne pas oublier et transmettre car l’histoire n’est pas que dans les livres.