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It is hard to put into words the sacrifice represented in this place. So many here gave so much so the world could be free. It is worth a visit.
This memorial is truly wonderful and to see how these young men who died are so respected and revered really cannot be put into words. It is the most beautiful and emotional place and so tranquil as you walk around reading the names of the soldiers and their place of birth. This memorial is not about creed or colour but about young lives. All you see is row upon row of crosses and stars, so carefully tended. The trees and planting areas are so well maintained. The Wall with the names of the soldiers and battallions makes you hold your breath and the perpetual pool is amazing. A high price paid by so many in order that we can live today in freedom. We should be rternally grateful.
The memorial has information in English and French about D-day and what followed. Rows upon rows of crosses and stars of David cannot help but leave an impression upon the visitor.
Walking amongst the white marble crosses is humbling and inspiring at the same time. You understand who pays the price for our freedom, you will be amazed at what that price looks like. As you walk dazed between the rows of Crosses and Stars of David - nearly 10,000 American boys and men rest here beside Omaha Beach. This is where the story of D-Day is best explained. Walk around, read the names - and notice they all face west - face home. Stay for taps, as the flag is lowered each night, you will never again here the words D-Day without remembering this very special place.
My wife and I spent several hours here and hardly spoke as we were so taken with the significance of the sacrifice. We are English and weren't born at the time but will never be able to thank adequately those Americans, British and other allies that paid so dearly for our freedom.
A must see for all regardless of your country of origin. RIP to all that lie within the walls of this cemetery
For all WW2 History buffs a must place to see and most of all experience. Those soldiers gave all for our freedom. Words can't express water you see and feel. A visit I will never forget.
We went to Normandy to pay respects to my uncle, who at 19 years of age, was killed in WW2.Our tour guide took us to the Normandy American Military Cemetery to locate his grave. We first stopped at the Visitor Center.There We were asked if we had a family member buried here. Then, after looking him up on he computer, and printing out his informational page with grave location, his age, home state, date of death, awards and honors, etc., we were asked if we had any photos of him. I was surprised, and answered yes, I had two. They asked if they could make a copy of them for their files, as they like to have a face to go along with the name of the men who were buried. Tears started rolling down my face at their respectfulness and desire to perpetuate the memory and lives of the American soldiers who were killed.Before leaving the Visitor Center, they gave us an American flag and a French flag, along with multiple brochures about the cemetery.After making copies of the photos, one of the volunteers drove us in a golf cart to my uncles gravesite and took sand from Omaha beach to sponge over the pure white cross which marked his grave. It was at that point that his name, rank and date of death jumped out and we could actually read his gravestone. Tears rolled down my face once again.The cemetery is impeccably maintained - absolutely gorgeous green grass with a view of Utah Beach. There is a beautiful white chapel built on site as well as a sculpture which memorializes our soldiers.This was one of the most touching moments of my life since we eye the first family members who had been able to travel from the USA to France to pay honor to my uncle.
Visit Sainte-Mère-Église while your here these great people are always throwing a street party and it is generally celebrating their liberation from the nazis bastards. From any one vantage point in this town there are no less than 5 US flags permanently hanging in the town square. Pont Du Hoc is also a must while in the area. You will get a first hand birds eye view of the magnitude of the devastation that occurred on D-day +1,2,3,4,5,. The whole of Normandy is one beautiful town after the other that celebrates "The day they came". God bless America and it's allies.......Hutch
Words really do escape me, but you absolutely MUST visit. It will change you. Make note: it does close at 5pm and they will ask you to leave soon after (we got there at 4:45pm)
Seeing the artillery defenses that were overcome, the landscape of bomb craters, all tied together with the serene beauty of the cemetery and other artifacts I do not believe my words can convey what my eyes saw and heart felt being on that piece of hallowed ground.
If you are ever in France, this is a MUST SEE. If it does not bring a tear to your eye and a lump of pride to your chest, check your pulse: you are not alive. All of the brave men burried here are not from the Normandy campaign, but look a the dates on the crossess. Far too many say "June 6, 1944". These are the ones who never made it off the beach. And far too many say,"Here Rests In Honored Glory a Comrade in Arms Known But to God". Incredibly bravery and incredible sacrifice. All gave some, some gave all. Many Frenchmen are not particularly fond of Americans, but the people in this part of France still remember what we did for them. WW II touism is a major part of the economy here.If you have time, see all the beaches and go to Bayeux to see German and British memorials and cemeteries, it is well worth your time.Do not miss Pointe du Hoc, a couple if miles up the coast, and, of course, Ste. Mare Eglise. If you have to narrow it down to one site, make it the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach. You will be sad when you leave here, but you will remember it for the rest of your life. You will never regret it.
Another place on my bucket list. If you ever get a chance in life to visit you must go. You think you know, but you just don't know what it is like until you see it.