the kissing students
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开放时间: 暂无

this nice statue is giving you the idea of love wherever and however - this is the most nice statue in Tartu in my opinion, other ones (including the sculptor and his son) are not comparable with this magnificient.
Lovely little statue that embeds the feel of a city full of intelligent and innovative students from all around the world. Simply put, this statue is a nice sight to see and to take a picture with your partner.
The Kissing Students statue, right in front of Town Hall, Tartu, is a very popular place for pictures. We found it difficult to get a picture of the statue alone because of the interest in it, and it was a quiet day in town! Locals say the fountain was just as beautiful before the statue, that I cannot say since this was my first visit. But I thought it was delightful and charming. Seemed to be a centerpiece in the Town Hall Square.
A beautiful, unusual and very different fountain. very original. Beautiful. Seek it out. The story behind the design is also very interesting.
All I can say is - I liked the fountain much better without the statue in it. Sorry, but that's it. The fountain itself is of course very cool.
The kissing statue is located in front of the town hall in what is known as town hall square. It is a beautiful statue and makes a great photo, especially with the brightly colored town hall in the background. The square is a busy little square lined with cafe's and shops. It is a nice place to sit and people watch.
One of the interesting Tartu's place which you find in Old Town. Romantic place. You need to see. The symbol of tenderness and love.
One day two young students, who were lovers, embraced under an umbrella in a fierce storm. Just as they embraced and their lips met, a large strike of lightning hit them, turning them into stone. So now they are locked in their lovers embrace till eternity.Watch our for storms !!
This statue is located in the square in front of the city hall. It's a nice statue and looks quite real.In the square you have also several cafes and restaurants, a nice place to have a rest and a photo.
Вообще-то студенты нужны для того, чтобы учиться, а не целоваться. Хотя, наверное, у студентов другое мнение по этому поводу.
Las historias detrás (y delante) de esta estatua la transforman en una obligación para el viajero. Situada en la Plaza de la Municipalidad de Tartu, en invierno puede verse rodeada de esculturas de hielo. Una foto con el río de fondo es inevitable.
радует в любую погоду! очень романтичная и красивая статуя. конечно, когда действует фонтан, все выглядит чарующе
Очень милая площадь в городе Тарту в старом городе.И украшение этой площади эта скульптура.Приятно прогуляться вечерком по старому городу-посмотреть ЦЕЛУЮЩИХСЯ СТУДЕНТОВ и скульптуру МАЛЬЧИКА И МУЖЧИНЫ
Эта скульптура является символом города, такого же искреннего и эмоционального. Невозможно побывать в Тарту и не оказаться рядом с этой очаровательной парочкой