st. john's church
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

After the ornate churches of Italy this church was a pleasing least decorated church I'd seen in a month. I loved the history, as other viewers have said, the niches with statues. We were lucky enough to the have the place to ourselves listening to a rehearsal with the organist and male singer.
Another old and wonderful church. Take a note on the outside of the church, up at the walls and you will see the niches which should contain little statues. Marvel at the inside, it holds a massive history.
It looks a normal red brick church, but the reason it is in the guide books is for all the little terra cotta heads. Most of them (at the outside of the church) have been replaced, and the old ones are now in the church.
It looks nice from outside, but inside it's very plain and simple, nothing impressive. It's located a few blocks away from the old city plaza, but I wouldn't go out of my way to visit it.
it looks quite nice from outside, but inside it's very plain. tried to understand why it's in tourist guides, but didn't get it. view from the tower is really nice though.
it is an ortodoxic church, nothing more. but there was a photo exhibition inside the church when i was there, it was good.
Besides an early peek, i went to two classical concerts during the week; wonderful acoustics and an unforgettable ambiance. Check out the terra cotta figurines. Too tired to check out the tower.
Stumbled upon this by absolute chance as I'd left my guide book at the hotel.The red brick architecture of St.John's Church stands out in marked contrast to the more Scandanavian pale painted ornate buildings of the university.The sign outside in Estonian and English indicated that the church was partly destroyed during the Second World War and that some of the terracotta figureheads were saved.The church had only just been fully restored a couple of years ago and replacement facsimiles of some terracotta figureheads (that in some cases resemble little gargoyles!) have been put in place along the church walls.These little terracotta figureheads sitting along the continuous ledge along all the chuch walls are a feature well worth a look.
Если вы гуляете по старому городу Тарту то обязательно увидите этот собор. Открыт он не всегда, но если вы пришли сюда воскресным утром то внутрь вы попадёте, хотя внутри он не так впечатляет как снаружи. Там всё довольно просто в интерьере. Внешне он очень величествен, на его стенах разместились очень интересные фигурки и барельефы.
Башня этой церкви видна с любой улочки Тарту. Не пропустите это место. Потрясающее ощущение в этом восстановленном храме. Нам повезло, случайно попали на репетицию - звучал орган. Храм очень аскетично оформлен. Но энергия, сила этого места производят впечатление. Можно рассмотреть терракотовые детали отделки.
Красивая кирпичная церковь возвышается над окрестностью, мимо не пройти, очень притягивает. Прекрасно сохранившееся средневековое зодчество! На фасаде так много красивых декоративных деталей, очень украшает. Конечно, время безжалостно, но как снаружи, так и внутри ещё можно рассмотреть следы былой красоты и величия. Жаль, что не услышали орган, это было совсем великолепно.
L'unica chiesa gotica in mattoni rossi (comuni nei territori della lega anseatica) presente in Estonia. Ha subito pesanti bombardamenti durante la seconda guerra mondiale sia da parte tedesca che russa. Completamente ricostruita, porta chiari i segni dei danni. In particolare delle 1500 statue in terracotta che adornavano le facciate, non ne rimangono più che qualche decina di frammenti esposti all'interno.Oggi è chiesa e sala di concerti.
Красивый отреставрированный костел. в нем проходят замечательные концерты, которые приобретают уникальное звучание. один минус - всегда очень холодно, не усдишь больше 15 мин
La chiesa è senz'altro particolare perchè è gotica ma fatta con mattoni rossi e non sono molte le chiese così costruite, la maggior parte sono nelle zone colonizzati dai tedeschi; questa è poi l'unica chiesa di mattoni ad avere dei piccoli volti scolpiti nella facciata esterna. L'interno è spoglio ma suggestivo; ciò che mi ha colpito è stato anche il cortile in cui la chiesa si trova, fatto di ciottoli, come se non fosse stato mai ritoccato nel corso dei secoli