vendée miniature
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

We weren't sure what to expect and when we walked into the room I admit to feeling a little disappointed, however, much to our amazement this place is fan! We had a one year old and a five year old and they loved it! The day to night feature was fabulous (v dark!) And all the details were amazing! I wouldn't go again but it is worth a visit if you're in the area! Fantastic work!
Some reviewers are suggesting that this attraction is not worth the money and that you are in and out in 15 mins. Well, that depends on your attention span, I suppose! We found that there was more than enough interest to keep us going for over an hour, with fascinating and sometimes amusing detail everywhere you looked.Look out for the gypsies basket weaving by the river, the desperate rush or try and extinguish the fire in the barn, and the family wedding party with accordion music going on well into the night.To be fair, younger kids are less likely to appreciate the finer details, so this is something perhaps worth some thought before parting with the readies.In summary - well worth a visit, we thoroughly enjoyed.
The negative reviews made us wonder whether it was worth a 45 minute journey. We were so glad that we decided to give it a try. Six adults and three children three years and under, we had an excellent time. The moving models fascinated the younger two, and the three year old enjoyed following the train with his grandparents, as well as seeing the darkness fall, hearing the owl and then the cockerel announcing the dawn.... And much, much more. I guess it is what the adults make of it to the children, but there is much to spark the imagination and weave into stories. Worth every cent of the entrance fee.
Its really very well done and is clearly a huge labour of love for many model makers. It would probably take an hour to do it full justice, but we arrived after an influx of 30 or so visitors who took ages at the beginning of the trail. we couldn't overtake them without missing some of the modelling which is very fine. Super quality, traffic management required at busy times :)
Oh dear, I feel very guilty about my thoughts on writing this review! There is no doubting the long hours, dedication and LOVE that has gone into this project. The miniatures are remarkable and the many scenes of Vendée life of old are touching, but, as other reviewers have mentioned, the overall experience is very short-lived, which thus makes the entry fee a little expensive. We have two young children, and I found myself oohing and aahing at them (AND hubby( to justify my decision to visit the museum! The air-conditioning was a godsend, but the chipboard walls let the place down rather. Maybe I should say no more, other than 'see what you think yourself'!
This was a quaint display of rural Vendee life in older times it was not a model village that you could walk around. It was a display that took no longer than 15-20 minutes to look at (and that was stretching it!) and our children (9 & 7 yrs) were bored to tears - it was over priced and in our opinion not worth a visit.
Really lovely model village, fully working railway, day to night, lots of small little shops with unbelievable detail, lots of moving parts. Great for boys and girls, young or old. Highly recommended. Cannot rate this place highly enough. Was a lovely find.
Most enjoyable, detail beyond belief, great stuff. The detail in the models, is superb. Highly recommended for young and old!
This is a fascinating 'museum', where the patience and dedication of the creators give you a glimpse of the local way of life as it must have been. As if you were Gulliver in Lilliput, tiny figures and animals recreate the farming chores of the Vendee. We loved the detail and the chance to lose ourselves in a fairytale kingdom.My only disappointment was that when night comes, there isn't any nocturnal activity, which could be another magical asset to the display. A gift shop has mementoes of the visit for everyone, at a price - give the children a spending limit!
Après 3 ou 4 visites (je ne sais plus tellement j'y retourne avec plaisir), c'est toujours aussi intéressant et bien conçu. Cela plait aux adultes comme aux enfants.
Un circuit qui vous fait vivre du lever du soleil....à la nuit étoilée dans la campagne vendéenne. Tout y est les activités de chaque bourgade, le moulin, la fête du mariage, le corbillard, les lavandières et les vendangeurs....les pompiers et surtout le train qui serpente au fil des collines, disparait sous le tunnel, et s'arrête en gare....Il faudra juste penser à lui garder ses couleurs que le temps épuise à cette maquette remarquable. Autre bémol le prix d'entrée, mais une excellente occupation pour des enfants lorsque la mer est agitée.
Cet endroit est magique que ce soit pour les petits comme les grands . Une remontée dans le temps vraiment parfaite. Beaucoup d'années de travail de la part du couple propriétaire mais encore plus de plaisir pour les visiteurs. a faire absolument
Génial, cela valait le détour, la Vendée d'autrefois, travail minutieux et passionné. Fin de journée à la plage.. que du bonheur
Très beau travail et très beau à voir. Cependant le prix reste un peu élevé pour moins d'une heure de visite.
J'avoue que je m'attendais à autre chose. Je pensais aller visiter les lieux historiques de la Vendée alors que c'est le mode de vie et métiers d'antan. Cher pour ce que c'est. En prenant son temps le tour est vite fait 30mn environs