4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Went to the tourist office in Kuresaare and told we could catch a bus or hire a car to Angla. You think if we told the lady there we would catch a bus, she may have mentioned what it was like in Angla?Caught a bus from Kuressaare bus station, which took about 55 minutes. Arrived at Angla to the windmills, which were great to photograph but nothing else there - it's a small village, no restaurants, shop, or even anywhere to sit except for the bus shelter. Had this been the summer, then it would not have been such an issue but as it is winter, snow, bitterly cold, and the next bus back wasn't until another 2 hours, then it wasn't the place to be.So how do you kill 2.5 hours in Angla when you've seen the windmills and there's nowhere for a coffee or anything? You walk back down the road in the snow for 2.5 kms to an old church the bus passed and take photos - lovely spot but then had to walk the 2.5kms back to Angla as the bus back to Kuressare takes a different road to the one we arrived on...interesting day!
Very inviting location as the staff is welcoming seemed glad you came. Many things to see, inside the windmills and lots of old farm equipment too. Even some goats as well.
Old tools for males, old handicraft for females, wooden horses and other things for children. A lot to see indoor and outdoor. Overall nice building and definitely a good place for those who are interested in history. Was not planning to stay as long as we did, because it surprised us in a positive way. Friendly staff.
We were supposed to just stop by but our visit lasted more than two hours. Kids really loved the tractors and the windmills were beautiful. The food was ok too!
It's a nice stop on the way from port to Kuressaare. The lady at visitors centre is really nice and helpful. House dog Matu is a true fun to play with. Entrance is 2€ and family ticket 5€. The biggest mill is open for visiting.
We happened to drive by the site and since we knew Saaremaa is proud of their windmills, we decided to stop. It was worth it. Our kids took great interest in how flour is made and they enjoyed the rusty tractors, as well as the duck-mum teaching her offspring on the small lake. The workshops in the building are also worthy of checking, I especially liked te things made from the local limestone, it is a beautiful stone!
Very interesting place, my girlfriend liked the animals, especially small puppy. We enjoyed the possibility to look into the windmills, nice exposition was also inside the building. Unfortunately we were here too soon to have lunch in the restaurant, so maybe next time.
Quite nice. A turkey, some goats and geese are also available at the place. Also, a little suvenir shop is at place. The ground floor has a little museum.
Worth a stop, if nothing more than to have a coffee and see the beauty of the countryside. The people here are exceptionally nice and I can say from first hand experience I wish many of the other places I visited had such hospitality.
The windmills have been perfectly restored though the vistor centre is slightly out of keeping architectorally. Nevertheless, well worth a visit.
It's now €2 to see the windmills close up although we mistakenly found a Scottish entrance when we arrived and dodged under a rope we thought was to stop cars. Oops. There is a bar and cafe with staff wearing traditional Estonian costumes. Some of the staff were very friendly and one guy went to his car to get out a guitar to play for us. The Estonians are really pushing the tourist strategy and this seems part of that.
We came to have a look at the windmills while visiting the Island, however there were only two which were complete, the others appeared to be in the process of being rebuilt, completely by scratch from the looks, they also appeared to be building some kind of visitor centre but that was still just a building shell. The structure of the local windmills are very interesting design with the whole windmill swivelling rather than just the top section. This site may be ok in season when open but not much to see at moment!
I really like this place a great deal and I am going to tell you some I learned about this place and it´s history. In Angla, right by the highway, are 5 windmills. Four of them are post-mills, typical to Saaremaa, and one of them is a Dutch mill. In earlier years (about 1925) there was 12 mills, 5 of them are preserved. The oldest of windmills is from 1910. The Dutch mill is open in summer (May-September) and you can go and visit it´s 4 floors. On the first floor is a souvenir shop with a really wide assortment and also you can get some coffee and snacks. Outside you can enjoy the nature and have a picnic. Usually there is folkmusic playing, if lucky you may see a live performance of a village musician. Behind the windmills are several traditional swings where you can swing for the small amount of money. This place is kind of a historical tivoli. There are even some mini animals walking around. Windmills of Angla is a place wher to take some time off!
Остров на двоих . Так ,наверное , можно назвать наш weekend на Сааремаа, потому как мы были одни и на дорогах , и в деревнях , и городках , и в музейных комплексах. Февраль явно не сезон. Недорогой отель Linnahotell , к которому можно подъехать со стороны православной церкви Святого Николая , чистый , уютный , завтраки умеренные ( селедка , шпроты , яйцо , каша , кофе), в центре Куресааре. Два российских канала, есть сауна, англоговорящая девушка на reception , парковка. Хотели отель со СПА , но за два дня нужно выбирать - либо духовность с видами , либо благость в джакузи. Выбрали первое . На идеальных дорогах мы были одиноки . Замшелые березы сменялись соснами и вдруг - целые заросли можжевельника , из которого , как ни странно , готовят сироп для блинов и мясного маринада и делают ложки. Автобусные остановки по дороге средь леса в сторону Leisi -одно умиление-выполнены из бруса с оконцами , а на окнах занавески и внутри - скамейки иногда с матрацами. В музее мельниц Angla мы были одни , и нам доверили старинный ключ от самой большой голландской мельницы , четыре этажа которой мы облазили , пытаясь самостоятельно изучить принцип работы всех механизмов . Подивились на заполненный водой абсолютно круглый кратер от метеорита в Каали . Обошли вокруг , но так и не попали в церковь святой Катерины XIII-XVII века.Посмотрели , как выглядит море на севере острова , и ринулись на юг , где маяк на мысе Сарве , советская воинская часть , фундаменты артиллерийской батареи капитана Стебеля , могилы воинов Красной армии , погибших при битве в бою за Техумарди. Перекусить было негде ( кемпинги закрыты) , довольствовались бутербродами из деревенских минимаркетов с обилием майонеза . Однажды дорогу перебежала лиса из хутора в сторону леса , попутных и встречных машин практически не было , дорожная разметка и знаки исключительны , и нарушать скоростной режим совсем не хотелось . Пробовали местную еду в ресторанчиках Куресааре , покупали вино и чай в супермаркете , бродили по епископскому замку , предметно рассматривали формы Пирет и на фоне ее совсем не замечали Тыпля, убедились , что отель " Георг Отс " заполнен на выходные , несмотря на не сезон . Насладились тишиной и спокойствием Сааремаа , вкусной , без изысков кухней , отметили для себя добрый настрой местных жителей и отношение к нации , которую мы представляли . Был солнечный день и сухие дороги , был снегопад и волна с ледяным крошевом , которая буквально накрывала машину при погрузке на паром. Вернемся летом. Знаем , как добраться , где жить и знаем , зачем нам нужен этот остров.
Il complesso di Angla è a dir poco spettacolare. I suoi cinque mulini a vento in legno sono allineati lungo la strada principale e le loro sagome dominano sul panorama. Merita sicuramente una visita perché due dei cinque mulini sono visitabili: ad ogni piano è stato ricostruito il processo per la produzione delle farine e sono visibili le macine, le puleggie e tutte le attrezzature per quest'antica lavorazione. L'area circostante è molto verde, c'è anche un piccolo recinto con alcune caprette e il centro visitatori offre la possibilità di fare una sosta piacevole, ammirando antichi macchinari per la lavorazione delle stoffe e acquistando piccoli souvenirs artigianali.