haapsalu old town
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Haapsalu is a nice little town with narrow streets, Episcopal castle and romantic wooden dwelling houses. Every year in August, hosts the so-called White Lady Days. Throughout the summer the streets are filled with folk music, opera and rock.Enjoy sandy beaches, peaceful surroundings, famous mud baths, sailing, walking and swimming.„Teele“ cafe, you can buy the best pastries and cakes.The most beautiful view of the Kuursaal opens in the morning at sunrise, stroll on the Promenade also known as the African Beach.
Haapsalu is about a 90 minute drive from Tallinn, and worth doing. It's a pretty spa town by the sea, with traditional wooden buildings and a lovely promenade with views out over water. There are a selection of craft shops and galleries, cafés and restaurants. The castle, home to the Bishops of medieval times, is in good condition and is an interesting place to tour. Also worth a look is the railway station and museum; no longer connected, the magnificence of the station is down to the Russian Imperial family being regular visitors in the last century.
After sampling Tallin, we got onto the bus to take us to the baltic town of Haapsula. The town itself is pretty, with wooden houses, but very windy. Lots of coffee shops, and the one we visited, was in what looked like someones house!! Visit the old railway station, which was used by the Russian royal family, for their holidays from St. Petersburg. The station has the longest covered platform I have ever seen, to make sure none of the Russian aristocracy got wet departing the train!! The station although not in use, is used in film sets as it is so grand.
Lovely old town with traditional wooden buildings and nicely improved promenade along the bay. Good play facilities for children on promenade, bird watching tower or a lovely place to amble
Haapsalu is a nice place where just to walk around. Quiet streets, the sea is very close. Many little art galleries and cafterias.
We liked the coffee houses, the neighbourhood where some houses seem to be renovated this year and the neighbours look like being from the old, Russian times.
The old town has a lot of old charming buildings. It’s a shame more effort has not been put into restoring many. Very disappointing to say the least. However, the castle (main attraction in town) is just adjacent to the town center.
Perfect small town to escape to! Very well preserved, compact, cosy, sea is close, many activities during summer time and there are also some very nice places to eat out.
Couldn't even find a place to get a burger after looking all over the place. Gets 1 point for at least having a road to get me out of that damned place.1/10 would not go again.
A nice place to spend summer holidays (or at least part of it) - cute cafes with affordable prices, sea everywhere, old houses with mysterious inyards...
Замечательное место для отдыха и неспешных прогулок. Уютный, почти игрушечный, с редкими прохожими и нарядными домиками. Особенно привлекательна набережная - чудесный променад, свежий морской воздух, лебеди ... Красота!
Хаапсалу - хорошо отреставрированный город, где особо примечательны несколько улочек между замком и берегом озера. Летом здесь можно отдыхать и купаться.
маленькие улочки, мало людей, тихо, спокойно, уютные кафешки.., мало автомобилей, улыбчивые люди..гулять можно сколь угодно долго..
Давно хотел побывать ещё где нибудь в Эстонии. И вот пригласили нас в Хаапсалу на дни музыки блюза. Музыка нас особенно не интересовала, зато в город мы влюбились. Фактически одна улица старой части этого городка на которой расположились множество разных кофешек , ресторанчиков и сувенирных магазинчиков. Цены нам показались приемлемыми по сравнению с Таллином. Конечно, сам епископский замок, тоже нельзя не пройти мимо и не окунуться во времена 15-17 веков. Очень приятной оказалась прогулка по променаду. Так же в жаркий день можно было окунуться и освежиться в водах морского залива на небольших пляжах. Хорошо отдыхать в этом городе когда проходят какие нибудь праздники,фестивали,уличные концерты. Хочу отметить, что в Хаапсалу есть и санаторий-грязелечебница- SPA. но об этом вы можете узнать сами в нете.http://www.laine.ee/ruВсего доброго всем. спасибо что прочли.